Source: Taiwan China Times Society

Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde led the special envoy to start on the 12th to attend the inauguration ceremony of Paraguay President Benia, and transit the border of New York and San Francisco.The Dahuofu area has never been considered as a consideration of transit places, nor can it cover up the fact that the United States receives Lai Qingde's transit with the "minimum specification".Whether Lai Qingde personally can pass the "interview" in the United States is small? The unprecedented and friendly phenomenon of US -Taiwan relations cannot withstand the test of political reality. Under the restrictions of the US government, it is difficult to deepen and improve.

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Lai Qingde will have multiple significance as a presidential special envoy. In addition to consolidating Taiwan Bocheng, he also tests the confidence and trust of the Bayeng government for him.The presidential candidate for the ruling party who has absolute foreign power, resources and tools, theoretically, has an advantage in the American battlefield that must be struggling with the soldiers."The mark of pragmatic Taiwan independence workers", a good game of good chess was about to be played. In addition to the Washington Special Economic Zone and the Greater Washington area, it is still a "restricted area". It is not possible to publicize the overseas Chinese community.number.

The current vice president's aura allows Lai Qingde to have a power foundation and a huge diplomatic system.Presidential candidates, such as Tsai Ing -wen, Zhu Lilun, etc. have entered the State Council, the White House National Security Council, and the Ministry of National Defense to meet with US officials, but because the Bayeng government insists on the restrictions on the entry of the Chief President, Executive Dean, Foreign Dean, and Minister of Defense in TaiwanRelease any positive and favorable signals to Lai Qingde.

The most unsatisfactory thing is that in order to blur the facts that cannot enter the Washington or Washington area, the presidential palace, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Lai Qingde's campaign headquarters to defend that Lai Qingde is in line with the convention.The Virginon Alington, which is located in Washington and the United States at the headquarters of the United States Association (AIT) headquarters, is passively accepted by the United States.

In addition, Lai Qingde does not change the nature of "Taiwan independence Jin Sun". Recently, "when Taiwan can enter the White House, the political goals they are pursuing have been achieved", and exposed its ultimate Taiwan independence nature.In order to avoid the embarrassing scene of "secondary damage", Washington became the taboo of Lai Qingde, which made him dare not try any breakthrough efforts.

In addition to violating the Tiantian of Taiwan independence, Lai Qingde and his team overestimated the support of the Bayeng government's "strong rock" and underestimated the influence of the US government to deal with the Taiwan issue.When U.S. Secretary of State Brillings visited Beijing in June, Beijing named Lai Qingde, thinking that he was "supporting Taiwan independence elements", and he might accelerate the deterioration of the Taiwan Strait and further damage US -China relations."The primary task is to prevent Lai Qingde from visiting the United States."

The turning point of the reversal of Taiwan -US relations

Although the United States will not succumb to the mainland's pressure easily, Brinken himself also warns that the mainland government has no reason to over -respond to Lai Qingde's transit, or as a provocative action in the Taiwan Strait to interfere with the Taiwan election; on the other handAfter continuously reiterating the policies of the first middle school, and the reception of Lai Qingde's minimum specifications, he stated his statement.

major diplomatic errors have triggered doubts about the United States, making Lai Qingde's US interview change into a "re -examination", which also lost the advantage of the American main battlefield. Now he can only want to pass the level at low altitude and not to add points.In contrast, polls are currently behind the presidential candidate in the wild, especially the Kuomintang Hou Youyi, and it is expected that the "Jedi counterattack" in the United States has high expectations for this.

Ke Wenzhe visited Washington as the chairman of the people in April, entered AIT three times, and met with officials of the State Council, the National Security Council, and the Ministry of Defense.The "San'an" policy of "Taiwan Strait's stability, Taiwan's security, and peace of mind" has been generally affirmed and praised, which has doubled his confidence, and it is necessary to use visiting the United States to reverse the election.

AIT Chairman Rosen Berg has repeatedly stated that the United States will not choose the side station in the Taiwan election to oppose the intervention of overseas forces. However, due to the different backgrounds of Taiwanese candidates, such as Lai Qingde is a "transit", Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe are "accessing"How the United States, the United States is fair and appropriately arranged a difficult task.Hou Youyi's reception specifications in the United States in September are still unclear, but they must be limited by less. There is a larger space. Compared to Lai Qingde's US trip, do not deduct points. Hou Youyi should only add points.Love can have a certain effect.

Former Vice President Lu Xiulian warned that Taiwan's current diplomatic "internal promotion" is invited outsiders to visit.It's a microcosm.If the DPP cannot be removed, Taiwan's diplomacy will inevitably move towards crisis and humiliation. The three presidential candidates in the United States may be the turning point of the change of election.