Source: Yangcheng Evening News

Author: Chen Liang, Fan Yuqing

On September 21, according to media reports, the Academic Affairs Office of Xi'an Jiaotong University issued a notice: After the school's fifth undergraduate school affairs school in 2023, the school no longer will no longer take the college English level 4 and 6 exams and the level of English in the school.Whether the exams and other types of English tests are participated in and their test scores as undergraduate graduation and bachelor's degree awarding conditions.Subsequently, the staff of the Academic Affairs Office of Xi'an Jiaotong University said that the news was true, which was decided by discussions. Other schools also had a strange decision.After the news was released, it quickly caused heated discussion on the Internet.

The university "dual certificate" and the fourth -six "unbinding" have long become a major trend

Teacher Zhao Li, an alumni office office, left a message on the Internet to interpret the matter."This is not a new thing for colleges and universities. You can see the degree awarding regulations of Peking University and other schools. There is no such requirement." In Zhao Li's view, the issuance of the graduation certificate and the degree certificate and the scores of the English level are decoupled.In line with the current reality."Before many middle school students in cities were in college, the level of English was not just level 4 or six. Describing the situation in line with the current situation of society."

Professor Liu Jiangda, vice president of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, believes, "This is no longer news. For a long time, many universities have not linked their degrees with English test results."At the beginning of the admission of undergraduates, students no longer require students to take the 4th and 6th exams, and the test scores are not linked to the degree certificate.Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, East China Normal University, East China University of Science and Technology, Sichuan University, Sichuan Normal University, etc. will not be linked to the grade of level 4 and 6 to the degree.According to incomplete statistics, in Guangdong Province, Sun Yat -sen University, South China University of Technology, Jinan University, Guangdong University of Technology, etc. have also "unbinded" level 4 and 6.

Under the wave of

"Control", many schools still have the fourth and sixth grades as a hard requirement for graduation.At present, students from South State Business School of Kashi University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies University of Foreign Studies Foreign Studies cannot obtain a degree card without passing the fourth -level exam.However, for students who have not passed the exam many times, some schools will hold another English level test and can graduate after passing.

"Since the 1990s, there were more doubts about public opinion at that time for the English -level 4 -level examinations with graduation and degree."In 2005, the Ministry of Education reformed the English -level 4 and 6 exams, canceled the qualification certificate of the fourth level, and changed to just a transcript, and it was clear that there was no request to linked the grades of grades to graduation and degree grants.After that, many schools have canceled the grades of grades in the fourth grades and the granting of graduation and degree.From this point of view, the linked to the Grade 4 and 6 exams from Grade 4 and 6 is relatively late.In this regard, he urged him not to be fuss, and to treat the relationship between English teaching and 4th and 6th exams in university English teaching and grade 4 or 6 in a rational attitude.

The head of the Academic Affairs Office of a first -class university in Guangdong introduced that the school has been "decoupled" for nearly 20 years. From the perspective of talent training, there are already courses such as university English, professional English and other courses in the training plan.Requirements should not be used to set up thresholds with other foreign language tests.Liu Jianda also said that non -English major students to participate in the 4th and 6th exams are determined by each school based on their own positioning, training purposes, and student conditions. There is no unified requirements and regulations.

Cancel "linking" is not canceling English learning

In response to the news of the Western Jiaotong University, netizens have left messages, and many people interpret English learning is no longer important, "the cancellation of English is well canceled."In the face of the opinions of all parties on the Internet, Zhao Li believes that Western Jiaotong University must be studied as a compulsory course as a compulsory course as a compulsory course.certificate.Secondly, the development of the times will never be reduced."Many good units now also require graduates to issue a level certificate. Graduates also need the corresponding foreign language level. In short, the level of foreign language is actually one of the" hard strength "in the future life." "To a certain extent, students can be studied seriously. Schools that require students to improve their English level may be linked in a certain way. Schools with higher English levels of students do not need to make any requirements, let alone go with the exams."Liu Jianda, Vice President of Guangwai, said," Many college students have to participate in various international exchanges during their study and graduation, telling Chinese stories well. For them, it is necessary to learn foreign languages. "

It is reported that the Ministry of Education's foreign language teaching reform also put forward the concept of "one fine meeting" and "one specialization" (proficient in a foreign language, multiple foreign language communication, and master a professional, have a variety of foreign languagesAbility), cultivate composite talents."So, no matter whether there is a 4th or sixth exam, students who need it will learn a foreign language." Liu Jianda concluded.

The reporter checked the implementation rules for the granting of Guangwai's degree award, and found that as a foreign language college, the school put forward higher requirements for students' English level.Students from majors in English, business English, translation, international business, diplomatic and education need to participate in the eighth level of English majors in accordance with the regulations, and combine the scores with the course scores of specific periods during the undergraduate period.

"Everyone must figure out the relationship. The university just cancels the linked of the English level 4 exams with graduation and degree award.In the past, public opinion should also treat the English socialized examination with a rational attitude. "Xiong Bingqi said.

Level 4 and 6 scores are still effective in many scenes

The reporter learned that even if the 4th and 6th exams are decoupled from the graduation requirements, they still play their effects in many scenarios, such as graduate enrollment examinations in some colleges and universities.According to the website of the Graduate School of China Civil Aviation University, multiple majors in the school require candidates to apply for 425 points at 425 points; Master's degree in Shanxi Medical University requires candidates with a grade of 425 or more, and some majors require 425 scores of 425 points.The above; the School of Life Sciences of Northwest University requires candidates to pass the English level 4 before the re -examination, otherwise they cannot participate in the re -examination; the School of Law School of Peking University also requires that candidates' fourth grades are above 426 or more.

Xiong Bingqi said that after the cancellation of the hook, whether the students to take the grade fourth exam depend on their needs and what are the use of the grades of grade 4."Someone goes to the IELTS and TOEFL test because they have to apply for studying abroad. Some employers still look at the grades 4 and 6 when recruiting, and the students will still go to the test." In this way, the 4th grade exams from the exam required students to take a unified examinationBecome a socialized examination, and students choose to participate by themselves, providing students with an evaluation of English ability and level. If the quality of the examination evaluation is high, it can truly reflect the true English ability and level of the examiner, then the whole will get the entire entireIn the recognition of society, students may choose to take the 4th and 6th exams in order to test the level of English.

"Decodion" reflects a major change in English teaching in colleges and universities

Xiong Bingqi believes that the cancellation of hooks is still a major change in English teaching. From the development of English teaching around the 4th and 6th examinations, it has transformed into the actual English ability of students.

"It is required that all students are required to take the fourth -level exam to link the test results with graduation, graduation, and employment, which will lead to the tendency to take a test of English teaching.The ability to communicate with English. "He analyzed," Therefore, the cancellation of hooks is not to pay attention to English, but to change the tendency to take the test of English teaching. "

After canceling the hook, how to improve the quality of English teaching?Xiong Bingqi believes that first of all, we must reform the evaluation and evaluation system of teachers, and guide teachers to pay attention to curriculum teachingInvestment.Secondly, the school needs to reform the overall teaching mode, such as promoting bilingual teaching, and some courses to carry out English teaching.In this way, it can promote the great improvement of students' English ability, because to be in English in English, it is necessary to achieve higher English listening, speaking, speaking, reading and writing ability."Therefore, the cancellation of hooks is conducive to promoting the improvement of school English teaching level. The key is that the school must attach importance to English teaching. It must get rid of the idea of testing English and return to the English teaching itself."