Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde will led a group to visit Paraguay next month, but when the government announced that he would "transit the United States", he was abnormal and low -key, and he did not mention the place of transit at all.Not only that, Lai Qingde's "Taiwan Entering White House" last week also seems to bring unexpected side effects.The Financial Times reported that Lai Qingde's "White House theory" caused Washington's doubts about its cross -strait policies and asked Taiwan to clarify his statement.

As a presidential candidate, Lai Qingde's transit the United States can be used as the favorable theme of the DPP, but the Tsai government handles low -key processing, showing that its transit treatment will not have too high specifications or arrangement worthy of preaching.There may be three reasons: First, the Biden government is busy fixing relationships with Beijing. After visiting Brinkin, Yellen, and Kerry, the nervousness is slightly cooling.Get back all the time.That is, Lai Qingde's transit at this moment is actually encountered a sensitive joint of "inappropriate time" and will not be enthusiastically embraced by the United States.

Second, Lai Qingde was ordered to be "pragmatic Taiwan independence workers". Although he emphasized the word "pragmatic", the United States cares more about the proposition of "Taiwan independence workers".Because of this, Washington has always had doubts about Lai Qingde, thinking that he could not maintain a more flexible or stable cross -strait route like Tsai Ing -wen.To this end, although Lai Qingde tried to clarify and correct several times this campaign, it was obviously not good; the United States was also worried that he was too "excellent" in the United States, which made it difficult to clean up.

Third, the situation in Taiwan's election is still chaotic. Although AIT Chairman Rosen Berg has met candidates in the opposition and Japan, he has kept open -minded and hopes to treat candidates for various political parties fairly.If the Biden government gives Lai Qingde's high -specification reception, it will be interpreted as a specific tendency to the United States, that is, it violates the "equal principle".In this way, Hou Youyi will visit the United States in September in the future, or Ke Wenzhe will visit again, and the reception may be more tricky.

The accident was that when the United States was still arranging Lai Qingde's transit visits, Lai Qingde's saying that "when Taiwan can enter the White House, the political goals they are pursuing have been achieved", but they have made themselves deeper.From the perspective of Taiwan's position, a person who is running for Taiwan has taken "walking into the White House" as the highest goal, which is of course outrageous.If the eyes are only staring at the United States, where does he put "serving the people"?If this is Lai Qingde's belief, then he should be strictly reviewed by voters; the people choose the president, just to send him to the White House?

However, another possibility of Lai Qingde's "White House said" may be because of his innocence and unruly.In the past, Lai Qingde liked to make high -profile moral statements, but appeared stiff because of too strong, and violated other higher principles.For example, he refused to go to the parliament for the bribery election of counter -spells in Tainan, but he also destroyed the democratic supervision mechanism and highlighted that he was higher than the system.From the position of the United States, Lai Qingde's "White House said" also offended the existing "No. 1 China Policy" in the United States, showing that he tried to influence or overthrow the foreign policy of Huafu, which made another diplomatic taboo.When Lai Qingde talked with the folks outside Yilan, he said that he was flying forward to the White House. He may not expect that he had surpassed the score, but caused his disadvantage.

The friendship of the Biden government to Taiwan is like Taiwan's "forward White House", or even rendering into the US Taiwan to build diplomatic relations. It is a act of showing off and exaggeration.Don't forget that the former President Trump, who is about to challenge Biden's former President Trump, has grinded Hoho, and is likely to deliberately sing against the US -China relations to take advantage of the profit.Once Trump is elected, Taiwan ’s strategic position will be redefined by Washington officials. This is what the candidates in Taiwan should be prudent.Observing Trump ’s talk a few days ago, in addition to refusing to send troops to defend Taiwan, he also had to impose tariffs on Taiwan and set up trade barriers. Can this big stone be around?

Lai Qingde's "White House said", instead of being a personal dream, it is better to say that politicians are arrogant, but the result is to move stones to smash their feet.Before Lai Qingde met Trump, he hit the wall first.