In recent years, the PLA has frequently held military activities around Taiwan.In August 2022, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Perosi visited Taiwan. In April this year, Tsai Ing -wen visited the United States in April this year. On the occasion with the US House President McCarthy, the PLA held a large -scale military exercise.The Chinese Air Force's military exercises and patrols across the Taiwan Strait are also increasing.These military activities of the PLA have the following three characteristics.

First, a series of military activities are moving towards normalization.In April, China named Tsai Ing -wen's military exercise when he visited the United States as "United Sword".The name of the exercise that China has never mentioned when Perlis visited Taiwan, suggesting that the PLA will continue to implement this exercise.Since June, the Chinese Air Force has continuously carried out patrols and military exercises across the Taiwan Strait.Echoing with the Air Force activities, the Chinese naval ships also launched activities around Taiwan.The number of combat aircraft and ships participating in such military activities has also increased.

July, Chinese President Xi Jinping affirmed the military activities of the PLA in Taiwan on the occasion of the Eastern Theater.Therefore, it can be considered that such activities will not stop in a short time.

Second, a series of military activities are moving towards combat.In the "United Profile Sword" military exercise, the PLA has set the right to control the information as a key project with the advantages of aviation and the right to make the sea.This shows that from the experience of the Ukrainian war, the PLA attaches more importance to the construction of the command control system.On the occasion of the "Lianli Sword" military exercise, China stated that it will perform a sub -inspection of ships around the sea in Taiwan and send the sea police station ships.It can be considered that this is a preview of the implementation of maritime blockade at the time of Taiwan.After participating in the "Lianhe Sword" military exercise with the core fleet of the Shandong aircraft carrier, he conducted a joint exercise with the Rocket Army in the Western Pacific Ocean in the west of the West Pacific in the waters of Taiwan.According to reports, the Tongfeng-26 ballistic missile (DF26) and Dongfeng-21D anti-ship ballistic missile (DF21D), which prevent the U.S. military from intervene in Taiwan, also participated in the exercise.

In late April, the PLA first implemented military activities for drones to travel around Taiwan.In the Chinese Air Force exercises and patrols after June, a variety of combat aircraft such as fighters, bombers, air tankers, early warning aircrafts, drones, etc. of the Air Force also participated in the exercise.EssenceIn July, the PLA implemented an emergency transfer training of outlying islands who had something to do with Taiwan, and the use of folk ships to land in combat training.

As mentioned above, a series of military activities of the PLA are accumulating the actual content of Taiwan's military capabilities when they are in trouble.

Xi Jinping also instructed the Eastern theater that it was necessary to grasp military training and accelerate the improvement of winning.

Third, it has great publicity on a series of military activities.CCTV and the Global Times actively reported the "United Lisido" military exercise.After the implementation of the exercise, CCTV has begun to play some content, and also broadcasts experts from the Academy of Military Sciences to explain key projects such as ensuring information rights and important targets.The Global Times not only reported in detail the content of the exercise in detail, but when the Reuters questioned the actual combat capabilities of the aircraft carrier in Shandong, the newspaper also published an article refuting.

Global Times also introduced that when drones traveling Taiwan for the first time, this drone can not only conduct intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) activities, but also beheading the Taiwan dignitaries.China actively promotes a series of military activities, including the unknown content of authenticity, and puts pressure on Taiwan and the United States to try to prevent the tightness of the US -Taiwan security cooperation and Taiwan independence.

In the Shangri -La dialogue in June, China said that it would not be concessions in the opposition between China and the United States, and did not agree to the Minister of Defense in the United States and China.Since then, although the US officers have visited China, it is not clear whether the US -China military exchanges can return to the right track.In this case, the military activities of the PLA in Taiwan will be further increased.

The PLA's strengthening military activities around Taiwan may trigger an emergency in the middle or middle and middle -stage, and the situation is worrying.

It is reported that Chinese ships are close to the American ships in the surrounding waters around Taiwan in June.In addition, when Xi Jinping inspected the Eastern theater in July, he ordered to insist on thinking and dealing with military issues from high politics.From the above speeches, it can be found that in order to avoid emergencies, Xi Jinping has strengthened his control of the army.The tension of the Taiwan Strait cannot be relieved in a short period of time.The international community must carefully analyze the every move of the PLA.

The author is the director of the Japanese Institute of Defense Research