Source: China Youth Daily

Author: Zhao Anqi

Solding the grilled intestine, Gui Gui and her boyfriend can have a monthly income of 30,000 to 40,000 yuan (RMB, the same below).

At 5:30 every night, Gui Gui will bring the ingredients and equipment required for the stall to the night market of Chongqing Minxin Jiayuan.They usually get up at 12 noon and change hundreds of grilled intestines.In the past 3 months, a little bit of adjustment of oil, spicy, and saltiness, Gui Gui has summarized his own experience.The grilled intestines attracted a lot of returns.

In order to distinguish the traditional grilled sausage flavor, she referred to the taste of some net red snacks from the Internet. At the same time, she also released the process of preparing to bake the sausage stalls and broadcast the entire process of roasted intestines.There are six or seven owners who sell grilled intestines in the same night market. Gui Gui proudly said, "But no one like us doing online live broadcast at the same time, and there is no grilled intestine that tastes exactly the same as us."

After four or five hours of work, they will close the stall around 10 pm. After the steps of eating, cleaning equipment, and preparing the sausage of the next day, they will often reach four or five in the morning.

After a day, they will have thousands of dollars in the account, which is the entire entrepreneurial cost they invested in the early stage.She and her boyfriend save money while improving the quality of life.Because there are more online payments, she will directly put the income in the platform's live funding products. "Although the" small earning ", I still want to live better and better in the future. This is more convenient to save money.Earn some benefits. "

"Small earnings" youth has recently become a hot topic of social networks.During the May 4th Youth Festival this year, Yu'ebao launched a short -earned young man who has received much attention to the life and entrepreneurial stories of fast -handed ordinary people.Show the current spiritual style of youth.It is said that this group of young people is "small earning young people". It means that they have benefits every day, can earn a small amount, and describe the state of not pursuing "making money quickly and earning money". They can slowly accumulate according to their own rhythm.Implement yourself step by step and earn the future.

The 22 -year -old Gui Gui and boyfriend have set up a stall in February this year.Before, they opened a fast food restaurant.This year, they looked at the stall market well, and the budget in their hands was limited, so they turned their attention to the stalls to sell the grilled intestines.They brushed the taste of the grilled sausage during the day and slowly debug at home. In the evening, they went to the major night markets to buy grilled intestines to taste the taste comparison.When the first stalls were raised by the roadside, they initially felt that they had no face, and now in order to attract more customers to increase their income, they began to operate their short video accounts.

Gui Gui has been preparing to continue to do "stalling bowl+online live broadcast" as a full -time career from the beginning.She said: "I really started this career and paid for the corresponding harvest. It was a kind of satisfaction from my own hands to start a business." She and her boyfriend also had some long -term plans, "Now nowThere are many people selling grilled intestines, and there is a lot of demand for seasoning and dipping sauce. We are also considering promoting our brand in the future.. Now 'small earnings', I hope the future can be' big earnings ".

"Small earnings" young people among young people who have just started their careers, as well as those who seek new development in the industry and have the courage to eat crabs.In 2009, after graduating from Li Gong who studied automobile maintenance at school, he worked in the automotive industry for 8 years.In 2017, he saw that a local company expanded the on -site car washing business, and began to pay attention to this field.In his opinion, this "outside shop" model does not occupy the restaurant, and it is more high -frequency compared to automotive maintenance. It can also bring passenger flow to the maintenance store in the door -to -door service and make customers sticky.

He inspected the on -site car wash project in Hong Kong and Japan, and also found that there were no profitable companies in China at that time.Until around 2019, he saw that the price of car washing in Jinan rose from 15 yuan to 30 yuan, and he started to do this.At first, Li Gong only had the mentality of draining for the store, and did not consider making money.From entering the community to promote the car washing service of 9.9 yuan once, relying on the cleaning of one car, he began to think about research and development and cleaning equipment.He put the initial rushing, spraying, rubbing, and rushing four steps to two steps: spraying and rubbing. The time also dropped from 40 minutes to 8 minutes.In October 2019, Li Gong's short video that recorded daily car washing received tens of millions of playback volume. In just a few minutes, after a set of coherent actions, a car was renewed.The company's car washing list has surged with short videos.Li Gong also took the time to operate many companies. He had done the catering company and the fishing gear industry, but he still liked car washing the car the most.

He insists on washing the car from 9 am to 5 pm every day. He believes that the market is still in the process of development. What the company is missing is exactly the personnel who develop and update equipment and technology.Materials, tools, equipment, and processes cannot be done better. "Some people are looking for traffic, and Li Gong has also tried to open a franchise store, but because the survival rate of those stores is too low, they are closed.In a industry for more than 10 years, he understands that the work of this technical service category is not able to do it casually. "Many people are anxious to get a lot of money, and they may lose more and more."

Today, Li Gong described his simple and happy life is "car washing, car washing, and car washing again". He didn't think too much. He only knew that there was a income of washing a car. After a monthThe city can get a return of more than 20,000 yuan.

Some people make money, and some people make experience.In the traditional media, Peng Xuan, a voice actor who has dubbed documentary and entertainment news programs, has gradually become a sense of crisis in recent years.In the face of some mechanized dubbing imitated by artificial intelligence, he dismissed.But in the past two years, AI dubbing has become more and more anthropomorphic. Once when he was shopping in the supermarket, he suddenly heard the sound of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit.EssenceHe suddenly realized that some dubbing mid -to -low -end markets have gradually been crushed and replaced by AI, and a strong crisis was felt.

Peng Xuan opened his own short -hand short video account, hoping to wider the road of employment.At first, when he graduated from broadcasting, he will post some videos of Mandarin teaching and vocal skills. There are only dozens of likes a video, and there are only hundreds of playbacks.Looking at the high degree of attention of some film and television dramas and anime in the market, he started a new attempt.Even if there is a professional background, Peng Xuan finds that it is not easy to try. The dubbing in these fields does not pay much attention to the professional voice or standard of Mandarin they required before. It is more about the ability to perform.A 30 -second video may be equipped with a few hours, and sometimes it has to be repeated hundreds of times in a word.After a few months of attempts, he began to be familiar with some network stalks in the field of animation.At the beginning of April this year, a re -dubbing of the Ultraman movie happened to step on the point where young netizens were dissatisfied with the original dubbing, and the broadcast volume changed from hundreds and thousands to millions.

At present, his self -media account has some returns. He starts to send relevant dubbing regularly and usually try some videos. Recently, he plans to challenge the live broadcast. This real -time communication requires high fault tolerance rates.Essence

In the context of economic recovery, many young people have begun to re -examine their lives.A footprint slowly accumulates and lives well every day.

Peng Xuan thinks that it is good to be a "small earning" youth. He likes to earn a few words in young people.