The observation of China's economic strength has spent a lot of effort.After Shanghai's sealed city in 2022, the news of low economic low in mainland China, but few Western media reported the matter. At that time, it was generally expected that it would rise after unblocking.Due to the number of domestic GDP (GDP) growth released by Beijing, the number of domestic GDP has always looked benign. As for the truth of China's economy, the West has formed two cognition -positive and negative.Until the last two weeks, because the Chinese youth unemployment rate has risen continuously this year, the West has eventually formed a consensus -the Chinese economy is declining.

Whether Southern countries know this Western consensus, recognize this consensus, or recognize but choose to ignore, cannot be judged.As a result, when Western public opinion collectively believes that China's economic strength goes downhill, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are invited to join the BRICS countries.This is a victory of Beijing diplomacy, and it is a signal that southern countries agree with its leadership.

This is not good news for the United States and Western countries, because this is regarded as China is leading the southern countries to challenge the Western order.By 1990, the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) accounted for 70 % of the world's GDP, but now only about 40 %.This is because emerging market countries such as China and India have risen.

The BRICS five countries have about 40%of the world's population and a quarter of the world's GDP. After the expansion, Brazilian President Lula said that according to the price of purchasing power, the addition of new members will enable the BRICS countries to globallyThe share in GDP has increased from 32%to 37%.What should I think if the G7 leads the G7 led by the United States?

From the perspective of internationalism, this is reasonable and unreasonable.

The reason why

reasonable is that internationalism is a major claim in European liberalism. Not only is the country be equal, but internationally, people and people must be equal, as well as the country and the country.The United Nations was established on the basis of liberalism.On the road where everyone is equal, European countries have gone at the forefront of the world; in terms of national and state relations, since the international community is a scattered structure without the central government and the army, similar to the clan tribe, there are currently only Western countries (especially the EU EU) Basically, the equality of the country is equal; other non -Western countries are in the unequal state of the first class of low western countries.

It is expected that Western countries consciously sit up with other countries.Think about it, everyone in the Western countries is equal, not given by the king and the Pope, but the result of the hard work of the Western people: Some rely on internal compromises, such as Britain;Involved in the United States, such as Japan.

Therefore, if you want to improve the status of southern countries, you look forward to being unlikely to fall off the pie in the sky. You must be promoted by the southern countries themselves.India has a negative attitude in this new BRICS country. For example, the Indian media FirstPost reported: "India agrees to this matter because India hopes to represent what it represents the multi -world, and China hopes to use the BRICS countries to come.Opposition to Western order. "

Do not want to be regarded as a good work with the beauty

In the five BRICS countries, publicly, China, Brazil, India, and South Africa all claimed not to choose from in the Russia and Ukraine War.However, China and Russia are well known in the world. Without China, Russia may have been unable to continue the war against Ukraine.The relationship between China and Brazil and South Africa has gradually been harmonious in the past few decades of South -South cooperation and the Belt and Road projects.India is different, not only has territorial disputes with China, but India has been received by the White House with a high -standard national banquet in the White House not long ago. It is the closest to the West in all BRICS countries.Because I do not want to be regarded by the United States as a member of the circle with the United States.Lula also said that the BRICS does not seek to become the opposite of the "Seven Kingdoms Group and the United States."

Although the sound of "India may replace China in the future" has been heard, in this BRICS Conference, South Africa was to please China and neglected India -because the South African government sent only one Cabinet Minister to formally welcomes India to India.Prime Minister Modi, Modi refused to go to the Watclov Air Force base.In contrast, when Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in South Africa on Monday evening, South African President Rama Puta personally greeted on the apron.In the end, Lamaguza sent Vice President Mashtari to leave the welcome ceremony of the Federal Building held for Xi Jinping and rushed to the Watklov Air Force Base to welcome Modi.

The United States can continue to support Ukraine in economy and weapons. China is economically aid the Belt and Road and BRICS five countries in various forms (such as reducing debt).Is the brick group increasing and unreasonable?

Due to foreign aid methods and degrees of foreign aid in the United States and Western countries, it is supervised by the people and the media.If the Biden government implements a assistance project that affects voters' living standards, it is equivalent to seeking death in the next election.But China is not.

I was born in the 1970s and was very poor when I was a child. I had to buy it with tickets.But at that time, I thought that "the American people live in the deep water, and our Chinese people are the happiest."Later, my gentleman (old age) told me that his impression of China when he was a child was "as poor as China and Africa."China joined the South -South cooperation and began in the Mao Zedong era. At that time, a lot of money was used to assist Africa.Mao Zedong once said: "The African brothers have carried us into the United Nations." I really hope that Chairman Mao can be merciful at that time, support Africa less, and so that I can eat better when I was a kid.

China's economy is going downhill.This is not the hype of the Western media, but that they have finally accepted the news of the months in China.I know that history will repeat it again. When Beijing generously aid the Belt and Road and BRICS countries, it is the Chinese people who have suffered.Those foreign aid money should have been the money, medical expenses, education, and so on.However, the Chinese people do not have the ability to say "no"; some super "patriotic" people may also applaud for foreign aid.

God is going to rain, and the mother is going to marry.In the situation of competition between China and the United States, ten carriages could not be pulled back.Those Chinese people who have seen Wuyun cannot speak, cannot escape, and are unable to return to the sky. Many people choose to escape reality.

Recently, I finally understand why Taoism who advocates birth can last in China, because in the history of Chinese history, Taoism has provided the Chinese with spiritual liberation countless times.Right now, it has become the only way for most Chinese people.Under the premise of economic downturn, "pursuing a peaceful sit with the United States" and "let the Chinese continue to live a happy life", there is a contradiction between the two and cannot coexist.

The author is a bilingual writer who settled in the UK