These guys who do bad things can be used to eat spicy money by dirty money, and they can also put on a wealthy businessman with long -sleeved good dances, shake through the market, and pretend to be good and long -worship.Let them do this, the name of the rule of law, Singapore, has indeed been defiled.Therefore, once sin is achieved, it must be severely punished for effects.

On August 15, the Singapore police detected the largest money laundering case in the local area, arrested 10 local people living in the local area, and frozen their 1 billion yuan assets and property, including 105 real estate, cash, gold bars, famous cars,Jewelry, famous bags, etc.They have been charged to court.After a deep investigation, the newspaper found that the original group of people belonged to the "Fujian Gang" from China. They were mostly registered in foreign countries or obtained foreign passports. Nine people are now Cambodian citizens.

For many people, this is undoubtedly a shocking bomb.First of all, the news came suddenly; second, I did not expect that members of the international fraud gang had already sneaked into Singapore to perform their hands.Our financial and law enforcement systems have always been known for strictness, but they can't stop the penetration of fraud gangs.Facts show that the fraud gang has been active in Southeast Asian countries in recent years. Singapore is not spared. Although the news we often hear is that these gangs are mainly based on some of our neighboring countries, such as Cambodia, Myanmar, the Philippines.

Cambodia is particularly notorious. Many criminals wanted by Chinese, including illegal online gambling operators, and net scammers who are all in the Cambodia.Perhaps, there are convenient doors that criminals are familiar with, such as can be easier to get citizenship.Judging from news reports, Cambodia seems to have endless foreign scammers. As early as August 2017, the news report said that the Cambodian police cracked a network fraud gang and caught 200 cyber fraud extortion criminals from China in one breath.EssenceBut to this day, this country seems to be a paradise for scams.In August last year, Cross -border Gambling Tycoon Tyrant Tycoon, Thailand (41 years old, was born in Hunan, also known as Xun Lunkai, etc.). He is also a Chinese fugitive with Cambodia citizenship.

Among the member states of Asian'an, Cambodia is the main investment country of China. Therefore, China has a great influence on Cambodia.However, in addition to funds and staff, Chinese criminals did not expect that they could also rush to the Cambodia.According to a survey data released by the Cyber SCAM MONITOR (Cyber SCAM MONITOR) under the British Non -profit Institution Enterprise Responsibility Center, the nine of the 10 defendants have successively become Cambodia from 2018 to 2021 from 2018 to 2021.citizen.Among them, only one person believes that it is not a citizen, but they actually hold passports with more than one country, which can be described as cunning rabbit three caves.

According to the Minister of the Interior Shang Morgan, the official arrest operation was taken after many months of investigation, and the above -mentioned money laundering gangs were destroyed, but many members of the gang were running away and the investigation was still ongoing.With the deepening of the investigation, I believe that there are still many new cases that will be exposed.But newspapers have seen a lot of surprising inside story in the past few days.For example, this gang's connection network can be described as all over the world. They can say that they are not evil, including pitting many victims, bait high -paying work, to trick them to "fraud factories" in Cambodia, Myanmar and other places, and then imprisonment, forcing them to forceThey become slavery on the Internet.Members used a large black money obtained by fraud to live a luxurious life, including buying high -end apartments, renting luxury homes, and buying valuable cars and jewelry.

Comprehensive review of the supervision mechanism

Singapore can destroy money laundering gangs, of course, but at the same time, it is also important to learn lesson lessons and comprehensively review our existing regulatory mechanism for anti -money laundering, including relevant laws, banking systems, outsiders to purchase high -end real estate,The wholesale of the employment permit and the family certificate, the registration of the company, etc., repair the shortcomings and omissions as soon as possible.

It is reported that some of the above -mentioned gang members are wanted criminals of Chinese public security. Some of them fled Myanmar due to fraud in China, and then moved their positions to Singapore due to the turbulent situation in Myanmar.How can such wanted prisoners escape the eyes of the Singapore Immigration Bureau and the police and settle in Lion City safely?This is the saying that "the road is one foot high and one foot".They first arrived in Cambodia, Myanmar and other places that were easy to get. They used the money to pass through the joints, changed their identities and nationality, or even renamed Yi Yi, holding legal new passports, and was out of the way.Some members of the above -mentioned group were in the local area as early as 2017, and one of them was also a director of a local listed company.This fully illustrates that as a financial and wealth management center, Singapore cannot be relaxed in the supervision of anti -money laundering.

To be angry, these guys who do bad things can eat spicy money by dirty money, and can also put on a wealthy businessman who has long -sleeved good dances, shake through the market, pretend to be good and long, to deceive the world, win the reputation, and win the reputation., Cover the evil.Let them do this, the name of the rule of law, Singapore, has indeed been defiled.Therefore, once the suspect is guilty, he must be severely punished and effectively.

It is also hateful that many criminals and wanted criminals from China ran to various countries in Southeast Asia to open fraud factories, so that these countries were stigmatized because of this, which also hindered the steps of tourism recovery.Southeast Asia has now become a place of fraud in the minds of many Chinese people, and some people dare not be the tourist destinations they originally preferred.Last month, on the first day of the Chinese Film Interest with the "Fraud Factory" of Southeast Asia as the theme of the story, the box office exceeded 100 million yuan (about S $ 18.6 million) in the box office.Tourisions make tourists prohibited.

Therefore, southeast Asian countries are really necessary to work in response to the problem of rampant gangs.On August 30, the Indonesian police with the Ministry of Public Security of China jointly launched an assault operation in the industrial area of Batan, arrested 88 Chinese men and women suspected of deceiving through the Internet love scam.This gang deceived hundreds of victims in China.This successful sweeping operation shows that in order to effectively combat multinational fraud gangs, there must be a multinational cooperation of law enforcement units, including intelligence exchange and joint operations.Xun Zhijiang's arrest is also the result of the cooperation between the China -Thailand police.

China has strictly hit domestic fraud gangs in the past few years and pursues known fugitives, causing an unexpected "spy effect". Many criminals quickly escaped abroad and stoves in other parts of Southeast Asia to continue to harm Chinese citizens to Chinese citizens.And also affecting their country.Therefore, for the official Chinese public security official, it is indispensable to deal with fraud gangs more effectively and establish closer cooperative relationships with the police of Southeast Asian countries. OtherwiseIn order to come up, although he was tired, he worked hard.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress