Source: Ming Pao

Hong Kong -people immigration popular cities in the UK Birmingham's city council announced the substantial bankruptcy on Tuesday (5th).At least 26 Municipal Councils in England will face bankruptcy risks in the next two years.

Birmingham: Other cities are facing "Perfect Storm"

The Birmingham City Council is the seventh of the seventh city of "Section 114 Notice" since 2020. It represents the bankruptcy on behalf of the city council, including Woking, which has issued the same notice earlier earlier notice., Croydon, Northamptonshire.John Cotton and Sharon Thompson, the leader of Birmingham City Council, said on Tuesday that the demand for adult community nursing services has increased greatly, commercial taxation has been greatly reduced, and inflation of inflation has formed a "perfect storm", and other city councils are facing each other.Such a storm.

Jonathan Carr-West, CEO of the British Think Tank "Lugiu" (LGIU), said the situation of Birmingham questioned the governance of the city council, and it was also the local government's facing wider financially.The sign of challenge.He pointed out that the central government has reluctantly maintained its operation for a long time in a long period of time. Birmingham is only the largest city council that has been in the bankruptcy so far. If everything has not improved, it will not be the last bankruptcy city council.

Institute for Government, another think tank, said that the expenditure capacity of the local Government of England is from 2009 to 2010 from 2009 to 2010 to 2019 to 2020 received by the central government.The annual declines have fallen 17.5%. Although these revenues have rebounded from 2021 to 2022, it is still 10.2%lower than the level in 2010.The think tank evaluation stated that the central government's funding was reduced by as much as 40%in the first 10 years of the Conservative Party.Agence France -Presse reported that since the conservative government came to power in 2010, the funding of the Birmingham City Council has been reduced by 1 billion pounds.

Shaun Davies, Chairman of the British Local Government Association (LGA), said that the uncertainty of the annual appropriation, the practice of a funds, and the repeated delay of funding reform will cause the city council to relieve financial pressure to sufferInfluence.

Birmingham Port Immigrants and Taxation

Organization SIGOMA, composed of 47 local governments, issued a survey last month that the five municipal councils claimed that their financial conditions were very severe. They were considering issuing a notice that the budget from 2023 to 2024, and the nine city councils said next year said that next yearIt may be declared bankruptcy, and there are 12 other city councils with not SIGOMA members who are not members of SIGOMA also issued the "Article 114 Notice" from 2023 to 2024.SIGOMA calls on the government to provide additional funding for the Council of the Council.

Some city councils have stated that the most common reason for financial pressure is that the demand for children's community nursing services has increased, and other factors include extremely high inflation costs and related wages.Government spokesman pointed out that the government has agreed to allocate additional funds and stated that the city council is responsible for its finances and does not apply the taxpayer's money to be over -risk.

British media reported that after the Birmingham City Council announced the substantial bankruptcy, residents were worried that municipal taxes would increase by 10%.Mr. Zhou, a Hong Kong person who moved to Birmingham for about 3 months with his wife, told a reporter from Ming Pao that they were more worried about the increase in municipal taxes and also worried that Birmingham's development would be affected.Regarding the Birmingham City Council announced whether bankruptcy would affect their residential plans, Mr. Zhou said that they were still moving to a comfortable city shortly.