Source: Guangming Daily

Author: Liu Jiang, Zhang Shengzhen

When mentioning children's literature, people usually think that children are watching.However, a survey article by publisher weekly shows that more than 55%of young readers are read by adults.Take some specific works as an example. Once Rowling's children's novel Harry Potter and Magic Stone were released, they not only received the recognition of children, but also successfully harvested the love of adults.A survey by the British Xuele Press shows that adult readers of the Harry Potter series initially accounted for 35%, and the current proportion of adult readers has climbed to 50%.

In recent years, the phenomenon of adults' reading of children's literature has also quietly emerged in China.For example, Zhang Wei, Bi Feiyu, Alai, Liang Xiaosheng, Zhao Lihong and others found the three Cordyceps Liang Xiaosheng fairy tales (first, second series) of hand and foot piano, which were created by people created by the fish king.Statistics of some sales platforms show that many adults buy these works because they read themselves.Children's literature works have become hot in adults, changing people's inherent understanding of children's literature, and triggering people's re -examining positioning and functioning of children's literature.

A childlike heart in the heart of each adult

A childlike heart in the hearts of each adult.The stories and characters in children's literature often have a direct, sincere and selfless quality, carrying the best values of human beings.After experiencing the complexity and reality of the society, adults will be attracted by the simple and innocence depicted in children's literature.Reading children's literary works can help adults to relive the beauty of childhood and bring them a sense of relaxation.For example, the Liu Linfeng of Kennis Graham is the protagonist with cute anthropomorphic animals, leading adult readers to re -appreciate the beautiful pastoral life and innocent friendship between friends.Zhang Wei's love is endless and Liu Haiqi has a pigeon in the summer affection to portray the deep friendship between children and pets. This sincere emotion not only moves the children, but also moves many adult readers.In recent years, some adults have often seen some seemingly naive behaviors in the society. For example, some adults have begun to have "June 1", and some also shouting "Who is not a baby" slogan.This is not a manifestation of adults who become naive, but it is a way for adults to express their nostalgia for passing their childhood.Some adults read children's literary works, and they are probably nostalgic and memories of childhood.

In the nostalgia for childhood, the innocent perspective of children reflects the complexity of the adult world, stimulating adults to examine and reflect on social problems presented by literature.In Alice's Wandering Strange Realm, the trial of the Red Queen witnessed by Alice reflects the author's injustice and other issues.Mark Twain's Harker Beliefin's adventures have criticized the brutal and unreasonable slavery system through what Harkerbelli Fien was seen and heard.When Huang Beijia, I want to do a good job in portraying the lively and optimistic of the little protagonist Jin Ling, and also revealed that Jin Ling's worries about poor academic performance, reflecting the psychological state of children in the examination education environment.Zuo Yan's paper plane started from the perspective of young girl Jin Lan, reflecting on the devastation of the war on beautiful things.It has both childlike and childlike interest and strong practical significance. Let these children's literary works be loved by children, and successfully attracted adults, thereby generating the charm of time and space.

Many so -called children's literary works, the starting point of the author's creation is not "written for children", but because of the child's image and childhood plot in the work, later talents attribute it to children's literature.For example, this work of Swallow and Amazon's author Arthur Lanseumtan is made for adulthood.In the adventure of the imagination, adults have the courage to defend justice as children, and find a plan to solve the predicament with their children.Excellent literary works have common characteristics, and children's literature is no exception. It helps people understand the diverse and complex world, and integrate people's expectations for the beautiful world.In this sense, adults reading children's literature and non -children's literary works are all to obtain aesthetic pleasure.

The boundary between children's literature and adult literature is increasingly blurred

Affected by the literary view of romantic children's literature, for a long time in history, childhood has often become a romantic imagination. The childhood in the writer's pen is mostly shaped into a happy and beautiful time, and children are also regarded as being regarded as being regarded as a happy and beautiful time.Innocent representative.Therefore, children are different from adults' uniqueness.At the same time, children are also considered to be a supporter who needs to obey adult arrangements and lacks independent thinking ability.Rousseau emphasizes the purity of children in Ai Er, and advocates the innocence of love and respect for children.Pay attention to children's innocence, so that the content of children's literature usually has a strong preaching color. The protagonist and readers of children's literature in children's literature have become the object of educating.

With the development of children's psychology in the 20th century, people recognize that children can not only think independently, they also have the ability to participate in social construction. They exist like adults.

In addition, with the advent of the information technology revolution, children have become more mature readers since the end of the 20th century. They have more knowledge than previous children, and the topic of taboos has been easily understood by them.This has gradually converged the reading taste of children and adults.Therefore, the boundaries of children's literature and adult literature are becoming increasingly blurred.When Philip Prubman talked about his own dark matter series of works, he made it clear that "the boundary between children's literature and adult literature no longer exists", emphasizing that "their own creations have not preset ideal readers. This series of works is for children for childrenTogether with adults ".

The above -mentioned changes have prompted children to literature more attention to reappear the world from children, rather than blindly sketching the Eden world that adults imagine.In the 21st century, children's literature raised more problems with existentialism, such as Meg Rosov's concerns about the gender cognition of teenagers; Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Castle series discussed whether the death wasThe end of the meeting; Daniel Case's flower bouquet and Shihei Yixiong's work, don't let me leave, although it is not the child's growth experience as the main narrative line, the story intends to show children readers in the real world.Help children think about the current question of the current era, inspire children readers to think about the meaning and value of human existence.

Chinese children's literature is also very obvious in this regard. Not only is the genre rich and diverse, but the subject matter is more diverse -the troubles of children's growth of children Jaei girls in both Qin Wenjun, but also Xiao Ping's Mu YangThe attention of the school series of the education of parent -child education, as well as Liancheng's Huanqin's hourly light of the warm childhood of the Chinese town.The confusion and confusion that these works reflected in the process of growth have also troubled adults. They are also exploring issues such as "who am I", "human nature is good or evil", "who will I be a person" and other issues.Answer.

This shows that children's literature is not just a simple story for children, but also a tool for deeply exploring humanity, values and social issues.For adults, reading children's literature is also a process of learning and self -discovery, which can re -examine their outlook on life and values.

The adaptation of film and television has promoted the re -communication of children's literature

Cross -media generally refers to the adaptation of literary works through transformation into different media forms. Among them, film and television adaptation is the most common cross -media form.

The film and television works adapted from children's literature, showing the emotion, thoughts, and connotations in literature through images, sounds and performances, making the content of the work more vivid, specific and infectious, thereby stimulating the desire of adults to read classics to read classicsIt has promoted the re -communication of children's literature and enhanced the influence of children's literature in the field of mainstream culture.For example, after the little woman of Louisa May Olkat experienced 7 movies, she was moved to the screen again in December 2019, which greatly inspired people to read the original enthusiasm.For another example, many adults start reading the original work after watching movies adapted from the novel Lord of the Rings, and the dark material series works and novel memories are even more popular after adapting to the movie, and even the best -selling book listThe first, which triggered the enthusiasm of adult readers.

Children's literature adapted from film and television can attract adults because they will add thinking on environmental, ethics and other issues in the adaptation, as well as the values of contemporary recognition.For example, the movie of the same name is adapted from the fairy -tale frog prince. The heroine is not a princess but an ordinary girl. Dreaming to open a restaurant through his own efforts to make people see the meaning of ordinary people's struggle.The film adapted from Prince Casebin's work from children's literature, adjusted the opportunity of the four brothers and sisters of Pengxi's family and Aslan, and changed the fate of the original work.This adjustment of the original details highlights the perpetrator of people, telling people that talents are the key to solving problems.The independence and autonomy of women conveyed in the film coincides with the current social and cultural, so many adults are acceptable.

In China, the Great Saints of the West Journey to the West Return to White Snake in recent years: Fate of the Demon Children of Nezha, and other movies, all of which are based on traditional mythical stories.Incorporating these topics, these topics also attracted the interest of adults.After many people watched the movie, they read the original work, thereby promoting the re -dissemination of the classic original work.

In short, children's literature is a literary style that actively pursues human emotions and destiny in the essence of human emotion.Excellent children's literary works are not only creative and imaginative, but also contain certain values and philosophical ideas, which can make people feel a unique artistic charm in reading. Therefore, it is not only suitable for children to readAnd sought after.

The author Liu Jiang is a postgraduate at Beijing Language University at the State;