Source: Ming Pao

Author: Feng Keqiang

At the opening ceremony of the National Security Education Day on April 15, 2021, Luo Huining, then the director of the Hong Kong Sino -joint Office and the National Security Consultant of the National Security Committee of the Hong Kong SARS pointed out: The SAR must effectively assume the constitutional responsibility of maintaining national security in Hong Kong to maintain; Anyone who destroys national security is a "hard confrontation", and it is cracking down according to law; it is "soft confrontation" and regulates according to law.By April 15 this year, Xia Baolong, the director of the Hong Kong and Macao Office of Hong Kong and Macao, said: "Now Hong Kong society seems to be calm, but the undercurrents are surging. The root cause of chaos has not been eradicated.Violent rolls come back, be alert to "soft confrontation" in secret, and be alert to overseas Hong Kong activities. "

Later, the Chief Executive Li Jiachao and the Security Director Deng Bingqiang both visited different public places and in the media., Provoke contradictions, even incite the hatred of Hong Kong people to the central and special zone governments "," "soft confrontation 'that destructive power is often done under the red offline", "' soft confrontation 'and other incitement behaviors, online speech and publication, etc.public".Deng Bingqiang also emphasized that it will further improve the maintenance of national security legislation, including legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law, and the network security responsibility of key infrastructure operators in the SAR government in the SAR government.

Three meanings of "soft confrontation"

Integrate the above -mentioned officials, the meaning of "soft confrontation" includes the following aspects:

(1) is the latent force, the surging dark current, the purpose is to provoke contradictions, and even incite the hatred of Hong Kong people to the central and the SAR governments;

(2) Different networks, media, culture and art and other channels occur and spread;

(3) are often done under the red offline of the law, so we must regulate according to law, carry out "online patrol", and legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law, and so on.

The meaning of

"hard confrontation" is easy to understand for citizens, referring to advocating "Hong Kong independence", promoting the overthrow of the Chinese government or the SAR governments, challenging national security, and conducting social order and behavior with violence.I believe most people will agree to this according to law.However, what "soft confrontation" refers to is quite general, because the three aspects of the above meanings are more vague, which can cover a large area, which can extend to the field of non -far -end.person.

For the above meaning in the above aspects, the words and deeds of "inciting Hong Kong people's hatred for the central and the SAR Government" are easier to see. It has more clear legal definitions and legal norms.The illegal behavior of "hard confrontation" may be directly said that "the online incitement of hatred" should not be the same as inciting behavior.

But the so -called "lurking, undercurrent, provocative" and other terms define the general definition of the citizens, and the objects, speech and behavior referred to can be explained.If officials often publicly call on citizens to vigorously be vigilant and report "soft confrontation", they can evolve into the sound of wind, "thieves", internal consumption struggles, "my favorite country, you are a soft confrontation", and the situation of destroying social restoration and unity.

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Of course, for the law enforcement department, they may suspect that some specific remarks and behaviors involving illegal illegal are "lack of power and surging undercurrent".Evidence only takes action.To ensure national security, it is mainly to rely on law enforcement departments to do it. When necessary, it can be promoted without often speaking high -profile.

"Soft confrontation" is "the occurrence and spread of channels such as different networks, media, culture and art", which is the second meaning in its second aspect, which is obviously pointing to the ideological field.Of course, hostile forces will use these channels to engage in their doses, such as spreading false messages, creating panic, or as an example of the case of "Yangcun picture book" as an example; but these examples exactly indicate that specific criminal behaviors are specified, Instead of generally referring to "soft confrontation" generally exist in the category of Internet, media, culture and art.In this case, officials should not be publicly emphasized to be alert to "soft confrontation", but many people feel that they dare not speak, and they dare not put forward different or opposite opinions on certain policies of the SAR government to avoid being criticized as "soft confrontation".Essence

In fact, in the past month, the book, organ donation registration, a group of Chinese and University alumni related school boards' reorganization statements, and even pay attention to the policy of mortuary, etc.The incidents of contradictions and obstructing the administration of the SAR government, reflecting the atmosphere of blame, crisis, cups of snake shadows, and suspicious atmosphere of blame, crisis, cups, bows, snake shadows, and suspicion.Any opinions that have different opinions in terms of academic, history, culture, and government policies. As long as they do not violate the law, they should try to take effective methods such as rational discussions, facts verification, and education and publicity.

Do not infinitely extend "soft confrontation" content

"Soft confrontation is often done under the red offline", so it is necessary to regulate it according to law, and formulate new laws and contains the legislation in Article 23 of the Basic Law. It is the third aspect of its meaning.It is the right direction according to law and legislative regulations, because Hong Kong is a society in rule of law.However, since it is "doing it under the red offline", that is, if you have not committed the law, or the law cannot keep up with the development of things, you must refer to the experience of other cities or countries to take response measures, and modify the laws or formulate new laws as soon as possible.At the same time, pay attention to the infinite extension of the content of "soft confrontation", so that the legislative destruction of the rights of remarks that the basic law stipulated in the Basic Law.

In all fairness, officials may use some statements to use some extensive sentences.The above -mentioned words of Luo Huining and Xia Baolong are published at the opening ceremony of the National Security Education Day of the National Security Education Day each year. It means that I hope that the SAR Government will not paralyze the idea, but also be alert to destroying the illegal act of one country, two systems in different forms. This is actually on the right occasion.Say properly with time.

But these vigilant words, the central government and its resident officials are not often hanging on the side.Conversely, for example, Zheng Yanxiong, the director of the China United Nations Office this year, said at his New Year (January 15) with the Legislative Council's lunch session (July 14)."Unity of all the power that can unite, condense all wisdom that can be condensed, stimulate all vitality that can stimulate, continuously develop and expand the positive power of building Hong Kong, draw the greatest concentric circles, and strive to promote the governance and prosperity of Hong Kong."He even called on the legislators to "effectively supervise the administration of the SAR government through various forms such as inquiry and debate ... so that citizens have a real sense of gain, happiness, and security."

SAR officials should talk more about such positive speaking and adopt corresponding policies to balance the relationship between national security, economic and people's livelihood, and the peacefulness of the people."Political City".In this way, it can make citizens and foreign investors feel at ease, can lead Hong Kong to restore the normal as soon as possible, so that Hong Kong can continue to play the role of international cities in the new stage.

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What citizens want to get, in addition to "gain, sense of happiness, and security", they also need to be real "comfortable" -the the mood of the general citizens who keep the law, and they will not worry about their different opinions at all times.Words and deeds are dedicated to "soft confrontation" by people "special patriotism".The society of rule of law, diversified openness, freedom of speech, etc. are all unique advantages of Hong Kong as an international city.If the general public and foreign business and investors are always in fear of falling into the "soft confrontation" network, how can Hong Kong be ruled and revitalized?How to achieve what Zheng Yanxiong said, "the central government has always supported Hong Kong to build a vibrant international metropolis?"

Therefore, I hope that the SAR officials are less and cautiously used with "soft confrontation" without clearly defining, but the strict words that make citizens are generally worried.

The author is a director and CEO of the Institute of Policy of Hong Kong