Source: Taiwan United Daily News

Hou Youyi, the Kuomintang presidential candidate, visited Japan to return to Taiwan. The younger generation of members and legislators in the party went to pick up the plane at the grassroots level to let the supporters see positive information.When Guo Taiming seems to be assembling the army, the Party Central Committee and Hou Office need to actively attacked the ruling party and combined with the densely created momentum of legislators to open the predicament.Lan Ying has been united for a long time, but in the face of various alliances, the party advocates the three minds and two minds. It is impossible to move between the pushing of the wild alliance and the support of Hou Youyi, and I am afraid that it will lose the soldiers.

Lai Qingde and Ke Wenzhe are facing bottlenecks, while Hou Youyi wants to be weak.Ironically, Lai Ke was facing each other, and the Kuomintang was mostly injured by the civil war.Hou Ying did not have the party's machine number to order the whole party, considering internal unity and could not shout to himself.The Kuomintang Central Committee did not support Hou Youyi before nomination. Although it was to maintain harmony in the party. However, when the Green Camp party and government joined forces to "feed the medicine in kindergarten", the Party Central Committee was also aware of it and had no consciousness of the entire party.Today, the Kuomintang officially nominated Hou Youyi, and party chairman Zhu Lilun should also stand up and carry this election campaign, leading hens and chickens.

If Zhu Lilun cannot regard Hou Youyi's election campaign as the battle of the whole party, the president and legislature are integrated and scheduled, and the difficulties will not repeat the mistakes four years ago.As the largest party in the opposition, in the face of the public opinion of 60 % of the rotation of political parties, voters only saw that the Kuomintang was trapped in the integrated dilemma, and taboo taboos to digging the walls of Guo Taiming.Make rice to fight on its own campaign; challenge the volume of Laiying's victory at the end of last year.The Kuomintang lacks the confidence of the Great Party and only wants to play the speculative game of "OnePlus One greater than two".

The three parties in the wild are thrown out of the political alliance dishes to strive for 60 % of the anti -green voters.But in essence, the primary task of nomination of a political party is to form in the field?To put it bluntly, some people in the blue camp saw Hou Youyi, and they planned to take a shortcut, pushing Guo Hou, and Blue and Baihe, and even had a blue flag to give birth to Guo Taiming to give birth to "Guo Kebing".EssenceThe voters watched the Blue Camp in the Blue Camp, and they were very tired.Chairman Zhu once sacrificed the party discipline of Luo Zhiqiang, who advocated the "Party Rotation Alliance", but he advocated that after the entire generation, he advocated that he "returned to the ruling and formed a governing alliance."Although it is after governance, it makes people in the party mixed.

The Party Central Committee and Hou Office are preparing to go to the countryside to build a momentum. Zhu Lilun can't tell whether the Government Alliance is a political opinion or the next stage of the election campaign.If the party chairman can propose a political alliance, another group should open the Lan Camp Speaker and faction leader of the Lan Camps and factions for Guo Dong.

Blue Camp treats too optimistic in the wild league.From the perspective of co -vertical techniques, the maximum voting of Baiying is to attack green gifts, absorb light green and disappointed with the Kuomintang, and finally bite the camp to abandon the Blue Army. Therefore, it is impossible to weaken themselves.If the Kuomintang cannot kill the blood road, how can the people's party re -consider cooperation?

Zhu Lilun's claims in the face of various "big alliances" must face up to whether this is a united medicine or a cracking part of the party.Zhu Lilun should ask himself: Does the Kuomintang have to be prepared to be unable to integrate Guo Ke?If there is no possibility of pre -election integration at all, the Kuomintang should return to the regular battle early, and faces the DPP seriously, and use discussion, policy and personality characteristics to identify.

The blue camp has criticized Hou Youyi's lack of mouthful and charm, but he is too much to give play to his advantages.Zhu Lilun had played with Tsai Ing -wen. Should the DPP most clear how the Democratic Progressive Party packed the opponent who relied on the reading machine so far. Why can't the Kuomintang do?Hou Youyi can successfully complete the task of visiting Japan. Obviously, with the assistance of the Kuomintang staff, he can obtain recognition on the diplomatic stage.Chairman Zhu should be firm and integrate the offensive of the party's power on the ruling party. At present, there are too many issues in domestic and diplomacy to allow Hou Youyi and legislators to cooperate.

The Kuomintang carefully fights to recover the supporters. Talking about the alliance is only to allow the excavation of the wall and the hype to abandon the insurance.The classmate is also at the time of breaking the boat. If he does not stand up for a husband, the blue camp is a scattered sand.