The controversial role of the role played by former US President Trump after the release of the Presidential election in 2020, and finally landed last week.He was facing serious criminal allegations trying to overthrow the results of the election.However, there was no signs that his dream of competing for the throne of the president next year was broken.Many polls show that the views of the latest lawsuits in the United States society are even more polarized, which means that the U.S. political situation will be full of uncertainty on the road to the presidential election at the end of next year and even after that.

Four criminal allegations facing Trump include conspiracy to fraud, conspiracy to hinder official procedures, obstruct and try to hinder official procedures, and conspiracy to infringe on others.This is the third time he has been criminally charged in four months. He did not plead guilty to the four allegations, and insisted that he was innocent after appearing, saying that he was the "persecution" object of the Bayeng government.It is a very sad day. "

It is certain that this time criminal allegations will be the most serious lawsuit facing Trump.Whether it was a number of criminal charges and civil lawsuits that had been faced in the face, or for improper handling confidential documents, forging commercial records, and commercial fraud after office, or the next place that was likely to face the place from Georgia, the charges were likely to be faced.He obstructed voting in the state in 2020 and could not be compared with the severity and impact of trying to overthrow the results of the presidential election.

In fact, according to the new public opinion survey conducted by the US Broadcasting Corporation News Channel (ABC News) and the international market research institution, Yipuso, 65%of the Americans who interviewed by Trump believed that Trump tried to overthrow 2020The allegations faced by the election are very serious.This ratio is higher than the surveys he did after he faced before.

The results of polls have caused concerns about the US political situation

But if this is based on this, Trump ’s next president’ s competition has greatly reduced the election.The same survey also found that although the negative sense of Trump has increased, he has a good sense of only 30%, but his negative sense of Biden has not improved. Americans have a good sense of Biden only 33%.Considering this criminal charges, Trump touched the core of Trump's threat argument for the US political system, and even related to the future development of US politics. Such investigations will not doubt that all walks of life will have concerns about the stability of the United States.

To a large extent, for Trump's latest criminal charges, it soon became a major offensive and defensive battle between the Republican and Democratic Party, and even the presidential candidates within the Republican Party before the presidential election next year.For a considerable period of time, the victory and defeat may be unpredictable for a while.

From the perspective of many Republican members and supporters, they all agree with Trump's views that allegations are political persecution.The long -term suspicion of the federal government has caused many Republican groups to have a high degree of distrust of the prosecutors, special prosecutors and judges who handle Trump cases, so that Trump and his supporters can get back space.In the narrative of the latest criminal allegations on January 6, 2021 to impact Congress and destroy the votes of the election group, brainwashing or rewriting, these things can be regarded as a view that these things are regarded as a free struggle against Washington's "deep government".There is a certain market in American society.

On the contrary, the latest criminal charges are undoubtedly a necessary move to defend the US democratic system.The Democratic Party believes that Trump is facing so many allegations, which is his evidence of corruption.Under the democratic system, the president is elected, and all parties should respect the results of the election.In addition, in the face of the law, everyone is equal, just as Perlis, the president of the former House of Representatives of the Democratic Party, emphasized that after the release of criminal allegations last week, no one, including the president, could override the law.What Trump did after the performance of the Presidential election in 2020, and to the Democratic Party's opinion, it was a serious crime that obviously destroyed American democracy and should be severely tried on legal trial.

As for the other people who compete for the Republic of the President's throne on behalf of the Republican Party, only former Vice President Pence and former New Jersey Governor Christie strongly criticized Trump, including the second popular, and other Trump, including the current Florida governor De Santis,Pu's competitors continue to avoid criticizing his behavior.This is because the recent polls show that Trump is far ahead of all other nominations, and every time he has been prosecuted, it seems that the Republican voters who support him seem to increase.Because of his confidence in his preliminary election in the party, the Trump campaign team even stated that he would not participate in the first TV broadcast Republican presidential debate held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Wisconsin.

Under the situation of deteriorating American society brought by Trump's lawsuit and the lack of disconnection with Trump within the Republican Party, the US political bureau is entering the unclear situation with the latest offense and defense war in various factions in the latest lawsuits.Some opinions believe that Trump will have a lot of vitality injuries due to the time and costs that Trump will spend due to a lot of time and costs.The lawsuit may make him more likely to win nominations, but the possibility of entering the White House is less likely.The problem of this view is that the lawsuit is a double -edged sword. Trump can also fight back. The process of errors or negligence during the trial of court trials to strengthen his image as a victim.

There are also many Democratic supporters that Trump's lawsuits will alienate independent voters and influential voters in the election, because in the mid -November election of last year, they reject the candidates he favored.This optimistic view may ignore a fact, that is, the various evidence that the lawsuit may present in the court is probably no longer unfamiliar to voters. In the endThose who opposed him in the past will also oppose him in the future. "

Considering the repeated show of polls, Trump's support with Biden has always been evenly matched. So far, it has been applied to Trump's various controls.The health concerns brought by the factors are lingering, and it is impossible to rule out various unexpected development in the next year, and it will undoubtedly add the political uncertainty that the court trial period may occur during the trial of the court, and even impactdevelop.

The author is a local current affairs commentator