Source: Wangbao Society Review

US -China relations are changing rapidly. US Minister of Commerce Raymond visited China, and both countries were positively evaluated.Although it is dizzy, there are veins to follow.In addition to fierce strategic competition between the two countries, they can still deal with bilateral relations rationally, and seriously face problems such as urgent and difficult trade war, scientific and technological warfare, and military communication. They are developing forward to bilateral relations, Indo -Pacific regions, and even world order.

In August last year, the mainland visited Taiwan to counter the time of counter -US House of Representatives Perosi to cancel the conversation mechanism such as the call arrangement of leaders of the Chinese and American theater, the Ministry of Defense of China and the United States, and the Sino -US military safety consultation mechanism.U.S. Defense Minister Austin and former Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe interacted with the expansion of the Southeast Asian National Association Defense Minister in Cambodia in November last year, but it was only a flash in the pan.Military communication and interaction door.

The meeting, routine dialogue, and working level meetings of the main officials of the Ministry of National Defense of the two countries have been rejected by the Chinese side.Dialogue meets with Austin.During the same period, the military confrontation and actions of the United States and China in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea continued to rise, and the warships of the two sides had confronted for several times, and the risk of conflict risks suddenly increased due to accidents and misjudgment.

Although the relationship is at the freezing point, under the consensus of "coexisting and coexisting peace, peaceful competition", the two sides also recognize the necessity and urgency of the stable relationship.The Bayeng government emphasized that the United States and China must recover and maintain the unobstructed communication channels, responsible handling the strategic competition in the United States and China, and effectively control the risks; while China adheres to Xi Jinping's three principles of "mutual respect, peace coexist, and win -win cooperation" to promote the United States and ChinaThe relationship goes out of the predicament.

The United States and China continuously reiterate the basic position. It seems that the old tone is heavy and heavy, and it has indeed exerted a stable force. After grasping the other's goals and attempts more correctly, even if there are some disgusting in the short termWithin predictable range.

Since June this year, US Secretary of State Brillin, Jayo, a special envoy Kerry, Treasury Minister Ye Lun and even Raymond have visited the mainland one after another, and gradually implemented the US goal.Although Biden personally appealed that Brins have repeatedly stated in Beijing that the US -China military contact is "absolutely important" and has not received a positive response.

Basically, the mainland military believes that the United States still has military advantages, and the US -China military exchange dialogue is not conducive to the mainland. In addition, in recent years, due to Taiwan's issues, South China sea territorial disputes, and US sanctions on the United States.The relationship between the two sides was tense, and China rejected the restoration of the military communication dialogue between the two armies.

But the development of the overall relationship is no longer allowed to completely cut military issues. In mid -August, the mainland agreed to attend the "Indo -Pacific National Defense Supervisor Conference" jointly sponsored by the United States and Fiji and participated in the 27th countries.Will.

The United States and China did not confirm that Aqurino and Xu Qilong had talks in Fiji until the end of last month.Speaker Wu Qian responded that the communication between the two Sino -US armed forces was not in a state of interruption. It still accused the current communication difficulties and obstacles caused by the United States.

U.S. -China military competition and military reserve competitions will not stop. Whether the military communication dialogue between the two sides can fully recover and still have variables. From the end of July, the Bayeng government announced that the military aid Taiwan was US $ 345 million in Taiwan.In addition to oral protests and condemnation, the mainland has not taken actual countermeasures, at least the US -China military relations have gradually eased.

Similarly, although Raymond is tough in the mainland, "China is not suitable for investment", "we do not negotiate national security issues", in the foreseeable future, the trade war technology war will not stop, and the two parties will still be established.The working group of bilateral business issues is dealt with and operated immediately. The Minister of Commerce of the two countries meet at least once a year and holds two deputy ministerial meetings each year. These specific achievements are in line with bilateral interests and are also the development of the industrial and commercial corporate community.

The goal of the Bayeng government is to establish a "guardrail" for the strategic competition of the United States and China. China has reserved their own "red lines" for the fences led by the United States and defined.This trend will not change power and the right to speak. Nevertheless, a series of interaction and communication certificates between the two parties are beneficial to the reconciliation of US -China relations.