Source: Think about Hong Kong

Author: Wu Tongshan

The Hong Kong tourism industry has recovered after the epidemic industry. Most of the half a year has passed. Recently, public opinion talks have said that Hong Kong is no longer attractive. It is necessary to make the economy, reshape the shopping paradise, the reputation of food paradise, and so on.I don't think I can find the focus.

Every time I talk about the Hong Kong tourism industry, the media will mention the famous halls such as shopping paradise, gourmet paradise. In fact, those are the advantages of old teeth decades ago.We can't always hold these famous halls.I remember there was an advertisement in Hong Kong. It was persuaded the elderly not to mess around the road. The content was the two couples talk. The husband said, "I came from the champion of the race." The wife said, "You are tens of years old now." This is likeHong Kong's portrayal.What shopping paradise and food paradise?Yes, decades ago.Please go to Da Shenzhen, Greater Guangzhou, and Shanghai now.

The recovery of Hong Kong's retail industry after the epidemic is not like expectations. There is also one of the most important and most direct reasons. It is the most direct reason that affects the competitiveness of Hong Kong's retail competitiveness, but there are a lot ofThe media avoided not talking.In the past, I passed a large -scale luggage before the X -ray machine. Now it is all bags. I find that buying valuable goods, and many of them must be taxed at the price.In this way, Hong Kong's past shopping advantage of duty -free ports is gone, and who will come to Hong Kong to buy and buy.

As for Hong Kong to reshape other advantages, such as overnight economy, engaging in Wenqing, to be honest, the possibility of winning the mainland is zero.The mainland market is large and the population is young, and Hong Kong cannot win.

Some people compare Hong Kong and Hainan Island, which highlights Hong Kong's institutional dilemma.The new policy of duty -free tax exemption in Hainan was implemented on July 1, 2020. As of June 30 this year, Haikou Customs supervised a total of 130.7 billion yuan of outlying taxes, 17.67 million shopping passengers, and 175 million sales pieces.In June 2020, 279%, 92.6%, and 272%were increased, respectively.Hong Kong is duty -free Hong Kong and Hainan is also tax -free, but Hong Kong is "overseas". "Overseas" goes to the mainland to pass the customs and taxation;In this way, what are the advantages of Hong Kong?

The method of breaking the situation lies in "overseas" as "domestic"

In recent years, it has been said that it is necessary to integrate into the overall economic development of the country and the integration of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area. I think the most important and thorough approach should be that Hong Kong and Macao should be regarded as "domestic" rather than "overseas"."One country, two systems", "one country" is a profit. Since the "one country" is greater than the "two systems", why is Hong Kong "overseas"?When Hong Kong people encounter difficulties overseas, they also find the Embassy of the People's Republic of China. How can Hong Kong people become "foreigners"?

Today, Hong Kong people return to the mainland and will also encounter a lot of trouble. For example, if you want to use the mainland APP to buy tickets for scenic spots, you will not be able to buy it because of "foreign people". Many hotels will not be able to live because they do not receive "foreign guests".If you want to play online games, you will not be able to log in because there is no domestic ID card.

I have always believed that if Hong Kong is regarded as "domestic" and can enjoy its own independent judicial system, currency, Internet permissions, etc., then it is truly showing that the "two systems" are a privilege, that is, to truly play the "two two systems", that is, it is truly "two two systems".The advantage of the system.Now Hong Kong is a "two systems", but it is "overseas". The costs of various flow, logistics, and resource integration will be much higher than that of "domestic".In terms of integrating the resources of the Greater Bay Area, three independent customs areas and judicial areas are great obstacles.To truly break the situation, I think that the country needs to focus on the top -level system. The "overseas" of Hong Kong and Macau is "domestic" and is the special administrative district of "domestic".So many problems will be solved.

The author is a researcher and current affairs commentator of Xueji Society