Two kindergartens that belong to Xinleyuan Group, which also belong to Xinleyuan Group, have reportedly reported that teachers treat children rudely.One of the branches is Woodlands in Woodlands. The teachers involved were accused of irrigating their heads, holding their cheeks, and patting their hips.The other is Jinguangfang in Caiyu Port. The teacher involved was accused of pushing a five -year -old child.These two incidents attracted public attention, especially young parents.

Two teachers involved have been arrested by the police.The Children's Cultivation Department issued a ticket of 5,000 yuan on Woodlands Branch and ordered the latter to improve the management method within six months, otherwise the license will not be updated.

At the same time, the Children's Department instructed Xin Park Group to conduct independent review of the management measures of all 15 branches, and limited to reporting within three months.The official will also assault each branch during this period to check their classroom management measures.

Chen Zhiwei, the director of the Young Pei Department, did not instruct the investigator to instruct the teacher involved in the case and apologize to the public.

The public is worried that the above incident is just the tip of the iceberg.The Children's Department revealed that from 2019 to 2022, every 100,000 children entering kindergarten have an average of 10 proven "improper teaching and management" incidents per year.

Preschool teachers treat innocent young children rudely, not only worrying parents, but also incredible trauma to children's future mental health.

Young Pei Agency listed a number of measures on Monday (September 4) to ensure that children take classes in a safe environment.This includes forced all kindergartens. Before July 1st next year, electric eyes must be installed inside and outside the facilities; the industry is required to create a healthy working environment to allow all faculty members to report in time when they find problems; and the Young Pei Agency will surprise the kindergarten to ensure that teachers and teachers and teachers and teachers and teachers and teachers and teachers and teachers and teachers and teachers and teachers andThe industry complies with relevant regulations and guidelines.

To create a protective network for children, in addition to strengthening supervision, the Young Pecant must also ensure that the service level of the industry is in place.In Singapore, preschool education is a large -scale industry and hired more than 23,000 preschool teachers.However, in the face of the high liquidity rate and the shortage of manpower, this industry is as high as 10%to 15%per year.In this case, it is a big challenge to maintain the service level, especially for private kindergartens that are mainly profitable.

At the end of October last year, Minister of Social and Family Development Ma Shangao announced a series of measures to improve the treatment of preschool teachers to alleviate the problem of manual shortage.This includes in the next two years, the presumption workers who are given to major operators rang the salary of 10%to 30%; reviewing whether the kindergarten needs to be opened on Saturday to assist the preschool teachers to achieve the balance of work and life;, Make full -time preschool teachers easier to get fake.

Singapore, where employee shortages are facing employees in all walks of life. Whether wages and working conditions are improved. Whether it can alleviate the shortage of preschool education teachers and the high liquidity rate, it remains to be observed.In any case, in the preschool education ecosystem, the quality of preschool teachers and professionalism play a vital role.

There are preschool education workers to complain, they work too much, and facing the pressure of parents and school management.A preschool educator wrote in the Lianhe Zaobao speech version that the two kindergarten incidents of Woodlands and Caiyu Port are related to "feeding water", which has nothing to do with parents' requirements.She said that if the teacher did not let the child drink enough water, he might face the accusations of the parents.

Like many industries, each line has their own bitterness.Facing a group of crying children, the work of preschool educators is really not easy.However, there is obviously a lot of difference between "feeding water" and pouring water.Those who are related to preschool education ecology need to examine the appeal of preschool teachers to avoid transferring pressure to innocent children.Preschool education is a special industry. Those who intend to enter the industry must have their love and patience with children, otherwise it is difficult to succeed.

On the other hand, it is necessary for parents to adjust their mentality to avoid excessive requirements for preschool teachers and increase their pressure.Excessive protecting children may not be beneficial to their growth.Of course, after the child abuse incident, parents will inevitably worry about their children's security in kindergarten.However, this also provides opportunities for parents to strengthen communication with preschool teachers.

The fertility rate of Singapore has declined for many years, and the government has spared no effort to encourage younger generations to make births and children.Most of the younger generations are dual -income families. The couples work out of their work and entrust their children to kindergarten.It is necessary to continue to optimize preschool education ecology to make young parents rest assured, make preschool teachers feel satisfied and proud of work, and leave children with good memories of childhood life.