Former US Secretary of State Kissinger recently visited Beijing to meet with senior Chinese military and political leaders.A centenary American politician runs around Sino -US relations and is admirable for human future and destiny.

Kissinger does not say the age and Lauton to Beijing, which means three: 1. The current situation of Sino -US relations is serious; 2. Sino -US relationSino -US relations and key figures in the global situation, and continue to write perfect chapters for their lives.There is no doubt that the first two items are completely correct, but the third item is probably a misjudgment, because today is already wrong.

In 1972, the then US President Nixon Xiong was a little bit. Kissinger served as Secretary of State. Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai were alert to the Soviet Union and Brezhnev invaded China.The enemy quickly promoted the establishment of diplomatic relations.However, today the United States has no need to combine Beijing to deal with Moscow at the global strategic level. In addition to controlling economic and trade relations and strategic risks of the Taiwan Strait, it has basically closed the intention of cooperation with China.

Some people think that most Chinese people, including the current political and foreign decision -making level, have not really understood and understood the United States, and they have not learned how to deal with Americans.The author is foolish. Now the United States is a contradiction. On the one hand, it wants to benefit first, and on the other hand, it advocates that the rules are prioritized.It can be said that the United States is committed to establishing a global unified rules system under the principles of the principles of the United States.Therefore, the United States talks about rules and does not talk about rules.

There are three focus on politics in the United States: political system (concept), rules of affairs, and development benefits.To deal with the United States and leave these three items, they can only be entangled on the surface.

China's political thinking on the United States is still hoping on personal factors (observation, attracting or utilization), which is exactly what China has long been in a long -term conflict on the awareness and treatment of European relations.

The severe challenge facing China's development and safety challenge can achieve fundamental sustainable transformation depends on: 1. Whether it can effectively solve the systemic surrounding of the United States in Indo -Pacific, and instead built at a higher levelSino -US and China and the United States development form; 2. Whether China's national governance and development mechanism has sufficient centripetal force and replication; 3. Whether it can unify Taiwan under the premise of controlling national development and security risks during the future reasonable period.

The United States has now been closely promoted to block China at the global strategic level, and has defense and enclosed China in almost every region in the Indo -Pacific region.In any strategic trend of China, the United States quickly conducts strategic connection and control to make up for loopholes and prevent China from cutting in.

The market economy of democracy and rule of law is the result of political civilization

The development of human society has raised a series of new issues to China.China is facing national management reform, development and security, and the unified cross -strait agenda, which are all urgent.The most important thing at the moment is that in terms of political, diplomatic, economic and trade relations, and military response capabilities, we cannot adapt to comprehensive challenges well.The world is transforming sharply, and China needs national governance and development and the global future breakthrough new pattern, new measures, and new actions.

The achievements of modern Western political civilization are not exclusive in Europe and the United States.

Human beings should pay attention to how to make both the civilization of the East and the West, and to better move towards the future, rather than the furious rejuvenation, paranoia.Montesquien's theory of the rule of law and three powers, Rock's life, property, and freedom theory, Rousseau's sovereignty in the people's thoughts, Confucius' "big unity of the world", Mencius's benevolence, these are the same as Newtonian gravity, Einstein's theory,It is the exploration of the truth that the human beings in the East and the West, from ancient times to the present, from today and far. The truth of understanding the law of the universe and creating a beautiful living environment of the human beings should not be rejected by geographical countries, and there should be no so -called ideological paranoia.Human beings worldwide, separation of landscapes, and spiritual.

The outstanding contributions of modern European political theory and practice are: 1. Power restrictions and checks and balances (democratic politics); 2. The rule of law (rules) society; 3. market economy (or privateization and welfare society).These three expression logic and complete expression of the performance of social governance are clear and complete, which is a very significant political civilization achievement so far in the development of human society.

China has produced many outstanding political theories in the long social governance practice, such as benevolence, morality, and sages, but it has long been around the thinking of monarchy and sages (governing the country).The power of power lacks the fundamental system construction of the three major social governance cornerstones of democratic politics, the society of the rule of law, and the free market, and fully practiced.Essence

After more than 2,000 years of feudal political system for more than 2,000 years, China established the development concept under the "socialist" logo through civil war and political changes in the first half of the 20th century.However, in fact, there is no specific political theory and rules in "socialism". The actual establishment is the mixed "socialist" political system leftover and exploration left by the Chinese feudal political system.In the 40 years of reform and opening up, Western political elements such as democracy, the rule of law, equality, and freedom have been added one after another.Deng Xiaoping's name is "socialism with Chinese characteristics".

Modern political civilization has been deeply rooted in people's hearts

"Socialism with Chinese characteristics" government is obviously different from the development of democracy, rule of law, and market economy based on pure Western political theory.Western government fights.This also means that the opposition and confrontation between China and the United States will continue.But in any case, political civilization has been deeply rooted in Chinese academic, education and new generation of government officials.

There is a secret in the traditional Chinese martial arts world. To defeat the opponents, we must worship the opponent (different martial arts) to worship (stealing) the teacher. The most effective way is to harmonize with the opponent and become a partner.If this is applied to national governance and development, it is exactly the same.

The true construction of the benign relationship between China and the United States can even be said to have not started or only in the initial stage.China expects defeat or is not restricted by the United States. The key is whether it can learn from the heads of the United States and Europe, and establish it to be conducive to fully release the creativity of the whole population and be better than the governance and development of the United States.

China should be integrated into the world and what ways should we integrate; the United States must live in this world with China, and what mentality and ways should get along with China. These are the two major problems faced by China and the United States and all human beings.However, if the two countries can transform these two issues into two agenda, that is, to build the action framework of how China and the United States get along with, rather than constantly develop problems and obstacles, then the relationship between the two countries is smooth and the global worldwide.If the relationship and development environment is smooth, it will be presented.

The prestigious thinker and politician of the Warring States Period, the situation of Xunzi in Xunzi. The unclean article wrote: "The sufferings of mortals are covered in a song and darkened in Dali ... There is no two in the world, there is no two hearts in the sage."It is: the mistake that people are easy to make are the avenue of the road that is blinded by the part of the thing and does not understand the overall situation ... There are no two heavenly ways in the world, and the saints are not embarrassed to heaven.

Kissinger said in its leadership: Six Studies of the World Strategy. In the book, Li Guangyao once made suggestions on China: China is a big country. What kind of great power must be considered and learned to be a big country.This sentence is far away, showing that Lee Kuan Yew has deep thinking about the existence and operation of human society.

The existence of the United States and its development system will not be transferred by the will of the Chinese; in the same way, China's current development logic will not change decisive changes due to the good and evil of Americans.In view of the human rational avenue, between China and the United States, and the development of various regions of human beings, can only be compatible, not to break, disappear, and unsatisfactory and love each other.

The author is a scholar of Beijing National Intellect