Source: Taiwan United Daily

The New York Times published an interview with Liu Deyin, chairman of Terminchian, and Liu Deyin. The most eye -catching is probably that Liu Deyin said a big truth. He denied the long -promoted "Silicon Shield" saying that "mainland China will not change it due to semiconductors to change it.Military attitude -will not attack Taiwan because of semiconductor, but not to hit Taiwan because of semiconductors. "

The output of nodes below 10 nanometers in the world, Taiwan accounts for 69%. If it is less than 5nm, TSMC is more than 90%of monopoly overlords, so the military hypothesis of the "Silicon Shield"Debut.

This hypothesis is not only inside Taiwan's internal beliefs, but foreign countries also believe in foreign countries.As a Peninsula TV station reported, a study by the Boston Consultation Group in the United States shows that if the supply of Taiwan chip supply is interrupted for one year, it will cause global technology companies to lose $ 600 billion.If these manufacturing bases are destroyed during the war, it will take at least three years to rebuild the capacity elsewhere and spend $ 350 billion in other places.

The Democratic Progressive Party also continuously hinted or convinced the people that with this protection of the country and the mountains, you can do nothing.Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen said last year that it should maintain the advantages and energy of Taiwan at the cutting -edge of semiconductor, so that the global status of "protecting the country and Shenshan" is more important.

In March of this year, Lai Qingde said at the dialogue activity of Zhang Zhongmou and the "chip war" Miller's dialogue activity that the achievements of TSMC were shared by the world, and it involved global civilization progress. Therefore, not only Taiwan is responsible for TSMC.There are responsibilities to protect Ting and electricity.

Liu Deyin said the truth very soberly at this moment.That is, Beijing decision makers will not decide where to make the "semiconductor" advanced process manufacturing base and determine its strategic direction.

The most authentic thinking logic of the hypothesis of the "Silicon Shield" is actually a paradox that is completely opposite to the mainstream ideas: that is, the advanced process of Taiwan is only controlled by the United States and the West, all of which are produced by all high -level production and produced.The chip is only used by the United States and the West, but when the Chinese mainland can only be crowded out completely, this will induce Beijing to break the boat to attack the Taiwan to break the blockade of this blockade.

In other words, it is not just a "silicon shield", but it has become a "silicon target" to vent his anger.Since I can't enjoy it alone, why can't I grab it, or just destroy it?

This thinking path is the real scene that is closest to reality and human nature, and this logic is explained publicly in the previous US article with politicians; they said that if the PLA invades Taiwan, the United States will be in the United States.Destroy Destroyer.Because the United States believes that this thing must not fall into the hands of mainland China!

But the same is true that Beijing should be willing to accept the high -end chip produced by TSMC in the hands of the United States and its allies, but can it only stare at the hands of the United States and its allies?With the villain's heart, the villain's belly, will Beijing, who is holding the throat, won't make a fighting beast. Do you take a shot to capture Taiwan?

However, the above inferences are demonstrated based on the "semiconductor" and "semiconductor".Semiconductor has no semi -hairy relationship.

This statement really touched Beijing's mind.The standards of not attacking Taiwan in Beijing are: Taiwan, which belongs to China's inherent territory, will be dependent forever.That is, Beijing is concerned about a "territory", not a "facility" on the "territory".It is unbearable to lose territory for a facility, but it can bear it when it is recaptured by the territory but lost this facility.

Beijing not only thinks that Taiwan is its territory, it is impossible to let it control others for a long time, that is, there is no TSMC on this island, and it is also necessary to recapture.The most advanced semiconductor base may be destroyed by war. When it attacks it, there will be no hesitation.

The legend of "Silicon Shield", after the leader of TSMC personally made a negative answer to the top media in the United States, should be able to take a break!If Taiwan itself really regards TSMC as a treasure, it should not be used as a shield for its own political delusions of Taiwan independence.