Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

Recently, mainland China was announced, and the open tourism group to 78 countries and regions including the United States and Japan, including the United States, Japan, and South Korea, but Taiwan was not among them.After the travel industry strongly stated that he was dissatisfied with the government, the MAC announced on the 24th that the plan to lift the ban on the Taiwan delegation was based on the principle of 2,000 people per day, and the preparation period was based on the announcement of the announcement after the announcement.Essence

We praise the government's willingness to listen to the people's grievances, and go out of the process of cross -strait fighting that has been "more and more rigid" since May to the present, but the proposed planning uncertainty is high, which not only makes Taiwan's tourism industry do not know how to pick up the group, but the possibility of not buying it on the other side may not be paid on the other side.High sex.

On May 19th, the mainland officially announced the restoration of the mainland travel agencies to receive the Taiwan group, but our government adhered to the principle of fairness and requested that the mainland must open the land passenger group to Taiwan to come to Taiwan.After that, open simultaneously.

After the other's "can't be read" in Taiwan's official Primary School, the attitude of Taiwan has turned tough.Last month, mainland officials and travel operators applied to come to Taiwan to participate in the "2023 Taipei Summer Travel Exhibition".The practice of the Taiwan government shows its position, but the result is just more and more rigid.

At present, the government's plan is on the surface. On the surface, there is a prerequisite for "responding to the land".If there is no response on the mainland, the cross -strait tourist deadlock is still dead alleys.Because of the high uncertainty, in the preparation period in the next month, the tourism world will not dare to pick up the group. Otherwise, the government's ban will not open, but consumers will scold consumers.

Furthermore, the upper limit of 2,000 people a day does not know why.Among the 17 million outbound tourists in Taiwan before the epidemic, 4 million went to the mainland.In addition, 4,000 travel agencies in Taiwan before the epidemic, 90 % of them went to the mainland.Mainland tourism groups are important markets for people and operators in Taiwan. In this huge market demand, the government has a restriction on the restrictions of 60,000 people in a single month, which may only attract people's grievances.

Now that the government is going to the land limit delegation, the travel industry and the people have to turn into zero. The low -key recruitment groups leave the country to the mainland in the name of personal tourism, or sell dog meat to the mainland in the name of the delegation.A few days ago, a Taiwanese people participated in the name of the delegation and went to the tourist group in Zhangjiajie, mainland China. Because the name on the air ticket was made by the travel agency, they could not get on the plane.In the future, under the restrictions of 2,000 people a day, the people who cannot be met in the future can only find small and medium -sized operators who drilled in the gray area. The professionalism and guarantee are not enough. In the end, the unlucky people are the small people.


problem is that the government has always adhered to the formal equality between the two sides of the strait, but the cross -strait economic and trade has never been equal.For example, both Taiwan and the mainland are WTO members. According to the WTO principle, they should give each other the most beneficiary treatment of the other party.The mainland has not been given the most benefited national treatment, but the mainland has no restriction on Taiwan's agricultural products.If the mainland insists on formal fairness, it has been reported to Taiwan as early as WTO with agricultural inequality trade.

The Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland revealed on August 17 that according to the preliminary results of the Taiwan trade barriers, it was determined that Taiwan did not have an unfair trade in the mainland's violation of the WTO rules.The State Council also mentioned that based on the investigation of the Ministry of Commerce, "studying or partially suspending the ECFA tariff discount".At this moment when cross -strait economic and trade is full of economic and trade, the MAC is still insisting on equal form of cross -strait tourism, which makes people lament that the government lacks the overall situation.

The interview with the Taiwan group in comprehensively is a good opportunity for Taiwan to throw olive branches on the other side.This year, the mainland is the year after the epidemic, and overseas tourists are extremely needed.According to statistics, there were 3.7 million inbound passengers received by the mainland in the first quarter of 2019 in the first quarter of 2019, but only 52,000 in the first quarter of this year, nearly half of which came from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, which are exempt from visa, showing that for the current stageFor the mainland, the Taiwan group has a certain significance.

It is suggested that the government should fully open the Taiwan tour groups into the mainland. After showing goodwill, the mainland officials in the official mainland officials can also help Taiwan to operate Luke to Taiwan to lift the ban.Although Taiwan's showing goodwill may not necessarily cause the economic and trade on both sides of the strait to be turbulent, and it will improve immediately, but at least it will become more and more rigid in the past few months.