Source: Hong Kong 01

01 Review Editor Room

Super Typhoon Sula hit Hong Kong on the week, which has not caused major damage. Chief Executive Li Jiachao mentioned five experiences.

The first is the coordination of the director of the government affairs department, the work of various departments and the organizer, and the second is that the regional care team has played a positive role in caring for services.Fourth, the fourth is that all sectors of society work together to participate in the windproof, and the fifth is that the government has issued information early, and the media spread widely.

Sula ring close government response ahead

There is no doubt that the information of this time is indeed very early.The government has been previewed last Thursday afternoon that the No. 8 Fengqiu will be renamed in the early morning of Friday. Therefore, students, parents, teachers, and many wage earners can know the arrangements the next day.Home and the like.

Especially in Surah, in fact, it only brought significant wind to Hong Kong on Friday afternoon. It can be seen that the preview of the previous day and the deployment of the 8th morning can be described as advanced arrangements.This time, there are more government officials' considerations, which is different from scientific predictions in the past according to the actual wind power. It may be worthy of official explanation.

In addition, due to the close flow of Surah, the violent wind is concentrated near the center. Therefore, it is different from the wide ring flow in 2018. It has a small impact on the ruling port area and the Governor of Damei.EssenceThis is why Sula did not cause major damage to Hong Kong.

Typhoon does not deduct the division of administration and does not add points

From the perspective of actual results and public opinion, society does not seem to be dissatisfied with the government's strain work.However, there is no deduction, and it is not necessarily added to the government.After all, windproof and strain can be said to be a basic job.After the typhoon, the citizens' requirements for the government will still start from other aspects.

For example, everyone is currently concerned about -or is the experience of anxiety.It seems that this is also clear to this. Before the conference, he took the initiative to mention the director of the Financial Secretary and the deputy director of the Financial Department.He also announced that the National Day will hold fireworks again on the night of the National Day to cooperate with other celebrations and preferential activities, "in order to keep Hong Kong's evening life and move."

Compared with windproof and response, economic policy is undoubtedly a test of government ability.Even if you do n’t look at the online discussion area, from the perspective of the three aspects of the property market, the stock market and the consumer market, it can be seen that citizens have limited confidence in economic prospects.confidence.This will then affect whether the citizens stay in Hong Kong to become a family and have children.No one wants to Hong Kong a few years later, the opening day of September 1 has become irrelevant.