Source: Taiwan United Daily

Author: Lin Liyu

Taipei Shanghai Shuangcheng Forum debuted at the end of August. Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan will attend it in person, but in the face of the 2024 election, Jiang Wanan's landing will definitely be scratched by the green camp.Attacking the dual -cities in person, except for the adjustment of cross -strait cities' exchanges cannot be interrupted, the political level is more evaluated, maintaining the opposite, dignity, kindness, and reciprocal communication with the opposite shore.It also brings a spring water.

However, due to the sensitivity of cross -strait political situations, and the 2024 election is imminent, Jiang Wanan's Double City Forum lecture will be the biggest focus of this trip.According to the judgment, Jiang Wanan attended the Twin City Forum for the first time this year. The content of the lecture will be relatively conservative than the former mayor Ke Wenzhe's "cross -strait family", which avoids touching the sensitive political red line on both sides of the strait.


2024 election is considered a election campaign for war and peace. Regardless of the atmosphere, international situation, or the current election, the two sides of the strait are always sensitive. For Jiang Wanan, maintaining the only two official exchanges on both sides of the straitYou can use urban exchanges to allow cross -strait interaction and pipelines. Especially in the Strait Forum in mid -June this year, the land side released a goodwill to announce the lifting of Taiwan's pineapple Shakya.After joining the party, the cross -strait relations are frozen, and farmers and Taiwanese businessmen suffer, seeking the importance of actively communicating and dialogue.

However, the Shuangcheng Forum has not been done yet, so there is already questioning the Green Camp. The Shuangcheng Forum may fall in Beijing's united front tools and Da Nengxuan, asking Jiang Wanan to adhere to the principle of Taiwan.Under maintaining each other's peer dignity, any form of exchanges believe that Taiwanese should be optimistic and do not have to be afraid of being "red".

Jiang Wanan previously mentioned that leaders and vice president Lai Qingde recently said that he hopes to resume healthy and sustainable exchanges on both sides of the strait, especially the 2024 election atmosphere is different from 2020. Facing the sensitive problems of cross -strait exchanges, malicious spiral on cross -strait relations on cross -strait relationsIn the increasingly worse atmosphere, set a sentence that Ke Wenzhe once said, the Shuangcheng Forum, "do not necessarily add points, but do not do it."