Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times

Industrial and Commercial Times Society

Three legal entities recently revealed to Reuters that Huawei, a Chinese mobile phone manufacturer, which has been blocked by the United States technology, has caused 5G mobile phones to produce Huawei, and plans to use SMIC and other domestic production chips and homemade chips.Version 5G mobile phone, and will be listed early next year.If this news is true, it shows that the US scientific and technological sanctions on China have promoted that Chinese enterprises are more actively pursuing technical autonomy and have achieved a certain progress.

The more locking the throat of the United States to China, the tighter.Washington should restrict Beijing's development of next -generation technologies that can dominate the country and economic security, while Beijing treats Washington's restrictions as a malicious target of being blocked and isolation in China.China ’s countermeasures have been implemented in action. Previously, it was sold in China on the grounds of national security restrictions in China, and it has been exported to key materials manufacturing from chip manufacturing such as 镓 and 锗 from August 1st.

The United States is also discussing the expansion of export control measures for China. It is reported that President Biden may sign an administrative order in mid -August to restrict US enterprises' investment in key technologies in China.This administrative order focuses on semiconductor, artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum operations, and other transactions will be revealed to the government.Although the United States restricts China in obtaining or manufacturing advanced chips, it will cause great harm to China, Washington continues to pressure Beijing. As the US chip industry believes that it will be more injured, the United States will also be harmed.

The US Semiconductor Industry Association warned, saying that a series of White House had a series of territorial management of land management, which would inspire China to accelerate autonomy and affect the expansion of the US chip industry.Yue Lianjun persuaded the Biden government to dispel the idea of control over land exports, which can be seen from the worries of the American chip industry.However, the US Senate and the White House are still increasing.

Facts have proved that the impact of the United States on China's technology export control has been overvalued and has underestimated China's ability to bypass control.An obvious example is that since the Trump administration banned high -end chips from Huawei in 2020, Western countries predict that China's 5G promotion speed will stagnate.In contrast, the number of 5G base stations in China has doubled for two consecutive years, and the current total accounts for about half of the world.Due to the failure to obtain updated chips, Huawei's mobile phone business has shrunk rapidly, but now Huawei seems to be able to design high -end chips in China.

Faced with the leading United States that is far ahead of chip technology, China uses market advantages to combat American companies. The control of Micron is more significant than substantial significance. It does not rule out that China will further improve its penalties in the future and expand the scope of countermeasures.However, people in the industry are concerned whether countermeasures will repeat the mistakes of the United States and "kill the enemy a thousand and damage 800", because sanctioning US companies will make it more difficult to attract foreign investment, making the post -economic post -economic post -economic post -economic post -economic post -economic post -economic post -economy economyThe road to recovery is even more bumpy.The only way of counter -presence without sequelae is to accelerate the shortcomings.China's "Fourth Industrial Revolution" is increasing efforts to actively apply AI to manufacturing, mining, agriculture and logistics, and strive to bypass US scientific and technological restrictions.

Consumer -end technology such as mobile phones is a secondary issue, and corporate productivity is the key to decisive.Some leading companies in China actively provide cloud computing -based AI services and training and consulting services to promote this new technology to thousands of companies. They hope to quickly go deep into all walks of life and let AI give the value of various industries.It is Huawei who dominates its affairs. Its admission method is for the customer service training AI systems of manufacturing, pharmaceutical research and development, mining, railway, finance and other industries, and can get Huawei's self -developed Kunpeng and Shengteng AI processor support.In the fourth industrial revolution, China plans to apply AI to the production, logistics and services to pursue the world's leading position.

5G is another key to winning or defeat in future industry competition. Its high -speed transmission, low latency, large connection density and good network reliability will play an important role in promoting the development of various industries and bring moreInnovative application and business opportunities.The results of 5G on the Western consumer side technology are not good. The download speed of the Internet is only half of China. China has obvious advantages in the 5G bandwidth aspects, and has made progress in realizing business automation.China's 5G2B and AI have brought real benefits, such as cheaper industrial products, more efficient ports and the application of autonomous cars.

High -end chip is a short version of China, and it is difficult to break through the blockade.However, American manufacturers can no longer bear business losses. One -third of Qualcomm's annual income is from China, and Huida is one -fifth.Sooner or later.Even if it does not relax control, as the world's premier Dutch exposure machine manufacturer, ASML, will eventually develop alternative products.This is the "relying on" anti -blocking in China, and it has seen the dawn; the process is difficult, and the result will be beautiful.