"Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai only daughter", suddenly burst into fire on the Chinese Internet.

Some IP territories are the post -80s and 90s bloggers in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai to live in this way, showing the trajectory of life that can be called all the way: the family is rich and the parents are open.The college entrance examination is lost, and there are study abroad as a retreat; it is difficult to find work, but everything will be arranged at home.Perhaps because of gender, he can also accept the asylum and support of the family more naturally -in the planning era, he was born in more developed areas and sitting in heaven and place. No wonder some bloggers claim to have "top life".

But the paradox of this word is that it involves the current inequality on the main levels of the current Chinese society, including regional, class, intergenerational, gender.For a while, the battle was full, and the Internet was lively.

The continuous iterative network fever words seem to be able to glimpse the volunteers of each generation of Chinese young people, as well as collective imagination of life.In the narrative of contemporary young people on life, "fighting workers", "inner volume", "flat", "ashore" occupy a lot of space.For ordinary people, the narrative fairy tales of "counterattack" are no longer credible, and "going to the sea" has already entered history, and "ashore" seems to be the best choice.Facing economic downside, employment difficulties, and class solidification, the opportunity of young people has fallen sharply, and it is slightly difficult to keep work. They can only be in a hurry to go ashore.

When you can't retreat, what else is a stronger "shore" than home?Therefore, when the unemployment rate broke the 20%mark, the "full -time children" and "Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai were only daughter" appeared. In fact, some young people were entrusted with the extreme imagination of active relationships and their thirst for "ashore".

It's just, where is the "shore"?People have their own aspirations, but volunteers should not be single.If the blue ocean is wide, no one jumps, and the thousands of troops are squeezed ashore. Wouldn't it make people sigh?

The balance of volunteer, idealism, and realism is slowly imbalance.In June of this year, Zhang Xuefeng, a volunteer of the college entrance examination, was pushed to the peak of public opinion because he persuaded a parent who persuaded a college entrance examination to "not let him learn news".Even if there is Zhang Xiaoqiang, a professor at the School of Journalism of Chongqing University, the majority of netizens still support Zhang Xuefeng while falling down.The Fengxue Weilai company he founded has also attracted more traffic.Feng Xue Weilai is mainly engaged in the volunteer of the college entrance examination. The package ranges from RMB 8999 to 15,999 yuan (about S $ 1,800 to S $ 3,000).Although the price is high, there are many customers.According to reports, Zhang Xuefeng's own quota has been ranked to 2025 candidates.

Zhang Xuefeng treats the family background as a prerequisite.For ordinary family children, before filling in the volunteer, all colors must be called two pounds. From the family's economic situation to the relationship between parents' connections, the word is lined up.The college entrance examination candidates' first glance from the early probe and looking at the reality sword field.

Zhang Xuefeng said that he was born in the small county in the northeast, and when he was in college, he was "no longer the idealism."But what made him proud was that he could "prepare for a lifetime that he couldn't finish his life, and she could do whatever she wanted."He said: "She likes to draw, I can open a art school for her."

This may be the perfect annotation of "ashore", but it cannot answer the dilemma of most young people.The boots are difficult to itch, and Wangmei thirst is thirsty. No one can choose whether to be the only daughter of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.What's more, under the sugar coat, the hidden cream, the umbilical cord is not cut, how can you talk about life?Parents are not the answer sheet of life subjects.

Chinese youth, where is the aspirations and where do you want to go?When this huge hazy places in front of the collective, individuals cannot give perfect answers, which is difficult to blame.But at the unsatisfactory stage, or in Lu Xun's words, "I hope that Chinese youth can get rid of air -conditioning, just walking up ... It makes the fireflies a little bit light, and you can not wait for the torch fire. After that, there is no such thing as if there is no such thing as if there is no.Torch: I am the only light. "