Since the founding of the United States, the Great Modern Civilization has become a model in the world in various aspects, including the practice of mass communication professionalism.The sense of mission of promoting modern civilization in the United States has indeed unparalleled superiority, but many American elites have a superiority of superiority, and even formed a single -sex value standard. It is correct that the values and ideas that only their own values and ideas in the world are correct., Other countries and people must follow the follow, otherwise they are outdated or wrong.On the other hand, the U.S. elites generally unlimited the interests of the United States, thinking that the interests of the United States are the interests of the world, and the direction of the United States is the only way in the world. The world must follow up.

Recently, the dispute between the Washington Post and Lianhe Zaobao is not completely wrong, but the key cause is purely a sense of superiority in the American elite.Even if the interests of the United States have been raised to universal interests, other countries and the media must follow up, otherwise it is an attached to the autocratic country.

Huayai witch hunting to Singapore

At present, the US -China strategy is in the ascendant. The United States is immersed in the anti -China frenzy. All important organs and individuals that have not been included in this tide, both at home and abroad, have become the object of pursuit of crusade.This frenzy, just as the deputy editor -in -chief of the United Zaobao, Wang Peter, said, and now it is "a non -friendly enemy, and even no enemies have to find the hysteria world of the enemy".Cognitive combat mode, and constantly hunting witch. "The Washington Post hunting to Singapore listed a bunch of one -sided evidence, saying that Lianhe Zaobao had become the official media of the Chinese government, and even inspired the entire Singapore to stand in China.Lianhe Zaobao strongly refuted the allegations.

Lu Deyao, the Ambassador of Singapore in the United States, also sent a letter to the Hua Post to clarify. He solemnly pointed out: "American news media expects that the United Zarde will follow the Washington Post, or Singapore to imitate the United States or China.It is a country with a diversified race and religion, including the mainstream media of Singapore, including Lianhe Morning Post, "reflects our own social attention, cultural history, and views.In terms of arguments, play a vital role. "

Deputy editor -in -chief of Wang and Amblasses of Ambassador Lu are signs, standing, and reflecting the arrogance and prejudice of Huayai.The news media of the news media is to report true, analyze and interpret public affairs, and provide public forums, so that the opinions of all parties can be spread and confronted, so that the audience can fully and accurately understand public affairs.In order to better fulfill the duties of telling the truth and exchange opinions, the media must do its best to be objective and fair, but there is no absolute standard for objective and fair.Prejudice, strive to approach the truth and reflect multiple opinions.

Because the real world is complicated and many ends, they cannot see the whole picture from a single angle, so they must be illuminated from multiple angles to more present the truth; because the world has different opinions on public affairs, the views are different, so they must be positive and negative, so they must be positive and negative.In order to reflect different opinions from communication.In general, diversification can reflect the multi -faceted state of affairs. Therefore, from reporting, analysis and comments, we must adhere to the diverse professional spirit.News reports must be presented from multiple angles, and the comments must be the "public words hall" that Deputy Editor Wang said, so that "to ensure that the road can be wider and make the view more diverse, you can refer to each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, collide with each other, and collide with each other.And even debate. "

It is subject to objective reality. Of course, the United Morning Post has not been fulfilled in the United States. However, compared to the official media of mainland China, it has become a spear. After the implementation of the National Security Law, the cold cicada effect of the Hong Kong media still surpasses it.In the past year in the Morning Post, the deep body has recognized that its speech scale is quite wide, and some articles that the mainland government has criticized the officials of the mainland government.Once the editor -in -chief of the speech edition asked me to write an article on the current status of China's economy. He said that although there were some mainland authors in the Morning Post, they had some scruples and were inconvenient to write the real situation. I was a Taiwanese author. There was no taboos and could tell the truth.On one occasion, some disagreements in Taiwan and Hong Kong were successively handled by mainland officials. Just because some of their words and deeds abroad violated Chinese law.Practice, infringement of the freedom of the foreign Chinese, will be far -reaching, and the Morning Post also publishes the full text, causing a lot of response.

The traditional US values collapse media have selected border stations

The realization of

Category This news professionalism is actually the teaching of most news communication scholars in the United States, and it is also the principle that most American news media pursued in the past.However, since this century, the traditional US value system has gradually collapsed. With the serious development of political opposition and social tears, the media have chosen to choose stations to help political conflicts.The objective and impartial principles that the original media kept were mostly dry aside, replacing the party's position and ideological paranoia.In the past, the diversified democratic spirit that American society was proud of has been put on hold. It reported the facts from a single value and a single perspective to present a single opinion, so that the vicious cycle of the United States politics, society and the media, enhanced and enhance each other, and then enhanced and enlarged each other.Adding to the echo room effect of social media, it will deteriorate the division of the United States sharply.

In the international community, in order to maintain the dominance status, the United States has contributed to China, and the gangs are surrounded by China, and the world is divided into two major camps: democracy and autocracy.Choose the side station.Anyone who follows the United States is a good country of democracy; all those who do not stand in the United States are the eagle dogs of the autocratic country.As for those who do not choose, such as Singapore, the United States continues to pressure, and in the cognitive war, there are many derogation.This time, the criticism of Huayai's criticism of the Morning Post is basically a high degree of strategic attack, reflecting the US international strategy and cognitive bias.

The United States has always been a model of freedom and democracy, but since this century, traditional classic values have gradually faded. The mainstream western media's narrative methods of international affairs and social events have been based on the US -based position and national interests.The perception of the world has caused the diversified values of respect and other countries to become increasingly declined. The result of the global strong release is to strengthen American ideology to the world.The serious imbalance of media circulation between global countries was known as the "Media Imperialism" half a century ago, and in specific practice, it is You Lie.

The media determines the way of youth to know the world

American cultural communication scholar Oliver Boyd-Barrett pointed out in an analysis of the theory of media imperialist theory: "The ownership, structure, transmission or content of a certain national media are subject to the strong pressure of the interests of the media in other countries.The phenomenon of a considerable ratio of ratio ".

This is a common phenomenon in the current world. With strong communication power, American news agencies have deeply penetrated their influence into the media of various countries.Some young people who do not know about the world will believe them, because they grow up in such a media and ideological environment, which determines how they know the world.A country with a national style should resist the erosion of the media imperialism and maintain its own status as much as possible, so as to be based on the world.

The author is the former chairman of the Central News Agency and a senior media person in Taiwan