The first four sentences in the country in the family training of Qian's family are: "Law enforcement is like mountains, guarding the body like jade, love the people like a child, and go to the revenge."

This family training is said to be traced back to a distant ancestor Wu Yuewang Qian Qian, a family of Qian family.It takes the concept of Confucianism's "self -cultivation Qi family governing the country" (cultivation of Qiqi) as a framework. It is divided into four parts: individual, family, society, and the country.The motto of the Qing Dynasty also included these four words.Although it is an ancient training, in today's perspective, it is not only suitable for guarding the body, but also to the country, and has a great reference value for the people of the people.

The recent recently revealed a series of rumors, scandals, and scandals involving politicians at the same time. It may not be unprecedented.Similar incidents have happened in the past, but they are all sporadic stars, and they have never been together as they are now.The time point may be purely coincidental, but it also triggers a beam -type effect.

These incidents involve two categories, one is the political ethics of the officials, and the other is the personal moral ethics.But the two are closely related.What the politicians shoulder are the heavy responsibility of governing the country and guarding the country.Deepening the country will start from the guard.Therefore, Confucianism has the saying of Xiu Qi Ping.

There is no doubt that this is a high requirement. It is both wise and capable. In any society, such talents are rare.But can the governance of the country be related to the rise and fall of the country and the well -being of the whole people, can it be the one of the people?Therefore, those who have elected the country must strictly follow the principles of any people.With this principle, the country will decline.

Choose Xianren, the truth is very simple, but it is difficult to implement.Looking at the world, few countries can handle this major topic. Therefore, many countries have appeared in mediocre politics.As a mediocre man, it is naturally impossible to be good politics and good governance.That is, even Britain and the United States cannot be spared.In some countries, a strong man has a political administration. For example, military generals seize power through coup, implement military and political, the people are dissatisfied, and the country is not assured.Myanmar is a good example.

Singapore's independence has been independent for nearly 60 years, and has experienced three generations of prime ministers and 13 elections. If it is calculated in 1959, the People's Action Party has been in power for 64 years.This is a rare record.Few political parties have been able to rule uninterruptedly for so long.In the implementation of a multi -party democratic country, the phenomenon of "normal" is that the political parties often rotate, so Singapore is regarded as a special case of "abnormal".Democratic Summit.

So far, the cause of the DAP can be continuously governed. The reason is actually very simple, that is, it can always maintain the high standards established by the founding of the founding of the founding of the founding of the country.This is mainly reflected in the election of virtue and maintaining integrity politics.The strength of the DAP is to be able to update itself and continue to introduce new blood.In terms of new candidates on the Internet, its approach is different from other political parties, that is, it can be selected nationwide, not limited to the party.In other words, a person's party attributes are not the main consideration, and ability is the first consideration.Therefore, many of the new candidates for the active party of previous elections are outside party members, and they can really choose to be able to choose wise.

A political party has selected talents with such standards that it shows that it is most concerned about the good governance of the country. The concept based on it is to govern the country.

Of course, it is not easy to identify wing.It is often necessary to be determined by practical testing.Therefore, the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi said: "Trying jade must burn for three days, and the discriminating materials must stay for seven years." It means that the true and false of the jade should be burned for three consecutive days.Waiting for it for seven years.This metaphor for people and things to get a comprehensive understanding often takes time test.

People are humans after all, each with their own weaknesses. Therefore, it is difficult to be absolutely reliable for any choice of talents.Even if there are strict selection criteria, it is inevitable that there is no example of the test of time.Not everyone can block the temptation from beginning to end, and keep their bodies like jade. If corruption occurs, it must be enforced like mountains, and the bigger the official, the more strictly handling it.If other unravble behaviors appear, you must also be painful.Only by adhering to the attitude of enforcement and remushing, can the standards ensure that the standards do not damage or are corroded.

In the above cases, does the Action Party government adhere to the consistent standards?the answer should be confirmed.Those who are corrupt are investigated, and those who involve extramarital affairs are automatically resigned.的 is a bug that erodes trees, and immediately removes one by one to keep the health of the tree.Even so, we have seen that in a democratic society, the government's handling techniques will still be difficult to question.

For cases involving the Minister of Communications Yi Huaren, some people questioned why he gave him 8500 yuan a month's salary and retain the membership allowance?Some people questioned the case involving former Speaker Chen Chuanren, and some people questioned why the Prime Minister had waited for more than two years to make things public?That is to say, things are not perfect.The Prime Minister himself also acknowledged that like Chen Chuanren's case, it is better to resolve it earlier.However, the so -called falling 甑 反 但 但 但 但 但 但 is important to learn lessons from it. If you encounter such a thing in the future, it will be broken.

The case of the two ministers renting a vacant black and white house may be so observed.After investigation by the Corruption Investigation Bureau, there was no violation of the law, and he was innocent.But you can also learn lessons from it.The ancients of the ancients: The mouth of prevention of the people is more than Fangchuan, let alone in this era of social media.Perhaps Cao Zhi's gentleman's poems can be used for reference: "The gentleman's defense is not suddenly, there is no suspect. Gua Tian does not accept the performance, and Li Xia is not the crown." Maybe some people think that this is too harsh for the ministers, butAs Dr. Wu Qingrui, the late Yuanxun, said, joining the DAP is as if he joined the Holy Orders, otherwise the DAP would not have such political glory.

Finally, then quote the other sentences in Qian's family training: "If you don't work in one, you will conspire in the world.

The author is a former journalist, a member of the former DAP parliament