Source: Report

Author: Lan Yifeng

Since 2020, the country's southern Sahara countries have continuously occurred or quasible coup.Cutting off the northern half of the entire African half, there was only a country in the middle, so Niger was once regarded as the "last democratic fortress" in the southern part of the Sahara, but the last hope was also burst quickly. At the end of July 2023president.

A coup in Mali in Mali in August 2020, a second coup in May 2021

After the President of Chad in April 2021, after the death of the front line, the military's quasi -coup was unconstitutional to the successor.

September 2021 Guinea coup

Sudan coup in October 2021, now in civil war

January 2022 Burkina Faso coup

July 2023 Niger coup

Since ancient times, Cross -Sahara Trade route center

Today's Niger relies on foreign aid. The world believes that it is a place where birds do not have eggs. Only uranium ore is worth noting -Niger is the seventh largest uranium mineral country in the world. The output accounts for 5%of the world.Metric ton is the source of the major uranium ore in France -but in history, Niger ranked in trade. It was the gathering of important trade routes from the Sahara Desert to North Africa along the Gulf of West Africa.

In ancient times, West Africa produced gold along the coast, but lacked salt. Business travel came to the desert to trade rock salt with gold, which was almost used to exchange them.Gold coins, such a tripartite trade has contributed to the prosperity of ancient Niger. The Sanghai Empire has expanded for this. In the future, Morocco's wealth is to invade the Sanghai Empire to grasp the trade route, which has declined with the Sanghai Empire.

These grievances are no longer important after the invasion of Africa in Europe, not only because they are reduced to European colonies, but also fundamental damage is that when European forces directly control West Africa and even build railways.Just trade with the colonial mother country, why bother to cross the desert?Since then, Niger has become the image of birds in the hearts of the world today.

Colonial rule causing the distribution of ethnic groups and the national boundary.

Colonial rule also brings another problem: drawing the boundary line randomly. After the Second World War, the colonies established the country according to such boundaries.Its main ethnic groups are located in the Nigo River Basin of the Niger River in Niger and Nigeria. As a result, it is now cross -cut by the national boundary, half in Niger, half in Nigeria.(Nigeria and Niger are also named from the Niger River. Nigeria's English name is "Niger" plus the name of the ground name "Lia".) The Haosa people are still the main ethnic group in Niger, currently accounting for 55.4%of the total population.The two major ethnic groups of Zama and Sanghai people, with the expansion of the Sanghai Empire in the past, distributed the entire Sahara southern Africa until Sudan, accounted for 21%of the population in Niger.The ethnic group of the trading line was cut into five countries by the colonial country: Libya, Algeria, Niger, Mali, and Burkinaa, which are a minority in all countries, and often become a detonation point for ethnic conflicts.The Tuaerres accounted for 9.3%of Niger, and had long rebellion twice after the war.

Easily and independent founding the country becomes a country that is not the country

After the Second World War, Niger could be said to be independent without much difficulty. Under the colonial parent country, France was willing to easily establish the country in 1960. Founding President Diori took a relative line to maintain relations with France and allowed France to mine uranium ore.It also supports France in the Algerian war, and even the ruling route has followed France. The minority of Zama, and the minority of Zamahua ethnic groups of the minority groups of the minority groups are dominated by the Malu people.In the past history, the Faran who had a dominant position was excluded from the regime.

Niger's colonial border division is already inherently bad. Dorer's rule is so disordered, which exacerbates the disagreement between ethnic groups. Diary was a coup in 1963. He escaped the assassination in 1965. In the face of opposition, he leaned on his opposition.French military power is targeted. However, in the 1970s, the oil crisis and the severe drought of Sahara caused famine. The people's corruption of the government could no longer tolerate it. Diar's response was further concentration.The second military coup overthered Diari, which also opened a non -returning path for repeated coup.

In 1991, Niger began democratization reform. In 1993, the first democratic president was selected. In 1996, a constitutional crisis that caused a conflict between the president and the Prime Minister caused the government to paralyze.After that, high -pressure rule was not assassinated until 1999, and Niger returned to democracy. Mamadou Tandja, who participated in the anti -political change, was elected president and re -elected in 2004.

After Tanja finished the two presidents, he wanted to continue to do constitutional amendments to trigger a constitutional crisis. In the end, the military coup in 2010 asked him to step down.Mahamadou ISSOUFOU was elected and successfully re -elected in 2016. In 2021, he was elected by Arabic Foreign Minister and Mohamed Bazoum.

One of the first two big France

Niger itself has a history of continuous coup, but this coup is connected to the neighboring countries. The coup is like Niger as easy to independent but bad.The seven coup time is similar, showing that it is not just a problem of individual countries itself.

The southern Sahara countries faced the raging Islamic militia. One of the main reasons for the Niger Military Couples this time was that the president was unable to calm down the turmoil.The rampant of Islamic militias, partly due to the turbulence of the region after the "Spring of Arabia", including the European and American joint overthrowing Libya's strong personality, it has been turbulent to this day; climate change also accounts for considerable factors.The drought was severe under climate change, and the conflict of ethnic groups intensified, becoming the hotbed of Islamic militia.

Niger west connects Mali, Burkina Faso, Beitong Libya, and connects to the Sudan to the Red Sea to the Red Sea to the east. In the past, it was the crossroads of the trade route. Now the same geographical location, of course, it is difficult to be alone.

Niger has also fallen into a military coup country, causing France to have a headache. France cooperated with various countries to combat Islamic militias, but encountered a dilemma in the successive coup. Previously, the Mali and Bikina Faso coup.The West African military deployment shrinks to Niger. Now Niger is also a coup. I am afraid that it can only be retreated to Chad, but Chad is also a problem with the value of democracy. If there is any wind blowing, France may have nowhere to go.

After France leaves, the southern country of Sahara will continue to deal with Islamic militia. Under the cutting and resistance of Democratic African countries in Europe and the United States and surrounding areas, I am afraid that I can only ask for help to the Walga mercenary.By the Niger coup, the reason for the support was immediately congratulated. After the changes in the Russian soldiers, the Walgner mercenaries may be poor in China, but it is still promising in Africa.

The preciousness of the democracy in Taiwan

Niger is also democratic, and once again remind people of Taiwanese people that even if the democracy in Taiwan is not perfect, it is still very precious and lucky.Compared to African countries, they often depend on coupSolving the president who wants to be unlimitedly re -elected, Taiwan has been descending from Lee Teng -hui, and the past presidents have been willing to hand over the term of office; compared to the difficulties in Niger and other places, they must launch a coup. Although Taiwan politics is always noisy and noisy.However, no matter how big, the people went to the streets and occupied the Legislative Yuan. In the end, they still used the votes to decide and have no military coup to seize power.

In fact, Taiwanese people can be proud of their "democratic young class" as their own democratic qualifications, but they have such democratic literacy, and they should be more confident.Come to the party with each other.It is the crisis of democracy that cannot be treated with democratic ways.