The 100 -year -old performance of the Morning Post has been a well -known and trusted brand at home and abroad.I believe that the Morning Post can excel, break through myself, and continue to succeed.In the future, the Morning Post will definitely continue to exert its influence in Singapore society, and the government will also give you full support.

I am glad to participate in our new book conference in the joint Morning Post oral historical journal.

Today is a very special day, because today, 100 years ago, Mr. Chen Jiageng founded the Nanyang Business Daily.Our place is one of the office buildings before the Independence of Nanyang Commercial Daily before Singapore.

A few years after the establishment of the Nanyang Commercial Daily, Xingzhou Daily was founded.Later, in 1983, the two newspapers merged into Lianhe Morning News and United Evening News.

In the past 100 years, Lianhe Zaobao has contributed a lot to Singapore's society. It not only records a major moment in Singapore, but also play an important role in the development of the country.

In the era of colonies, the Chinese newspaper was an important source of information of the Chinese News Agency.After Singapore's independence, the country slowly grew up, and the role of the Morning Post was still critical.In addition to explaining the government's policies and reflecting the people's conditions, the Morning Post also helped the Chinese people understand the development of the world. It also promoted Chinese and Chinese and united the Chinese community.At the same time, in Singapore, a diverse ethnic society, the Morning Post also played a positive role in promoting the harmony of race and religion.

Today's Lianhe Zaobao has become the mainstay of our society, one of the most trusted media from Chinese people and readers from all over the world.This is the result of the efforts of everyone's efforts.Here, I want to be sure of your efforts and contributions, congratulations to the Morning Post for a century, happy birthday!

The achievements of the Morning Post are inseparable from a group of editors and journalists who love news and work hard.Over the years, they have adhered to the mission of providing high -quality news and perspectives, established a good reputation, and also contributed to Singaporea society through various methods.So I am glad to see that in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary, the Morning Post published a commemorative publication, recorded these memories and contributions, so that more people can understand the stories behind the morning newspaper.I also read this book, and the stories recorded in it are very interesting.Let me share a few here.

For example, Ms. Liu Peifang's story.In 1979, Vietnam attacked Cambodia.At that time, she was only 30 years old. In order to find the truth, she decided to go to Cambodia to report the front line and become the only female reporter at that time in Singapore.At that time, she went to the Cambodian border and refugee camps many times to do a real interview.So dangerous things, she is willing to do it to bring readers back to the deepest and timely reports.

There are also Ms. Lin Chunlan.After launching a student publication in the 1979 morning, she witnessed the establishment of each student newspaper.She personally led students to understand the news work, and trained many future journalists, photographers and artists for the Morning Post. In her own way, she also did its best to Singapore's Chinese education.

Another example is Mr. Hu Yichen.In 2009, when he was in charge of the Chinese Newspaper, he suggested to launch a special version of the New Immigrants to assist new immigrants to better integrate into Singapore society and help Singaporeans understand new immigrants.This is the occurrence of "new exchange point".This special version has been done for 10 years. In addition to promoting social integration, it has also strengthened the cohesion of Singapore society.

There are many stories in the book, I can't finish it here.These include the experience of many senior media people.Several of them were on the scene today.This includes: Mr. Lin Renjun, who served as the editor -in -chief of the 18th year in the Morning Post; Mr. Yu Communist Party, a senior editor who has been engaged in the 40 years of journalism: Ms. Ru Bai, a senior reporter in the development of the local Zongxiang Club;Mr. Wu Jungang and so on.

Through their stories, we see the spirit of toughness and difficulty in the Morning Post.Singapore society has developed rapidly in the past 100 years.The Morning Post also changed with these development.In the face of these difficulties, the Morning Post is always afraid of challenges and actively face it.It can be said that without these seniors, there is no morning newspaper today.

Thank you for your contribution to the Morning Post and Singapore!

The so -called "the tree does not forget the root". If you want to go forward, you must not forget the road you have walked.Therefore, it is very appropriate to use this book to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Morning Post.These stories will also be preserved in the National Archives, so that the next generation can also understand the history of Lianhe Zaobao.

I believe that the stories of these predecessors will definitely inspire the next generation of journalists and let the Morning Post go to the next 100 years.

Looking back at a century, the performance of the Morning Post is very eye -catching.Looking forward to the future, the next challenge of the Morning Post is how to go to the next level on the basis of predecessors.

In recent years, the changes in the media environment have brought a lot of impact on traditional mainstream media, and competition has also been fierce.

The younger generation prefers fast and instant short reports, and does not like to read long analysis or articles.Many people choose to obtain information through social media or other websites.

In the face of these influences, you need to make adjustments in news work, but also need to find a balance.The most important thing is to adhere to the core principles and concepts for your success over the years.While making the news interesting and exciting, we must also maintain high standards of news work and provide readers with high -quality and credible news.At the same time, through objective analysis and reliable reports, to cultivate readers' interest in deep reports, and encourage them to understand news events in a more comprehensive way.

I am very pleased to see that the Morning Post has been doing this, and in various ways to advance with the times to maintain my competitiveness.

For example, the Morning Post actively develops the online market, attracting young readers by making videos and using a large amount of digital elements.This morning I also noticed that the Morning Post changed the layout again. The style is more affinity and more attractive.I hope that the Morning Post will make persistent efforts, continue to seek new changes, and strive to move towards the goal of multimedia news agencies.

In a diverse ethnic society in Singapore, the Morning Post also shoulder an important role in carrying forward Chinese culture and promoting Chinese Chinese.

I believe that many people will learn Chinese by watching newspapers or watching too.I try to read the morning newspaper every day, at least one article, or watch the video made by the Morning News, and practice Chinese.The government will continue to support partners like the Morning Post, work closely with you, and continue to promote the use of Chinese and Chinese.We can make Chinese language easier and fun through various ways.

In general, the 100 -year performance of the Morning Post is extraordinary, and it has been a well -known and trusted brand at home and abroad at home and abroad.I believe that the Morning Post can excel, break through myself, and continue to succeed.In the future, the Morning Post will definitely continue to exert its influence in Singapore society, and the government will also give you full support.This is also one of the goals for the government to fund the new newspaper media trust.We hope to help the Morning Post, cultivate more talents, improve skills, produce better and high -quality content, and benefit more readers.

On the occasion of the century, Lianhe Zaobao can definitely be proud of the achievements that you have made and contributing to Singapore.I believe that as long as the Morning Post adheres to the original intention and keeps pace with the times, it will definitely be able to create a peak and achieve more brilliant achievements in the next 20, 50 years, or even 100 years.Congratulations to the 100th anniversary of the early journal of the Morning Post, I wish the Morning Post for a hundred years and a hundred years.

The author is Singapore Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

This article is his speech