Affected by the remnants of Typhoon Du Surui, extreme heavy rainfall occurred in some regions such as Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, and Henan, and suffered severe floods.The Beijing Southwest Logistics Center, located in Luzhou, Hebei, covers an area of 400 acres. Nearly a hundred publishing houses and publishers and the library house in the middle of the market are affected by the floods.The total pricing of the book).There is a book library to see the flood soaking books, and within an hour of RMB 25 million (S $ 4.67 million), it is gone.

Fortunately, the book manager is not injured, but a large number of books are soaked in the water for a moment, which is really heartbroken.In addition to making people reflect on the location of the library, the design and quality of the library, and the improvement of the quality of the library, it may also promote all those who care about books to jointly promote the content and form of book content and form.

In fact, the change of books has long arrived, that is, e -books.However, this flood may promote the change of change, faster, or turning to another form of book changes, which are e -books or other forms of books.

The advantages and disadvantages of e -books and paper books have a lot of discussions. Even if people value the advantages of e -books more, it is still inseparable from paper books in reality.A large number of paper books are damaged in this flooding, which is enough to prove that paper books also have a large market and readers.

Since the official website of Amazon China officially launched on the Kindle Store in 2012, users can directly buy Kindle e -books, and the progress of Chinese e -book has also made rapid progress, and Kindle has been forced to stop operating in China on June 30 this year.The reason is not that the e -books are not good, but in the local e -books or e -reading forms. They are catching up and more in line with Chinese reading habits.Better, practical and grounded.

However, this is just the competition between e -books. If you want to compete with paper books, the latter still has strong strength.Why do people love and reluctant paper books?The British David Pilson pointed out a mystery in the historical story of the British Library's book. Books are part of the aesthetics and value of a certain era, and it is also a characteristic.This actually refers to the cultural and historical crafts. Through the subtle design and decoration process of editing, art, and printing, readers can obtain a special reading experience and enhance reading interest.All of this is achieved through the basic physiological function of people, that is, tactile and vision, and even hearing sensory experience.

Some people think that e -books are only used as a bearing text, and the demise is just around the corner.This is a bit extreme, and extremely nostalgic and conservative, because e -books can also improve touch and vision, and improve the reading experience, but people are not used to it.

A large water exposes the shortcomings of paper books.As a carrier that carries the longest knowledge and information, paper not only is afraid of water immersion and water, but also fires. It is also afraid of worms, moldy, wind and rain, and sun exposure.Too much space, etc., will also let people look at paper books again and promote the improvement of e -books to further replace paper books.

On the one hand, e -books can adjust the size of the font, the background color, etc. to meet the needs of different readers.On the other hand, e -books can also be designed as visualization and touch when pages, and even the sounds when coming with a book pages, as well as the key points and fold display of the content read.

The advantages of e -books can also be further developed, with real -time synchronous search and sharing with book friends and friends.The e -book can quickly find related content and explanation through the built -in search function.During reading, readers can share, comment, and discuss with other people in real time and after reading. If you read WeChat, you can widen the reading experience of each individual.When everyone has their own unique Hamlet understanding, share and communicate with other readers, and can get Hamlet understanding at different angles. ComparedEssence

From these perspectives, if e -books can develop faster and win the love of readers, not only can avoid the damage of paper books will be damaged by large water, floods, mold, and sunlight in the future.Elegant costs of paper, warehouse storage, management, etc.

However, a unique defect of e -books is that it requires energy. It is not too easy to use where there is no power to power and connected to the Internet.Future books that solve this difficulty are also desire to come out. This is the biological (DNA) book.

It can be used to store the entire Wikipedia (English version) with a single DNA single -chain. 1 gram DNA can store the amount of days.All data on books, media and the Internet.And the book made of DNA does not take up space, and can be carried and read as you want.(Editor's: DNA storage technology has been in advanced national dense research in recent years)

But at present, the decoding and reading of biological books are relatively slow. The next step is to develop faster biological book decoders.On the other hand, it is also necessary to let biological books present the experience, visual, tactile, and hearing experience like traditional paper books, and can become the mainstream books in the future.

After a flood, people can see the evolution of books from paper to electronics to DNA books.Of course, the revolution of the book is not a form completely replaced another form, but a certain kind of mainstream and other supplements.Just as in the future, e -books will inevitably become the mainstream, and paper books will be supplemented.In a more distant future, it may also be the mainstream of DNA books, and paper and e -books are supplemented.

The author is Beijing scholar