Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Luo Qingsheng

Liu Deyin, chairman of TSMC, accepted an exclusive interview with the New York Times. He said that the production of cutting -edge chips requires up to 3,000 scientists to work hard to develop. Therefore, although TSMC has moved towards the world, he will still leave Taiwan. At the same time, he also denies the "Silicon Shield"The statement of the guard is bluntly stated that mainland China will not attack Taiwan because of semiconductors, nor will they not hit Taiwan because of semiconductors. The stability of the Taiwan Strait depends on how US -China relations go.

Liu Deyin denied that the "Silicon Shield said" is actually a "silicon shield" in Taiwan.As the most advanced semiconductor company in the world, Liu Deyin's vision is quite accurate. He knows that "TSMC is the god of guardians in Taiwan" is actually a pseudo -proposition. The mainland government has its own route and bottom line on the Taiwan issue.Relations interact with both sides of the strait. TSMC is just a private enterprise, and the burden of "protecting the country" is too heavy.In fact, TSMC has been peeled off a layer of skin with problems, which is completely reasonable to refuse to be Taiwan's "Silicon Shield".

The "Silicon Shield Theory" advocates that Taiwan has a key semiconductor industry. If war occurs, it will affect the world. Therefore, the Global Conference will jointly prevent the mainland's martial arts. Semiconductor is Taiwan's "Silicon Shield".However, this is equivalent to abducting the world with semiconductors in Taiwan. No big country likes to be abducted and loses its strategic initiative. As the US Minister of Commerce Raymond said: "90 % of the US cutting -edge chips are purchased from Taiwan, which is difficult to sleep all night."In order to exclude this security threat, the Bayeng government's pressure on the Biden government to set up factories in the United States, and the Tsai government, who embraced the "Silicon Shield", was completely unable to help him.

TSMC has set up factories in the United States not only high costs, but also cultural conflicts. The tight labor relations have been delayed by the establishment of a factory.Liu Deyin explicitly stated that the United States needed assistance, "TSMC still can't think of a solution."How to develop the TSMC U.S. factory in the future will be observed. If the failed to build a factory will be doubled: the United States cannot produce advanced chips, and TSMC will suffer huge financial losses.

"Silicon Shield said" is to expect Taiwan's security to the global power, especially the pressure of the United States, and believes that this will make the mainland dare not move.But this said that it ignored Beijing's determination and the risks of unwilling to defend Taiwan.The solution of major countries is to set up TSMC to set up factories in their own countries. Therefore, TSMC had to go out of Taiwan and become Miki Power, Decheng, and Nikko Electric.As a result, Zhang Zhongmou's statement was that "globalization and free trade are almost dead", and Taiwan's risk has increased.Because this shows that the response to the Taiwan Strait War will be the Ukraine model: Economic sanction in mainland China, providing weapons to support Taiwan's battle, but will not send troops directly.

I dare not fight instead of gambling on the mainland, why not let the mainland do not want to fight?The complementary mutual dependence of the cross -strait semiconductor industry will reduce the willingness of mainland moving martial arts, because hitting Taiwan is equivalent to hitting themselves.In fact, the cross -strait semiconductor industry is now in this state. The largest products in Taiwan and exports are electronic components, and the largest export land and import sources are also mainland China.Rely on the two sides of the strait, the risk of war is low.Therefore, when Western media believe that Taiwan is "the most dangerous place on the earth", the old gods are there.

This is another kind of "Silicon Shield theory". Cross -strait semiconductor depends on the safety of the Taiwan Strait. The key is to maintain the competitiveness of Taiwan semiconductors, the stability of cross -strait relations, and more close trade, rather than the decoustal two sides of the strait, every China, every ChinaConsistently, regard the people's interaction as the United Front.The security of Taiwan depends on wisdom, responsibility in the government, and not in TSMC.

(the author is the executive chief of the Taiwan International Strategic Society)