Japan's nuclear waste water was officially discharged into the sea on August 24, which triggered salt wind in the Chinese market. The official Chinese media made a rapid voice, reminding the public to consume rationally without having to buy it.Zhongyan Group issued a statement on the WeChat public account: "It is working overtime production and distribution to ensure market supply."

The snap -up wind has occurred many times in China.In 1988, the home appliances were purchased. All home appliances in the mall were snapped up for a few days. Even the old -fashioned home appliances that had been eliminated in the warehouse had also been hugged by consumers who were hungry.SARS (Shas) was snapped up on Banlangen during the epidemic.It is not the first time to grab salt wind. As early as the Japanese earthquake caused nuclear leakage in the Japanese earthquake in March 2011, the old ladies who lost their rational and the old ladies used the kung fu on the weekdays to rush to the supermarket to buy salt.The original price of the salt of the package was RMB 1 (about S $ 0.18). After several times, it sold for 20 yuan.This time, salt -grabbing wind was repeated in 2011.

Panic is an invisible killer in the market.Panic is soaked in every corner of the market like a shadow devil.In this world, people's hearts are as unpredictable as the world.A small number of negative rumors can "break down" the market that seems huge in a short time through the amplification of panic group psychology.The fragility of the market, the fear of consumers, the helplessness of the merchants, the impetuousness of the stock market, the prejudice of the media, and the lag of the government are all in it.

From the perspective of consumers, grabbing salt is the panic of ignorance.Although there are lessons of buying home appliances, Banlangen, and masks, they are still not memorable. They are psychologically held up by nuclear diffusion, and they lack scientific common sense, fearing the pollution of seawater, and then affect the salt extracted from the seawater, so they buy and hoard.People with a little common sense know that the origin of Chinese salt is widely distributed and there are many types. In addition to sea salt, there are well salt, rock salt, pond salt, etc.The biggest of these is the Chalhan Salt Pond in the Chadam Basin. The salt mined by this salt pond alone can meet the long -term consumption needs of 1.3 billion people.It is really impossible to laugh and laugh in China when there is enough ability to supply safe salt in China.What's more, when he saw the snap -up wind, people who did not know the truth also grabbed other daily necessities.

From the perspective of the merchant, after Japan announced the discharge of nuclear waste water in the sea, Chinese retail merchants lack advance consciousness. It has not fully expected consumers' dynamics, especially for snapping.Some were snapped up for half an hour; the merchant responded slowly. When it woke up, the shelves were empty, and the market panic was enlarged again.If the supply is sufficient, consumers will not be crazy.In some supermarkets, the salesperson took the lead in snapping, and created tension.

From the perspective of the stock market, speculators fry crazy speculation as salt to push the wind.In the A -share market, the salt industry is moving.The stock price of Salt Jingjing, Xue Tianyan industry, and Zhongyan Chemical have risen, and Jiangyan Group's stock price has daily limit for three consecutive days.Some savvy institutions took the opportunity to choose to escape.According to market participants, after buying salt industry stocks, some of them used the salt wind wind to take the opportunity to lift the stock price in the capital market, which caused heated discussions, and to a certain extent, it played a role in "grabbing salt wind".

From the perspective of the media, the one -sidedness of some media's propaganda has led to this large -scale salt grabbing wind.After Japan announced the discharge of nuclear waste water, the media reported that the nuclear diffusion news was reported, and the Weibo of the major mainstream websites on the Internet was crazy to forward information about nuclear pollution. The terrorist reports of nuclear diffusion in mobile phone SMS one after another.The media's own panic was transmitted to the public, and the carpet -like crazy bombardment, the rumors became truth repeatedly, making people who believe in science shake it, and they have to believe it.It should be said that the mainstream print media in China reported that Japan's discharge nuclear waste water was relatively objective and fair, but self -media such as Weibo and public accounts, because of poor supervision and losing control, will be disaster by rumors.

From the perspective of the government, it is at a loss for the sudden salt -grabbing wind. It was a slow shot. It was this slower shot that caused salt wind.If the government is not shocked, the relevant departments are instructed in advance to make emergency preparations and sufficient inventory, especially for the citizens' psychological guidance in advance, there will be no panic. After all, salt can not be eaten as a meal.moon.The government does a good job in advance, who will store salt?

In the final analysis, salt grabbing wind is a sign of market panic, indicating that the Chinese market is not yet mature, and it is relatively immature, especially the "anti -terrorism" mechanism is seriously lacking.

In the context of the current market economy, few people can press their restless hearts, keep the valuable loneliness and loneliness, and become more blind, impatient, and a certain degree of quick success.People will not forget that in the financial crisis, negative news is sweeping on Wall Street like a whirlwind, the wind is scarred, and the panic is shrouded. Therefore, the Lehman Brothers closed down, Meilin Securities became a Chinese bank on the American bank, and AIG was included in the US government.Even the mature market like the United States cannot resist the panic. After the 2011 Japanese earthquake caused a nuclear leak, the United States also appeared in the United States to buy iodine tablets.

Therefore, mentality is more important than resources, and mentality is more valuable than funds.To establish a mature market, we must establish a complete "anti -terrorism" mechanism.

First of all, the government should strengthen market monitoring and establish an early warning system. Be sure to shot when shot. Do not let the "hand" of the market move casually.Zhuge Liang.There must be special market monitoring agencies to timely grasp the market dynamics, accurately predict, and issue early warning.

Secondly, we must establish an authoritative market "anti -terrorism" organization. When the market panic comes, multi -departmental action must be used to form a joint force under the unified leadership of the government leader with a certain authority to timely curb panic.Market speculation.

Once again, we must strengthen the psychological guidance of consumers, and usually make more rational consumption publicity and training. Every time there are very events, rumors will spread.In media reports, one tendency should be prevented from covering another tendency. Do not propagate reports on one way, and do not artificially enlarge the harmfulness of the event.

The author is the writer of China Financial Media column, chief analyst of Jingsu Media