Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Yang Lishan

The "Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area Planning" has been proposed for the first time in 2017. Although Hong Kong and neighboring areas have actively publicized and worked hard, the development of the Greater Bay Area has been tepid.Although there are certain results, there is still a significant distance from the "demonstration units" such as the Tokyo Bay Area and the San Francisco Bay Area. The main reason may be the issue of coordinated development in the region.The State Council recently announced the development plan of the Shenzhen Park of the Shenzhen -Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone. At the same time, it was announced that it was necessary to coordinate the promotion of major matters in the Shenzhen park under the leadership of the coordinated development of the Central Region (located in the Development and Reform Commission).

Following the "Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area Construction Leadership Group", another leading group has brought greater help to the pace of construction of the Greater Bay Area?It is a question worth observing.The author is quite optimistic about this. Under the unified national leadership, it can more effectively coordinate the strength of all parties and minimize the friction between different development plans. It is expected to assist the Greater Bay Area for “opening Turbo" to accelerate.The urban agglomeration has the advantage of taking the lead in taking the first way to the economic recovery.

Guo Lanfeng, a member of the Party Group of the National Development and Reform Commission, said recently that the state has a series of regional development strategies.Leaders should plan these major regional strategies from higher levels, strategies, and global.The Central Development and Reform Commission has a systematic overall strategy of various strategies. The leadership group of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area construction will also merge to the leadership group.And hope to solve the problem uniformly through the thinking of "one game of nationwide", the development speed of the Greater Bay Area should be benefited from it.

Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the mainland government has promoted a series of major regional strategies, including Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei coordinated development, the Yangtze River Delta integrated, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the ecological protection and high -quality development of the Yellow River Basin, the construction of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, andA series of major measures such as Hainan Free Trade Port.However, it also found that the national regional development has also found that each promotion has also produced a lot of discord in regional cooperation.So after the 20th National Congress, the central government decided to merge these major strategic leadership groups into "coordinated development leadership groups in the central region", which can manage these regional chess games from a higher level of global strategy.

Such arrangements can make the coordination and interaction between each development strategy more institutionalized and specific, which can avoid vicious competition and promote benign interaction. On the one hand, it can improve development efficiency. At the same timeThe benign synergy effect.

The planning of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area will also be included in it. Major deployment, planning, policies, projects, and annual work arrangements will be unified and coordinated by the central government.According to reports, when studying major strategic issues involving Hong Kong and Macau, the group will also invite the chief executives of the two places and relevant experts to participate in the meeting to ensure that the voices of the SAR can be fully considered at the national level, and according to different job directions, set up a joint meeting mechanism for a special responsibility group or departmental meeting meeting mechanismPromote it.

The development plan of the Shenzhen -Hong Kong River in the Shenzhen -Hong Kong River in this time is a typical example. The two places have been interacting with the river -style region for a long time but have not results.The new press conference explains the development of the river sets with central officials, showing that Hong Kong has a key role in this development plan.Although the content announced this time focuses on the development of the Shenzhen District Park, inviting Hong Kong officials to attend is likely to be the future "next episode" and the development of the Hong Kong park. The two parks should be considered together.cooperate.

"Hong Kong and Shenzhen Cooperation, integrate into the overall development of (national) development", "Heba Shenzhen -Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone" is considered to be the head gun of the central -level Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao working group.It is expected to improve efficiency significantly, and this effect is worth looking forward to.

The author Yang Lishan is a member of the CPPCC National Committee and the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (Region), China