Source: China Youth Daily

This summer, Zhang Qiao and his companions went to Xinjiang to travel, and encountered the one -month "Lavender Snow Mountain Music Festival" in Huanghuang Village, Huaicheng County."Near the venue is a quiet village house, a lavender field like a purple ocean, and the woods that are gently brushed through the evening wind. The snowy mountains can be seen in the distance.The exchange is warm, and the festival has become the "unexpected joy" of Zhang Qiao's journey.

Wang Xiaojing, a newcomer of the post -95 workplace working in Beijing, is a music lover. Not long ago, she and her roommate bought the music festival tickets held in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia."This music festival has my favorite singer and band, and the distance is close, the round -trip time is short, and the organizer has arranged a shuttle bus to make it easier to travel. This makes people feel so much soaring.The music festival is a brand new experience for me who has never been to the prairie. "

The National Performance Market Briefing data released by the China Performance Industry Association in the first half of the year in the first half of the year showed that the heat of large -scale concerts and outdoor music festivals in the first half of this year continued to rise, with 506 performances, box office revenue of 2.497 billion yuan, and the number of audiences was 5.501 million.Since entering the second quarter, the concert and music festival has entered a relatively dense period, and the short -term and high -frequency music festival is not limited to the popular cities.

This year's music festival is not only held in large cities, but also blossomed in small cities.Compared with first -tier cities, what are the differences in music festivals held in second- and third -tier cities?What do they use to attract music enthusiasts who come to the north and north?China Youth Daily · reporters interviewed a number of young people who participated in the concert across the province.

Go to the second- and third -tier cities to see a music festival

"Maybe I will watch countless music festivals in the future, but I will always remember this summer night, the music festival in the same frame as the snow mountain, moonlight and sea of flowers." Zhang Qiao said.The surrounding consumer areas and other are all available. In addition to the invited singers and bands, the host will also ask the audience to come to the stage to show their talents and give away the music festival cultural shirt.She feels that this festival with local cultural characteristics and close communication with local villagers has brought a warm and warm feeling to such a short passenger.

"After 00, go to college abroad, usually returning to China to watch music festivals and live, and visit relatives by the way." This is Zhu Yuxuan's friend Zhang Yu's evaluation of her."Many small cities are well -supported facilities, cheap food and accommodation, and you can also travel by the way."In her and Zhang Yu's view, the distance and environment are not a problem, and friends and band configurations are the most important."Anyway, each music festival is far away, and every time I go to see, I have a gray face and sweaty, and the shoes are stepped on." Zhang Yu said.

The founder and CEO of Beijing Chuang Entertainment Wujie Culture Co., Ltd., Zhang Yishuo, is the founder of the Five Hundred Mile Music Festival. He has served as a vice president of Modern Sky and manages and operates dozens of large -scale music festivals such as Strawberry Music Festival and M_DSK Music Festival.IP.He admits that the main users of the music festival held in second- and third -tier cities are the surrounding first -tier cities.Zhang Yishuo took Gu'an, Hebei as an example. "From the perspective of geographical positions, Gu'an is similar to Beijing's" Seven Ring ", but it is only 50 kilometers from Beijing's core urban area."For the audience, the music festival to the second- and third -tier cities may be more convenient than the venue in the first -tier cities.

Listening to songs, social, connecting life ... The function of music festivals is changing

In the festival of lush growth of second- and third -tier cities, its carrying functions and needs of care seem to be far beyond the volume of previous conventional literary performances.

When the music festival of first -tier cities spreads to second- and third -tier cities, the outbound and expansion of group needs is first refracted.

Xie Jiaxing, a professor at the Chinese Conservatory of Music, pointed out that the festival of music emerging in second- and third -tier cities constitutes "social needs."

Xie Jiaxing divided the festival into 4 types, namely commercial activities, local cultural activities, spontaneous community activities, and campus activities.Among them, local cultural activities generally refer to activities led by the government and meet local cultural needs. Most of these activities are combined with traditional festivals or local cultural resources.

When the music festival of the original exclusive big city sank to a small city, it attracted many parties to enter the game, and the number showed an explosive growth trend. The original "music" function and operating mechanism of the music festival also quietly ushered in new changes.Essence

In the past, the festival was a treasure place for "discover niche music". Today, this simple professional attribute has been expanded.

In Zhu Yuxuan's view, some music festivals are like a utopian. The main function is no longer listening to songs, but it becomes a sense of feeling and play with friends."Listen when you meet you, and sit on the picnic cushion and chat with friends on the wild pill, and the camping area is all music fans, the atmosphere is great." The function of niche music was found from the previous music festival.EssenceZhu Yuxuan said frankly that if she did not know the band of the music festival, she would not go to see it, but if she was live house, she would go if she heard that the wind review was good."After all, the cost of going to live house is not high, and you don't like to leave your legs."

From the perspective of Tang Yong, the general managing director of Global Music Capitol Records, the early music festival is a pure music activity. Now it has stronger pan -entertainment. In addition to listening to music, it also covers social and leisure functions.At the same time, he believes that the audience of the current music festival is more extensive. "Some people may not be music fans, but because friends like it, they follow."

However, for a kind of music or niche, Tang Yong believes that this is relative and is a continuous development process.He used rock music as an example. At first, many people in China did not know the type of music such as rock music. Until the reform and opening up, talents who listened to rock gradually became more.In the 1980s and 1990s, the appearance of bands such as the Tang Dynasty, Black Panther, etc. made rock music gradually accepted by more people.In 2019, the first quarter of the summer of the variety band was launched. The rock music, which has become increasingly increasing since the 21st century, was seen by the public again, and the past niche music became no longer niche.Tang Yong believes that this is the law of market development. In the future, every type of music may have its own world, and the mainstream of niche changes is very likely.

Tang Yong believes that in the early days of development, both are the world of independent music, and they are now more diversified; Live House is limited by the size of the indoor venue, mostly for special performances, and the festival is the form of outdoor performances.The audience has a larger capacity, and the number of artists is more.

When the festival becomes a business

Going to the second- and third -tier cities to watch the festival, not every experience is beautiful.Many audiences believe that the quality of the current music festival is different, and some activities are not music, and the supporting facilities are not enough.

Xie Jiaxing believes that no matter how music festivals are held in several lines of cities, music works and performance quality are key.

In Zhu Yuxuan's view, today's music festival is too homogeneous, "it is those who are better to sell tickets to arrange a combination of tickets."During the May Day, Music lover Wang Fu went to a fourth -tier city to participate in a music festival.The venue is close to the amusement park. Tickets for two places are bundled sales, and the single -day fare is more than 700 yuan.In Wang Fu's view, this price is already very expensive, but the high fare has not been exchanged for a good experience.After watching the performance, he said that except for music, everything else is not good at it, "I won't go again in the future."

Wang Xiaojing feels that some cities with potential cultural tourism development genes can consider attracting young people through the form of music festival.Music festivals are characterized by characteristics, not flooding and repeating."Small and beautiful cities can achieve each other."In addition, when those second- and third -tier cities begin to plan to introduce large -scale music festivals, they still need to consider the "persistence" problem.If it is only a few days a year, a livelyIt will not bring a very active and long -term role to the development of local cultural tourism.At the same time, it is necessary to establish a very sufficient basic supporting facilities, provide good service sense, and tap other charm points in the city."

In Tang Yong's view, there are differences in the performance lineup in the music festival held in large cities and small cities."Generally speaking, the stronger the lineup, the higher the cost, and the stronger consumption power in big cities. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the music festival held in big cities is better."

In addition, the supporting facilities of music festivals in some small cities, such as dance beauty, lighting audio, etc., may also have a gap with large cities, but audiences living in small cities have higher enthusiasm for the festival.Therefore, from the perspective of perspective, Tang Yong believes that "the festival enters the second and third tier cities" is a good thing.The development is a way to drive domestic demand. "

"This is an inevitable problem after the prosperity of the industry, because with the healthy and healthy commercial operation, the music festival can have a long -term life cycle, and the last time can be tested and resolved.The organizer of the festival will be more music recognition, and the Chinese music festival industry will usher in a real high -quality development cycle. "Zhang Yishuo said.