Source: Xinjing News

Author: Chi Daohua

On August 5th, a video of a TFBOYS fan sang on the high -speed rail compartment poster flag, which circulated on the China network, causing controversy.

In the video of this labeled source as a poster news, it can be seen that the high -speed rail carriage has become a venue for offline fan carnival.The poster of TFBOYS was filled with the entire carriage, and the fans sang the flag, and their voice was deafening.In this regard, 12306 customer service staff responded that this is the personal behavior of passengers, and the staff can only persuade and cannot be forced.

Fans cannot disturb others because of chasing stars, and train passengers are responsible for maintaining the order of the carriage, which should be public knowledge.

"Chasing the stars is right, but don't affect others in public." "Why not force, shouldn't you take care of the feelings of others in public?" From the response and doubts of netizens, everyone'sSimilar behavior is unacceptable, and the response to 12306 customer service staff is also puzzled.

Train compartments are a "stranger society" to a certain extent. The maintenance of the order is related to the driving experience of each passenger.From the perspective of market contract relationship, passengers should get the corresponding service guarantee by spending money on the car.This not only refers to the arrival of the journey destination on time, but also includes the claims that are not disturbed during the journey and maintain the comfort of personal travel.

Therefore, we can see that passengers with a baby will receive a reminder from the flight attendant to "optimistic about children"; trains will be punished by warning, punishment, detention, and fines.These are to maintain the public order of the train carriage.

Similarly, fans engage in support activities in the train carriage. The star posters cover the windows. Singing loudly depends on others. The atmosphere is there. Fans are hi, what about other passengers?Even if this is a personal behavior, can the staff only allow them to "crazy" if they persuade them?In front of fans who have already sang, can the so -called "persuasion" be more "hard"?

In short, in the train carriage, when other passengers have a normal rest and the right to be disrupted, railway staff will be managed, which is their duties.

As for how to manage it, of course, there can be different ways to choose. The authority of "control" will be different from the behavior of passengers, but if the main quality of the carriage is maintained only on the personal quality of the passengers, it will significantly affect others who significantly affect others.The exceptional behavior is "incompetent", which is tantamount to the delegation and indulgence of the destroyers of public order, and at the cost of damage to the normal rights and interests of other passengers.

Specific, fans must also have the conscious consciousness of not crossing the border and not affecting others.Chasing the stars should be moved closer to the "Star" with its own actions, attracted by its flash point, to achieve a better self, and live up to a better pursuit.If you repeatedly under the name of a certain fans, do not be well -seen by the public, that is, to discredit your idol image, and also let the star chasing behavior deviate from his original intention.