Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

The downturn from the polls and the kindergarten feeding event folder, the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi burned both ends of the candle, and the situation was not good.At this moment, Guo Taiming and Guo Fan, who are still hoping for the hope of "excellent life", or the candidate candidate for the blue camp legislator who can't hold it, intentionally or unintentionally released the "change of Hou" air, so that Hou Youyi stabilizes even stable.The internal feet are not overwhelmed, let alone start a election campaign.

It can be seen from this insurance bureau: Hou Youyi's stubbornness is the collective crisis of the Kuomintang. There is no egg under the nest, and the anxiety of the "chicks" of the blue camp can be understood.The problem is that if the Kuomintang is unsure of the inside, it will only talk about the "political party rotation alliance", but it will only dig the grave.In this way, not only does not get the cooperation of other political parties, voters will also doubt whether the Kuomintang is ready to return to governance.Although 60 % of the people want to "get off the Democratic Progressive Party", the Kuomintang is loosely loose and unable to call. The people's party rely on Ke Wenzhe to make a mouth. Who can help the public achieve this goal?

Hou Youyi's current situation, with the "fighting campaign" he had originally conceived, must have a great distance, and he underestimated the sinister election.After speaking, Hou Youyi was spoken at the National University of Political Science. The subsequent series of Internet attacks were basically the prelude to "feeding medicine storms".The feeding storm is ugly to be "poisonous", which is a combat mode of the DPP's "party and government mobilization".Even if there is no Enn case or kindergarten storm, there will be other battle offensives; South Korea ’s Yu has tasted hardships that year, how can Hou Youyi have an exception?Hou Youyi couldn't say that the mayor was eager to run for the president, which was probably for fear of being attacked by the New Taipei City.The Democratic Progressive Party has already waited for you with a tiger head, but the Kuomintang and Hou team are still talking about integration. This rhythm can be strange to win.

The Kuomintang's crisis treatment response was dull, but the lack of positive interaction between Zhu Lilun and Hou Youyi is also the main reason that the Kuomintang does not believe in the unity of the Kuomintang.In contrast, the Democratic Progressive Party, Cai and Lai's past grievances are well known that there are also many inner knots in the party; but in the face of the battle of this security power, individual and factional grievances can be temporarily left to ensure political interests first.This kind of unscrupulous wolfness, compared to the Kuomintang's look of lambs, fighting is inevitable and bloody.When the Democratic Progressive Party's bright arrows were released, the Kuomintang was slowly named and named, of course, he was killed.

The presidential election campaign has long been foreseen as "three -legged governor". Hou Guo's contradictions must be resolved early, but the whole party is waiting for "adults" to shot. No one is willing to take the initiative to shuttle.Regardless of the contradiction between Zhu and Hou, if the Kuomintang can't even set the momentum of building the whole party's unity, what can we talk about the Republic of China and the nation of the country?Hou Youyi participated in the Huangpu army's establishment activity. Wang Jinping also called on legislators to stand up. As a presidential candidate, South Korea ’s Yu has been counting the old account?

Compared with the general election four years ago, the Kuomintang's current election is actually not so bad.Guo Taiming's variables have room for resolution, and the Kuomintang legislators nominated as the cloud; it is not integrated in the Party Central Committee and the Hou camp so far, and it has not been able to call for the firepower.The loss of politics in the DPP over the years aroused the enthusiasm of the voters "removed the DPP".Hou Youyi could not let comrades in the party enter the field to support it, it was his loss; but the comrades who couldn't hold the breath talked about "changing Hou" and "political party rotation alliance", which was a manifestation of mourning.If the Kuomintang does not make its basic disk stable and bigger, it will only be chaotic in chaos in the chaos, and will not help the overall situation, and it will be helpless, and the DPP will be described.

Don't forget that at the end of last year, Jiuhe and one victory showed that voters were looking forward to the Kuomintang, and it also burned the fire of the "Democratic Progressive Party".What the Kuomintang has to do is to quickly solve the disadvantages and three minds within the party, sprint forward wholeheartedly, and help voters to realize their desire to expect political parties to rotate.As for whether the "hen" is weak, it depends on whether the hens can quickly turn the wings and catalyze the "chick tactics" to open the way to open the country to open up the territory.