The international semiconductor manufacturer's core core in Singapore expands a size of 4. billion U.S. dollars (about S $ 5.4 billion) in Singapore.Chain position.Huang Xuncai, deputy prime minister and Minister of Finance, who hosted by the WAils on September 12, said that some of the local unique advantages continued to keep the Singapore semiconductor industry vibrant and competitive.In the era when the international situation changes, Singapore is necessary to review the situation to ensure that international competitiveness keeps pace with the times.

As Huang Xuncai pointed out that the increasingly digital world means that semiconductor has become a new key strategic resource.The international geopolitics in the change has led to the production and technology of the chip to control the production and technology of major powers.Therefore, in this industry, it is important for the future of Singapore.Due to the rise of trade protectionism and the benefits of the era of globalization, it is increasingly being replaced by national security considerations.Trade has been used as one of the means of diplomatic games, and it is forcing more and more countries to re -lay out industrial production. The offshore outsourcing is replaced by Youkan outsourcing, and even vigorously deploy domestic production with allowances.

This means that governments of various countries must take safety thinking in more fields in addition to food safety and energy safety.After the outbreak of the crown disease in 2019, the world was facing the dilemma of the shortage of medical supplies, and even the logistics emergency that was seized at the expense of transit, seriously cracking down on international trade order.Similarly, after the development of the vaccine, many countries have also raced to buy them, which has caused controversy in international medical and health fairness.After taking this profound lesson, Singapore began to encourage pharmaceutical technology companies to invest in factories and develop vaccines locally. In addition to economic strategy considerations, there should be no shortage of national security thinking.

When the chip has become a key strategic resource, when the development of the country and the well -being of the social livelihood, it is naturally necessary to appropriately strengthen the ability of Singapore to produce chips.The innate deficiency of Singapore's small nations makes us unable to compete with other countries in the field of high -end chips. However, the 28 -nanometer chip produced by the new core factory will be widely used in consumption and industrial products to create valuable industrial value.This makes Singapore's global chip industry chain not completely absent, and when facing emergency, it has a certain bargaining ability.

From the perspective of developing the economy, it is still an important means to continue to attract the core enterprises of key industries to invest in Singapore.Although the government vigorously supports local enterprises to develop overseas, due to the restrictions on economic volume, foreign investment still plays a pivotal role in manufacturing employment opportunities and creating economic value, especially in industrial upgrading.Against the global environment means that Singapore must also ensure that the strength of the second industry is still strong in the vigorous development of the tertiary industry.However, in the face of the problem of aging population structure, how to attract sufficient talents and new immigrants at the same time, ensure that the labor market can support continuous foreign capital, Chinese people must recognize.

As an export -oriented economy, maintaining international competitiveness is the constant secret recipe for Singapore's survival and development.The strategy established since the founding of the People's Republic of China has even more highlighted its importance in the current international environment.Singapore can continue to attract investment in international enterprises, which reflects the comprehensive international competitive strength. How to maintain this valuable advantage must be long -term challenges.Therefore, Chinese people must adhere to an open and inclusive mentality, always pay attention to changes in the international situation, and be vigilant at any factors that may endanger social harmony, so that Singapore can make Singapore unbeaten in the treacherous situation.

The example of the expansion of investment in the Gexin Wile Factory shows that the generalization of globalization has increased the difficulty of Singapore to maintain international competitiveness, but we still have the ability to meet the difficulties and continue to gain the favor and trust of international capital.The key is that Singapore is up and down, alerting the surrounding environment, maintaining a flexible figure, and making difficult but necessary adjustments at any time, so as to be eliminated by the cruel global economic competition.This is also the unique advantage of Huang Xuncai's so -called Singapore.