China recently officially approved the establishment of the private economic development bureau as an internal institution for the National Development and Reform Commission.The main responsibilities of the bureau are: tracking, understanding and analyzing the development of the private economy, coordinating and coordinating, organizing policy measures to formulate the development of the private economy, and formulate civil investment policies; establish a normalized communication mechanism with private enterprises, coordinate and solve major issues of private economy issuesAnd enhance international competitiveness.

The establishment of a special private economy development bureau in the National Development and Reform Commission symbolizes the significance greater than the actual effect, proving that the government attaches importance to the private economy.Because the problem of the development of the private economy can not be solved by a certain departmental institution, it must rely on the legal awareness, responsibility, and service awareness of various departments and individuals to move private enterprises with sincerity, patience and efficiency.For active, the confidence of private entrepreneurs can continue to increase.

At present, because the functions of serving private enterprises are scattered in various departments and industry associations, and setting up such a coordination agency is a way.The key is to see what issues should be concerned about and which work should be responsible for.If the functions given are not to start with coordination and solve the actual problems, it cannot help private enterprises to resolve contradictions, but to do something that is not grounded, and even the symbolic meaning cannot be reflected.

In fact, from the current situation of departments and institutions with the function of private economy service functions, if they can be implemented in place, there is no problem with the development of the private economy, and there is no need to set up a specialized organization.Such as the SME development agencies of the Industrial and Information Technology Department, multiple internal institutions of market supervision departments, and private economic development associations, etc., have played a role in serving the private economy to a certain extent.At the same time, judicial organs and financial regulatory authorities at all levels have similar internal departments.The development and reform department has established a dedicated private economic development agency, and its functions must be able to reflect the characteristics of the service.

From the main responsibilities announced, in general, the duties of copying and reform departments are generally the primary task to formulate policies, and then analyze the situation and coordination relationship.mechanism.When such an institution, when it comes to the place, it is a virtual institution that is difficult to play. The most urgent and most needed problem for the development of the private economy. It is difficult to reflect the responsibilities of the institution.

We believe that for the private economic development agency, the most important function should be as a leading agency to coordinate and solve problems in the development of the private economy, rather than formulating policies, especially private investment policies unique to the Development and Reform Commission.If the responsibility is positioned as the formulation of policies, or based on formulating policies, the original intention of establishment is wrong.

At present, in terms of the development of the private economy, various policies and measures are already in place, and they are also very comprehensive. The key is to implement it.The tasks of the Private Economic Development Bureau should also be carried out around "implementation".It is precisely from the description of the main responsibilities. I didn't see this.If financing issues, can the Development Bureau help coordinate and solve it within the scope of functions?Another example is the implementation of various policies, especially tax preferential policies, knowing that the face is not wide and the implementation rate is not very high. Can it play a role?Another example is the implementation of policy and measures such as technological innovation, technological transformation, export tax rebate, credit repair, and the processing of problems, and the resolution of contradictions. Can it help coordinate, carry out training, organizational implementation, and so on.

In fact, in the local area, if a private economic development agency is set up, there are many things that really need to do, and the person who can give is very limited.It is really difficult to solve the problem alone.The most fundamental thing is to do things in accordance with the law, serve sincerity, improve efficiency, truly have confidence in the private economy, feel feelings for private enterprises, fully respect private entrepreneurs, effectively protect private enterprise property rights, and use policies and services.As soon as you treat it.If it can be done, it is not important if there are specialized agencies.What we want to see is that the Private Economic Development Bureau is just a transition agency. If it has always existed, it means that the work has not been done well, and we must reflect seriously.Because the problems set by setting up new institutions are not a big problem.

The author is Chinese Financial Reviewer