Source: Hong Kong 01

01 Review Editor Room

The murals outside the door of fast food restaurants have also made a storm, and government officials are no wonder that others have no confidence in Hong Kong.

Zhang Xinyu, a member of the Legislative Council, said well, "A street graffiti art that had existed more than ten years ago, and went online to the political aspects.Politicization '? Is this a good story of Hong Kong or an anxiety? Is this focusing on the overall situation, or another' low -level red high -level black '? "

Unfortunately, among the 89th Legislative Council Councilor, there are still a handful of people who still say these words.Ning Zuo should not have people, but Jing Hai Hou seemed to be wrong, they may not be a minority.More people are intoxicated in the feast with officials, thinking that patriotism and love can feel well.

Mai Meijuan, the director of the Civil Affairs and Youth Affairs Bureau, explained that the civil affairs office made a "friendly reminder" based on citizens' reports and cleared the murals with their consent.When the program is the case, the staff only works according to the book, but Mai Meijuan bluntly stated that the murals are "easy to make people involve the 'Hong Kong independence' or 'Black Storm'."How can outsiders unable to associate with the beak, but it is by no means a trivial matter involving "Hong Kong independence". Is the director who says that the citizens who receive the "friendly reminder" still have objections?

This is not only what the "one country, two systems" should have, but also the system of the mainland.Mainland media person Hu Xijin recently pointed out on Weibo that "the looseness and freedom of society is the prerequisite for us to develop the economy and release social vitality after the epidemic ... while adhering to the principle of identifying right and wrong, do not promote the" on -line 'on the line ", and hope"Governments of all local governments should not cater to those radicals and are not rhythmic. "

Hu Xijin said to the mainland, but Jin Yaoji recently opened in Hong Kong.The former principal and sociologist of the University of China agreed to deal with social riots by the National Security Law, and did not agree that the National Security Law destroyed the rule of law in Hong Kong. However, he also believed that society has now stabilized, and we should not change the free social environment.If the government is just a small topic, everything rises to the national security level, and the mural incident is afraid that it will come one after another.Seeing Wei Zhi, who wants officials to deal with more complex economic development and social issues, who will have confidence?

Even if the mainland can solve the crisis of the housing enterprise, the capital market regains liquidity because of the fall of interest rates, but if the vitality and focus of Hong Kong society consumes unnecessary things, who comes to the economy?Who has the interest of the night recreation?The Chief Executive said that the economy, the development of the economy, and the effect of the people's livelihood, the policy report should prove that he can say.