This cannot be explained.

Trump has just been prosecuted for four criminal charges, including deceiving the United States and conspiracy to deprive the American people's right to vote.Trump is also in a Florida Federal Court, facing 40 allegations including violations of the Spy Law, and facing 34 celiability allegations related to covering sex scandals in New York.Nevertheless, Trump's status as the leader of the next Republican presidential candidate seems to be unshakable.A recent poll results showed that he led the closest opponent and the Governor of Florida Desanis with 37 percentage advantages.

The former President of the United States may be imprisoned, but his supporters seem to be unwilling at all.Strangely, the 0%hardcore supporters think he has done something wrong.What's even more strange is that 43%of Republicans obviously have a "very good" evaluation of him.

De Santis obviously looked very uncomfortable, so that others looked at him and felt uncomfortable, and naturally could not surpass Trump with a more right attitude.Another and more attractive politician Chris Christie, the current support rate of polls is 2%), which is more convincing in terms of shaping a more gentle image.

How can I explain this firm support for Trump?It is unlikely because of the power of his argument, because he rarely proposes logical arguments.Few people know what he is thinking, or whether his thoughts have any significance.He was indifferent to the facts and even despised.But the more he lies, the more his supporters seem to like him, as if his overwhelming lie, he has numb his ability to perceive the truth.

There is no doubt that the fundamental changes of people's receiving information methods cannot be taken off.Many people are not limited to Trump supporters, and find a comfortable position in the false information bubble created by the Internet. These false information is popular in Fox News and other more funny media.

The Trump bubble is full of pessimism.Although the economy led by President Biden showed extraordinary toughness, about 89%of Republicans believed that the United States was falling into a sharp decline.The supporters of the Trump camp even began to talk about a national disaster created by the coming, being created by an international financial family conspiracy group that is about to come, by the evil elite, evil immigrants, and the world's conspiracy group.Trump has always been a master who manipulates these conspiracy anxiety.This is like the enthusiastic praise of the self -seal savior, it is easy to arouse retaliation violence.

There are several reasons for the anxiety of the people.The global economy seeking cheap labor overseas has led many American industrial workers to leave behind.A series of social and population changes -more non -white citizen, weakened religious authority, the regulations of deep -rooted and ingrained, and the challenges of gender and racial levels -all confused people, and in their own opinion,Detailed to rights.They worship the leaders who promise to "return the country to them".

Trump has the most successful and most worrying thing that he describes his legal trouble as an attack on all followers.His campaign team will have the latest prosecution to the persecution of Soviet and Nazi Germany who are Stalin.After being sued by the federal in June, he told the supporters: "In the end, they are not going to attack me. They are going to attack you -I just block their attack on you."

intentional lying is the first step towards tyranny

History will never be fully repeated, and comparison with the loosening of other times and places is always full of danger.But in some aspects of the past, we can still help us better understand the current situation.

One of the ideas put forward by Hannah Aren in the book of totalitarianism is still reasonable: intentionally lying is the first step towards tyranny.In her words: "Before they seized the regime and established the world according to their own theory, the totalitarian movement made a consistent lie world ... In this world, through pure imagination, the people who lost their roots can feel comfortable.And make them avoid the endless impact caused by real life and real experience to humans and their expectations. "

Joachim Fest, a German historian, also expresses the same views on national socialist "Liturgical Magic".He believes that this is a magical power that allows people to recover "the sense of common belonging and comrades' friendship they lost."

In 1932, the liberal politician, Theodor Heuss, was even more important when Nazi was about to destroy German democracy.He talked about the Nazi "great propaganda achievements. At the same time, he created both heroes and the sage. This moment was a great victor, and the next moment became the innocent experience of martyrs and persecution."

Today's United States is by no means a Wama Republic that Germany is destined to perish.Although the catastrophic war invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, it was not similar to the Versailles Treaty that punished the Germans after the First World War, and there was no economic depression that could be compared with the 1930s.

Perhaps the most important thing is that although Trump successfully stuffed religious extremists into the Supreme Court, he did not receive the support of most elites like Hitler.Some white young people are now attracted by the extremely right -wing, but Trump has not received student support like the Nazis.

If the Republican nominated Trump as a presidential candidate, he may find that it is difficult to easily defeat Biden's possible Democratic candidate like defeating his Republican opponent.But can they persuade enough people to vote to an 81 -year -old who often staggers to avoid the disaster brought by a candidate who is eager to return to the White House to avoid going to jail, and let us wait and see.

Author Ian Buruma is the latest writer of the writer as a collaborator: the three stories about deception and survival in World War II (The Collaboators: Three Stories of Deception and Survival in World War) English Original Title: for the LOVE of Trump: Project Syndicate, 2023.