Singapore's HDB area has been divided into the so -called "mature areas" and "non -mature areas" for many years, as a reference standard for market prices."Mature" and "non -mature" are basically the division of "old" and "new". Under the established policies, the "mature areas" with complete facilities continue to have a house and neighborhood environment renovation project.Come and younger; "non -mature areas" facilities are also continuously improved, and new life concepts are realized here, becoming more and more mature.

Singapore's HDB development policy is no longer just building a house, but to establish a common homeland for the Chinese people. The boundaries of "mature areas" and "non -mature areas" have long become outdated.The government has released the wind of policy steering two or three years ago, and a house can be built in the golden area.In November last year, the Housing and Development Bureau launched a new batch of pre -order group houses (BTOs), and more than 2,700 units were located in the golden lot, such as Urbanan, Jinmao, and Landwha Huangpu.

On the evening of August 20, Premier Li Xianlong made a speech on the National Day Mass Congress and announced that the classification of housing categories was announced. The superior group houses of the planned location "let more families afford", and there are more stringent resale restrictions.Let those lucky people who buy a house in the golden area feel that they are "issued" and "winning the lottery."

More stringent restrictions, including the minimum residence period of 10 years, will face allowances to recycle allowances when they are resolded for the first time.In addition, this type of house is limited to Singaporeans. The monthly income of buyers cannot exceed 14,000 yuan, etc. It is a very targeted measure.The phenomenon of 10,000 yuan.In addition, people know that the effect of eliminating the unfair factor in the group's house policy will help avoid "red eye disease" in society.

Under the classification of new houses, there are standards (Standard), preferred (Plus) and prime location.An important element that constitutes a preferred and golden location is the coverage of subway routes.Today, the subway network is spread all over the corners of the island. It may not be a few years after a few years, the boundary between Plus and Prime will become blurred. They are all golden locations. The difference is the price.This may be determined by the market.

From the second half of 2024, more superior locations will launch preferred locations.These groups will get more allowances than ordinary houses to ease the price.

For example, Bayshore in the town of Heiluo will build a house project, close to facilities such as subway stations, shopping malls, and real beggar clubs. Such houses will become a preferred location for home buyers.From the perspective of buyers, anyway, it can only be the result of buying from living, more people compete for buying. This is called Plus or Prime.

The idiom of "inch soil is like gold" is used to describe the rare and valuable land resources. Singapore has developed to this day. It is already a well -known country with a reputation and near -Yueyuan.The location reflects the price, but the comfort and safety of the entire neighborhood environment should not be different.The standard group house is not a slum area, nor is it a housing area with poor public security. It can also be the first choice for young people to organize families.People continue to improve according to their own abilities, just like their previous generations, from three -bedroom, four -bedroom to five -bedroom style ... But this must rely on their own efforts and cannot rely on the government.

The talents do not ask the source. The Singaporeans do not feel that they are low because they have a group house. Growing up in which house area does not constitute the conditions for his choice.The classification of new houses is also the case. People yearn for a better quality living environment for granted, and it is also the driving force for progress.However, Singapore is indeed small enough. No matter how inconvenient it is, it is not a difference between urban and rural areas. Children's choices often become the main consideration of young parents to buy a house.

Therefore, no matter what area, it is a highly livable environment under policy. The classification of so -called "standards", "preferred" or "gold" is a distribution object for different income classes.The golden area is the most valuable location. For the densely populated Singapore, the population on the gold area should be dominated by local people. In the golden area, more groups of houses should be developed to ensure that Chinese people are the main house ownership and residential use of the gold area.By.

The Malin Bai Lie House area is built on the land -filled land belt, and the land cost to the sea is expensive. In 1973, the first group of houses included the two -bedroom to five -bedroom style, which was grandly completed here.The Marin Billi constituency came into being in 1976. Former Prime Minister Wu Zuodong has since been a member of the constituency.Until 2006, Wu Zuodong, who was a state -owned capital, also pointed out that the cost of building a house in the filled ground section was too high to draw.

The East Coast should build a luxury apartment, or develop a beach resort like Hawaii, and the high -end hotel is lined. However, the government violated economic benefits that year."Hans" ", gives the middle and lower layers a place where you can enjoy the sea view.Although the government had regretted it, the "one thought difference" of that year became a long -term decision.

The establishment of a noble apartment in the golden area can reflect the value of the land with the values of economic measurement.Over the years, such as the golden area around the East Coast, high -quality private apartments have continued to rise, but in Singapore, where land resources are lacking, foreigners living with high -rate rates on gold areas are a distorted phenomenon.Therefore, this time the Prime Minister announced the large -scale reform of the HDBC and retain more of the best land resources to the Singaporeans. This should also be the most expected long -term effect of HDB classification reform.

"Create a better home and the future" is the theme of this year's National Day mass meeting. When the housing policy returns to the original intention of "more fair" and "affordable", the golden location should also further play "inch soil like gold, Chinese people, Chinese people, Chinese peopleThe spirit of priority allows future generations to take this home and advance with the Chinese people.