At the election before the 6th election presidential election, I did not expect that the British name of "David" was raised, and voters also heard the candidate's entrustment -Singaporeans "please help David", Singaporeans ""Be a David."

At noon on August 19th, the presidential candidate Huang Guosong visited Gaowen Pasar and Cooked Food Center.As a voter of Gao Wen, I missed that he had witnessed him and his fiancee Liu Yizhi at the scene. After watching the news video, he knew that he had a request- Please help" David ".

75 -year -old Huang Guosong stood in the community interviewed, and I was familiar.

The metaphor of "David's victory over Goalia", whether the small citizens understand completely, I have doubts.

Two days later, at noon on August 22, after another candidate, Shang Damman responded to Huang Guosong's "help David" after completing the election presidential nomination procedure, David" must not be trampled .

Shang Daman believes that Singapore must choose the best person with good records in China and internationally as the head of state.He said: "Each of us must treat ourselves as David. In this world, we are all weak people."

The response of Shangdanman appears humble, more reverie.

David (David) Battle Goliath is the story of the Christian Bible. It tells David, who is in disadvantage to defeat the giant Gobelia by witness.Later generations described the weak to defeat the powerful enemies unexpectedly.In order to let readers understand this story, news reports are generally attached to such a general explanation.

Voters know the background of the two presidential candidates. Compared with the "David said" of the two, they are obviously not Gosalia. They all want to be David.

Who is the real David?How abominable is Goalia?

When everyone wants to be a David and there is only one voting, how should voters choose?

"Comparison" is the common sense of people, and excessive comparison often makes people feel suspicious; in order to avoid misunderstandings, tell the story more clearly, make the audience understand more, and to resonate with deep words.

Regarding David, the information on the Internet is messy; in order to avoid rumors, I read the Bible to trace back to the source of the Bible. From it to understand the story of David and Golia, it helps to distinguish "authenticity".

The story of "David's victory over Goalia" is recorded in Chapter 17 on the Bible · Samuel.This chapter uses the battlefield as the background, describing the opposition between the Israeli and the Bloods, as well as the scolding of the Philistines.

Scriptures record that David was a shepherd in his childhood, like music, and has the power that is enough to pinch the lion and bear.When he heard the Philistine's screaming and abuse of the Israeli army, he was extremely dissatisfied; he also heard the King Saul, who was in his reign, and promised to match his daughter to those who could kill Goalia, so he was eager to try.

The first king of Israel, King Saul, heard David's extremely courage, so he called him to play.David responded, neither armored nor knife, only the strings and five stones were carried by the stones.In this battle, Goalia's forehead was killed by a stone, and David also used Golia's knife to take his first level.David can defeat Goalia. He upholds confidence in God and shows that he is a believer.

The Bible records that if modern units are used to convert, Gosalia's height is nearly 3 meters, armor weighs about 57 kg, and the iron gun head weighs 7 kg.He has a strong appearance and is not a leisure.David defeated him and won the joy of King Saul, and later became the second king of Israel.

David has the courage and perseverance, and is a leader with strategic thinking and self -confidence.His concept of governing the country is considered to be based on justice, wisdom, and godliness; he is also a poet, the main author of the Bible and Psalm. He is still praised so far and is a rare and diverse leader.

In reality, people often quote the stories of David's glorious side to inspire people.However, when David's life showed glory, he also revealed that he was completely corrupted. He had to face his sin and weakness and fought with him.This battle that fought with human nature and rarely was widely quoted in the secular world.

After being a king, David indulged in selfish desires, showed his husband with a husband with a husband, and killed her husband Ulia with a knife.David's life had a beautiful beginning, and the leader had built a tree and left ridiculous, although there was no glorious deeds in his later years.The most valuable trait in his life is that he has never lost his repentance, and he has made a mistake and courage to admit it. This is what God values in the Bible.After David's death, he was declared "a person in line with God's mind."

In general, although David's story and traits are generated in a religious background, secular political leaders can still learn some important leaders and values and learn from it.In this generation of disturbances and chaos, through the understanding of Zhen David, he has the personality traits of "in the early appearance of the people" and "courage to admit mistakes", and may be used as an observation indicator for voters to understand the leaders.In a society where elite governs the country, it is difficult to commit fouls and mistakes. It is necessary to understand how sensitive they are for sin. Only by relying on whether the parties are willing to confess and frankly tell each other can they know.

Which David will "sit in the big position", does he have enough settles to carry the heavy responsibility of guarding the national reserve?If David is willing to share the most difficult to deal with the human nature in the career and be able to cross peacefully, this should be regarded as an additional problem.