Today is the 58th anniversary of Singapore's independence.Premier Li Xianlong pointed out in National Day that although Singapore is a young country, he has experienced many challenges over the years.In the face of every dilemma, we show the spirit of Singapore, and the more brave war, the more tough and more united.

Singapore can thrive under the ups and downs, and enter the first world, which can largely attribute to the sense of peace and danger of the first generation of leaders and the older generation of Chinese people.With this consciousness, Singapore has established its own national defense capabilities from scratch; with this consciousness, the government and the people have accumulated a considerable national reserve; with this consciousness, the government and the people have established a strong foundation for trust in trust.This kind of trust relationship assisted Singapore to get out of the epidemic earlier.

Although the predecessors have raised trees and descendants, for the island country of Singapore, the consciousness of being safe is necessary to pass on from generation to generation.In this high degree of uncertainty, the country's independence, economic prosperity, and political stability cannot be considered taken for granted.Faced with many external and internal challenges, Singapore must be prepared and converts crisis into opportunities.

First of all, geopolitical contradictions continue to deteriorate, and the effort of large powers and the coexistence policy adopted by the allies have compressed the space for the independence of small countries.The global governance group has no head, which has subverted the existing international order and made it difficult for international cooperation to promote it.The war of Russia and Ukraine continued to upgrade, and the conflict of the Northeast Asia's conflict flames exacerbated the risk of rubbing guns between large powers.

The Russian war has led many countries to put national defense security above economic development.Unlike economic competition, strategic competition is often zero -sum game, which is difficult to achieve a win -win results.For this area, the situation in Northeast Asia is particularly worrying.If a military conflict occurs on the Taiwan Strait or the Korean Peninsula, it will inevitably involve the two major powers of China and the United States and the region.

In other words, the risk of military conflict between large powers cannot be underestimated, and the pressure of the selection station may be increasing.This will endanger the independence and autonomy of the small country, and even reduces the vassal or the victim of the aggressive or agency war of the small country.

Secondly, the Russian and Ukraine War and the world's long -term loose monetary policy pushed up inflation.Both family or enterprises are facing pressure on prices.Although global inflation has a trend of slowing down, the Russian -Ugage Warring States has weapons grain and energy, and the restrictions on the export of grain production countries to take care of domestic demand first, which has not reduced prices.Singapore's grain mainly depends on imports, so the problem of food supply must not be underestimated except for the price.

The rising inflation forced the central bank to raise interest rates for the central bank.The benchmark interest rate in the United States has soared from zero interest rates to 5.25%to 5.5%, with a high point in 22 years.Although the inflation and interest rates in the United States show signs of peaks, as the CEO of the Singapore government investment company Lin Zhaojie pointed out, the world is likely to bid farewell to the era of zero interest rates and enter a "long high interest" situation.High interest rates may lead to economic recession and impact the labor market.Economic recession and inflation are superimposed, bringing the worst risk of stagnation.

In addition to the above -mentioned unavailable peripheral factors, a series of incidents that recently occurred in Singapore, including ministers suspected of corruption and members of parliamentarians, showing that maintaining the trust of the Chinese people's political system is an endless challenge.In Singapore, the noble character and dedication of political integrity and leaders are the basis for the establishment of trust with the people for a long time.

As Premier Li presented his words in National Day, "Because of trust, we can spend three years of the epidemic and become more tough and united. Trust allows political leaders and the people to cooperate closely and make life better. With trust, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, SingaporeIn this way, we can have a long -term stability in this disturbing world and move forward. "

Since independence, the Chinese people's high trust in the government has enabled Singapore to implement long -term policies, even if these policies have brought brief pain.However, the mutual trust relationship between the government and the people is not taken for granted. It needs to continue to cultivate and strengthen, otherwise it will be like the water.

Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yao worried, does Singapore still exist in 100 years?This reflects the high consciousness of the first generation of leaders.From foreign investment and global high -end people, it continues to influx, and Singapore is still regarded as an oasis in the turbulent world.However, the future is still full of uncertainty and risks. The island country in Singapore still faces many old and new and inside and outside challenges.At the time of celebrating National Day, don't forget to live in peace.