Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

Kai Tak Cruise Terminal has recently had ships in succession and witnessed the gradual response to Hong Kong cruise tourism. It was a good thing to be happy.The official claims that there has always been an additional public transportation needs brought by the parcel moorch, and adopted the "appropriate" arrangement. The reality is that many cruise customers have to go to the docks such as bus and other buss.Kai Tak Cruise Pier was opened for 10 years, and the labels have been paved for a long time, and the traffic in and out of traffic has been inconvenient. It has repeatedly criticized it before the epidemic.The situation is questioned that the official lacks preparation for cruise customers, and even the basic dock traffic connection is not good. How can it be possible to "tell the story of Hong Kong" to passengers.

Poor traffic in cruise terminals

Passengers are waiting for cars like to suffer

The Hong Kong cruise industry was frozen for nearly three years due to the crown disease epidemic. Until March this year, the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal was reopened. Many cruise ships have successively announced that they will return to Hong Kong.According to the recent information of the Brigade Development Bureau, 18 cruise companies have determined that cruise ships have visited Hong Kong this year, with a total of 166 voyages and responded to 76%before the epidemic. At the beginning of last year, the cruise ship "maritime spectrum" that moved the mother port to Singapore due to the epidemic was "marine spectrum".Number, it was also announced that it will be re -set in Hong Kong at the end of next year. The cruise parent company pointed out that Hong Kong has the mainland market as a backing, which can attract international customers, mainlanders and local customers. It is why they decided to return to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong's tourism industry is restarted, and in the face of insufficient shipping power of the airport, cruise ships can provide passengers with different choices and experiences; for the local tourism industry, the "heavy weight" business model before the epidemic is not sustainable.Attracting more high -end passengers, the positioning of cruise customers just cooperates with this direction.Unfortunately, no official strategy has been seen so far to promote cruise tourism on the road.The Kai Tak Cruise Terminal has recently caused a large number of cruise customers to be "suffered" because of insufficient transportation facilities, which makes people feel that the official lacks preparation for passengers, and even the most basic transportation arrangements have not been done well.

Last Friday, the "Marine spectrum" of 5600 people arrived in Hong Kong.Because there are very few retail and catering facilities in the dock, many passengers want to grasp the time to go out of sightseeing when they go ashore. Unexpectedly, the first thing to experience is the charm of "gourmet paradise" and "shopping paradise".The suffering, the taxi station was once in 45 minutes to get on the bus. The bus stop is also a long queue. Many passengers have complained and have greatly reduced the impression of Hong Kong.It is true that there were accidents near the terminal of the afternoon of the day, which affected in -depth traffic, which was unexpectedly unexpected. However, two or three days later, there were still cruise passengers complaining that the traffic was inconvenient, which reflected the problem on the official body.

Kai Tak Cruise Terminal cost of about 7.2 billion yuan. In 2013, it was completed and opened. It is an important landmark for Hong Kong's development of cruise business.The tourism industry has criticized the dock's land transportation facilities for many years, and has not improved for many years, and the land for shopping malls for more than 5,000 square meters of the dock has not been used well.Before the epidemic, some citizens would go to the grass near the dock for leisure activities. However, after the outbreak of the epidemic, some of the relevant land use was rebuilt into community isolation facilities. When the original plan to develop the tourism center was implemented, it still needs to be seen.The terminal traffic is inconvenient, and the merchants are reluctant to settle in, the flow of people is sparse, and the three form a vicious circle.In the past, if the official has the intention to re -do a good cruise business, it should be planned early to see how to improve the supporting facilities in the pier, instead of waiting for the actual operation, only to see the trick.

Large cruise ships have arrived in Hong Kong, and the itinerary is settled early. It has been half a year after the epidemic. As long as the official considerations are thorough and more grounded, the problems that have occurred in the cruise terminal in the past few days will not be inevitable.According to the Cultural and Sports Tourism Bureau, the relevant government departments and the dock operators have always had additional public transportation needs brought by the parcel mooring, evaluated and adopt appropriate arrangements, including arrangement of special route connectors and MTR stations, and arranged multiple buses to be atThe pier is prepared to work overtime at any time according to passengers. However, the current problem is not what the official has done, but the result of the results and how the user feels.Many cruise customers waited for a car to wait for a stomach, how can the official deceive themselves.

Government officials claimed that on -site observations showed that the terminal bus class was "sufficient to meet the demand" and the queuing dragon appeared.The Tourism Affairs Office, the Transport Department, the Tourism Bureau and the dock operator met yesterday to discuss the issue of terminal traffic connection.On the other hand, the official reiterated that the "bus service is sufficient", and on the other side, it will reveal that it will "explore" another special bus route to Tsim Sha Tsui, and consider adding non -specialized bus services to implement it before visiting Hong Kong in the next large cruise ship.The public will inevitably want to ask officials. If the bus service is really "enough" now, why also consider adding new routes and non -specialized bus services?Why did n’t you consider these measures a few months before, and wait until the problem was wrong before the dead sheep made up?

The government must be thorough

Can't boat to the bridge head naturally straight

Earlier this year, the mainland tour group resumed to Hong Kong. A large number of passengers had a large number of passengers waiting for dining on the street. The official lack of publicity, and they must be rescued afterwards.There was a problem with the cruise terminal's problem again, and it was once again that the official thought was unbelievable.Cruise terminal traffic is inconvenient. The official proposed yesterday that it is unknown whether it can attract more taxis to enter the pier to pick up passengers.As a result, the outside world will also be suspicious.In any case, if there is no Octopus or Hong Kong dollar, it is really a problem. The official can consider discussing with the cruise company to send a one -way ticket to non -local passengers, or take other payment arrangements to facilitate passengers as much as possible, so that they will have better to Hong Kong to have a better thing about Hong Kong.Impression and experience will not feel that Hong Kong is a place where even traffic connections are not good.