Source: China News Weekly

Author: Chen Shulian

"If you sincerely want, the price can be low." A barbecue shop owner who is being rented in Hengdian, Zhangdian District, Zibo City, China, told China News Weekly that their annual rent (RMB, the same below, the same,23,95 yuan), the transfer fee was 150,000, and repeatedly stated that the price could be discussed again.

It is understood that the indoor area of the barbecue restaurant is 200 square meters and an outdoor area of 200 square meters, which can accommodate 60 or 70 tables.According to the owner, the barbecue restaurant will only open in April this year. The decoration equipment is brand new, and it can be directly operated by taking over.

Data from all parties show that after the "May 1st" holiday this year, the heat of Zibo barbecue gradually "cooled".In mid -to -late June, the topic of "Zibo barbecue cooling traffic declined" also caused heated discussions on social media.

In addition to the "eight major situations" market, some of the Zibo barbecue restaurants, which have been virtuous, can only see sparled diners even during dining periods.At the same time, many stores have posted "rents" information.

China News Weekly noticed that in recent times, hundreds of Zibo barbecue shop transfer information appeared on the 58 -city website.Many of them have the characteristics of new opening, new decoration and new equipment. Most of them indicate that they can continue to operate after taking over. The transfer costs ranging from more than 100,000 to 3.05,000.

A local industry insider in Zibo told China News Weekly that most of the shop transfer was that there was no business and was too losing money.

He believes that the transfer can now "stop loss". Before the Zibo barbecue market is completely "cooled", try to restore some losses."This is the manifestation of the store that wants to save costs as much as possible. After all, many stores have opened shortly, and many of them have not even recovered costs." He said.

A staff member of the Propaganda Department of the Zibo Municipal Party Committee told China News Weekly that these are normal market phenomena. They did not pay attention to the specific situation before, and said that the scope of related business was very large and could not be available.Statistics, it is difficult to give answers.

"Draw up is the pinnacle"

The huge count of Douyin showed that the search index of "Zibo Barbecue" keywords reached the first small peak on April 9, reached 2.4767 million, and reached a peak of 11.0579 million on April 29th.However, after the May Day holiday, the value showed a downward trend.By June 30, the value was only 109,100.

In June, the search index of "Zibo Barbecue" keywords increased slightly during the Dragon Boat Festival, except for 404,800, and the overall decline was declining.The average month of that month was only 159,000, and the last week was generally less than 100,000.

However, in the eyes of many Zibo people, Zibo is not a fire, but returns from the peak of traffic to the normal state.Some net red barbecue restaurants still need to line up like Muyang Village barbecue, but the waiting time is not as long as before.

For some old barbecue shops, because they originally had a group of fixed diners, coupled with the blessing of the flow of Zibo barbecue, even if the current tourists decreased, the impact was not great.

No. 21 barbecue restaurant running by Liu Qi was already well -known in the local area before Zibo barbecue was really hot.In his opinion, even though tourists have decreased from April and May, they are still busy."Although our store has no eye -catching signboard and the location is not in the business district, there are still friends from foreign friends who come." Liu Qi roughly counted that foreign tourists in the store still account for 30%of the total customers.

But for new stores that have recently entered the barbecue industry, the decline in Zibo barbecue heat has a great impact on them.

"We count the cliff -like decline." Zhou De operated a barbecue restaurant about 150 square meters in Zhangdian District, Zibo. He told China News Weekly that there are only two or three tables a day every day, which is not enough to maintain daily expenses.

Zhou De changed to open a barbecue restaurant in April this year. He was originally an online car driver. After the Zibo barbecue burst, he set off a barber shop of relatives, renovated, set up 20 tables, and set up 20 tables.Make a barbecue.Counting on decoration, equipment purchase and employee training, it is already the end of April. In his words, "debut is the pinnacle."

According to him, during the "May 1st" period, when the business was the hottest, he could turn it more than 100 times a day. In less than three in the afternoon, the long team was lined up in front of his store.EssenceAt that time, he was so busy that he could not sleep on the ground for almost two or three hours a day.

But what he didn't expect was that after the "May Day" holiday, the diners decreased sharply.Because they are new stores, there are no foundations of veterans and mature customers before, and the reduction of tourists means the lack of customers.

As for whether there is a plan to transfer the store, Zhou De said that "wait again". Due to the huge investment in the previous period, closing the door at this time will make all he work hard to "drift water".He hopes to put this summer, and hopes that the new passenger flow can bring a trace of "vitality" to the store.

The barbecue city of Haiyue Dragon Palace, which has just opened during the "May 1st" period, has also adjusted its business hours from June: Sunday to Thursday, East and Western Districts turn around;Open at the same time.

The Associate Professor Yu Haibo told China News Weekly of the School of Tourism and Service of Nankai University that Zibo's felling is normal.of.

"What Zibo is rare is the tsunami and information flow test brought by the popularity." She said that from the perspective of the tourism market, Zibo tourists are mostly tourists in Shandong Province and Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei tourists.It has the characteristics of punch -in tourism. These popular tourists are pursuing a diverse experience and constantly changing their destinations.Moreover, from the weather, the high temperature and hotness in the inland cities in Shandong in the near future, which is not conducive to visiting tourists.

From "one cake" to the small cake "inner roll"

The decline in the heat of Zibo barbecue not only affects the Zibo barbecue restaurant, but also brings great challenges and pressure on all aspects of the barbecue industry.

Zibo cake, one of the "soul" of Zibo barbecue, is the upstream of the Zibo barbecue industry chain. The warmth and warmth of the market can best reflect the industry's situation.

Li Zhenzhen is the person in charge of Zou Ji's small cake. In April this year, he began to devote himself to the Zibo small cake industry.He purchased a cake -making machine, usually a small machine can produce up to 1,000 packs of small cakes a day, and his machine can produce 20,000 packs per day."But I am not familiar with the machine at that time. I can only produce more than 8,000 packages every day."

He said that when Zibo barbecue was the hottest, they started making small cakes at 4 am every day, and the baked restaurants will come to line up to pick up cakes at 3 am or even earlier, because they are afraid that they will be a little later.sold out.At that time, the process of familiarity with the new machine and the super high order made him too busy. He rated more than a dozen workers.

However, the state of "one cake is difficult to find" lasted only two months.Li Zhenzhen said that Zibo's popularity gradually increased from March and reached its peak in April, but then began to decline.The most obvious manifestation is the decrease in order volume. Originally, "one cake is difficult to find", but now that the demand decreases, his daily output has also dropped to 35,000 packages.

According to him, now there are more than 100 manufacturers of Zibo cakes in Zhangdian District, and in the past, there were only about 50 in Zibo.

Liu Qi also mentioned that the current Zibo small cake business is not easy to do. Recently, five small cake manufacturers have come to his shop to sell, and more than a month ago, Zibo small cakes were still in short supply.He learned that someone turnedLet the new unused small cake production line, "Just like barbecue restaurants, now there are many small cake manufacturers who have begun to transfer."

Liu Qi believes that this is also a manifestation of market self -regulation. After all, it is not realistic to let a city engaged in the barbecue industry.

Li Zhenzhen said that whether it is a barbecue restaurant or a small cake factory, they initially entered the barbecue industry and they all followed the trend and wanted to make money, but they were too overestimated that the market would disappear so fast.

Next, Li Zhenzhen plans to open up the foreign market, but the transportation of Zibo cake is a major problem that plagues him.Because the shelf life of Zibo small cakes is very short, it is usually only three days, so it is the first aviation cold chain.However, because Zibo's small cakes are mainly profitable, the cost of transportation is not suitable for them.

Li Zhenzhen's factory currently has only one machine, and he was originally prepared to be on the second, but considering that the current environment is still unstable, he temporarily put on the plan."The cost of the first machine has not returned yet," he said.

Behind supply

From an economic point of view, the development of Zibo barbecue can not only bring the development of the industry, but also create the development and employment opportunities of many related industries.

In fact, after the Zibo barbecue burst, the local government has formulated a series of "grounding" policies to promote the vigorous development of the barbecue industry in a certain period of time.

Taking Zibo High -tech Zone Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau as an example, in order to help the barbecue industry seize development opportunities, its innovative launching "barbecue" food business license "package -type" service.For example, the "commitment to enter" handling mode for the "commitment" of "barbecue" hot food service operation license is implemented. The applicant only needs to meet the license conditions in writing, and it can be "filing" to handle it.Free to verification.

In addition, there are "oral declarations" ganging service.The applicant only needs to issue an identity card and business license to fill in the relevant content online by the staff. The applicant only needs to verify the signing and confirmation.

At the same time, local banks in Zibo have also launched special financial services for merchant households for the barbecue industry chain.

For example, Zhangdian Rural Commercial Bank launched a "Golden Furnace Huixiang Loan" product for the barbecue industry. It specially supports micro -enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households engaged in barbecue business.As low as 4.0%, it is usually available for about three days.Qi Shang Bank also launched a "Zizi" product for small and micro -enterprises, with a single household with a maximum loan of 1 million yuan.

In order to promote the continuous growth of the income scale of the barbecue industry, Dongying Bank Zibo Branch also vigorously promoted the "government and banks" business to solve loan demand for merchants that cannot provide effective guarantee.It is reported that the "Political and Bank of China" is a trinity of the Zhangdian District Government, Shandong Qiyuan Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. and Dongying Bank Zibo Branch, and jointly shared the risk of compensation.

Not only small and medium -sized banks work for "barbecue loans", but state -owned banks have also entered the bureau.For barbecue catering business households, barbecue appliances, ingredients and other industrial chain companies and individual industrial and commercial households, the Zibo Branch of the Postal Savings Bank also launched the "Golden Furnace" speed loan business, with a maximum amount of up to 5 million yuan, the minimum interest rate canTo 3.65%(one year).

It is reported that "barbecue loan" belongs to personal business loans and small and micro -enterprise loans. Such loans are characterized by pure credit loans. There is no guarantee. The loan procedures are simple, the loan speed is fast, and some can be operated online.

From the perspective of the associate professor of the International Business School of Beijing University of Foreign Languages, the aforementioned measures are like a double -edged sword: although the merchants can open a store at a lower cost, to help more market entities enter the barbecue industry, but the current is complex.In the employment situation, the local convenient policies will inevitably attract many freelancers to enter the market.

Enterprise Check shows that from March 1st to June 18th from Zibo barbecue fire, Zibo's new barbecue -related enterprises have increased by 694.

Lian Zeng believes that although the local barbecue industry has developed rapidly, it obviously ignores the limitedness of the life cycle of the Internet celebrity economy, especially when Zibo barbecue bursts, how to digest excess supply will become a real issue.

"When the supply is greater than the demand, the business is not as good as before, and many barbecue restaurants will be transferred or closed down." He said.

Lian Zeng expressed concerns about this.He told China News Weekly that when a large number of barbecue shops or small cake factories have appeared in the Zibo market, other merchants will also have the same sense of crisis, imitate the transfer, and then appear the "herd effect".

The special expert of the World Tourism City Federation, Wang Xiaoyu, told China News Weekly that the supply side of the tourism market requires two aspects to improve: the continuous improvement of public service levels, and the differentiation of tourism productsOptimization is to let tourists want to come again."Obviously, Zibo only did the former." He said.

Wang Xiaoyu believes that a single barbecue product, as the basic "functional product" for food, residential, travel, and entertainment, cannot meet the needs of tourists' differentiated leisure tourism experience needs.In his opinion, Zibo's tourism resources are very rich, but experience leisure tourism products need to be built further.In the future, we should develop the development of theme leisure tourism products for the segmentation group and the market. Try to satisfy the theme and refine the experience of leisure tourism products based on satisfying the more single functional products, so that Zibo will be punch -in,The transit tourist spot has gradually transformed into a one -stop leisure tourist destination, enhanced the overall tourism experience, and extended the consumption cycle and the average unit price of tourists.

(responding the request of the interviewee, Zhou De is the name of the name)