Source: Hong Kong 01 Review Editor Room

Two yellow ducks may be over.The murder case, the case of injury, and the frequent case occurred again, and the atmosphere of society was not good.Even walking on the street, more than half of others.This is of course not a good thing for a community.

After the murder of Hollywood Plaza last week, mental health has received attention, and all walks of life require the government to increase resources and cope with the needs of patients with mental illness.This is right, but the problem is not just that.Saying "disease" seems to be just a matter of small people, it is a doctor and patient.However, most people in Hong Kong are facing various pressures and negative emotions.Rather than say "sickness", it is better to say "Hong Kong is tired."

There are no words in the market that can be raised up, and from time to time, the squeezed buses and MTR have eloquence."You have stress, I have pressure" originally was a "golden sentence" 16 years ago.In the past 16 years, Hong Kong people are not just facing pressure.Looking at the downward of the property market, some people are anxious; relatives and friends immigrate to others, and the people staying will inevitably feel lonely; because of the political environment, some people are gloomy;I don't know if I continue to study at school.

Open the news, either you say a word for organs to donate, or you are arguing for the preferential two yuan or three play.The government said "happy Hong Kong" and seizing opportunities, in fact, the public's feelings have a big gap.Although "today's service attitude today" cannot be bad, if the citizens are worried about family affairs day and night, or money and silver disputes, the tone is not good, but they are afraid of people.

The ideal situation is to deal with mood first and then deal with things.But reality is that things cannot be handled, and some people cannot handle their mood.People who are troubled by emotions should not be affected by emotion. Will it be just seeking fish, unrealistic?Of course, no matter how bad the mood is, it cannot hurt people, but this reminds us that the society cannot be regarded as a medical or public security issue.Strengthening patrol law enforcement and mental health services is only the most basic work, but the mood of society and the lives of Hong Kong people are not comfortable, but it is also the responsibility of all the policy categories and all directors of the Division.

Parliament "check in" with Huang Duck, hoping the citizens to reproduce their smiles.Yellow ducks may bring a few days of boom, but after the boom, whether Hong Kong people can live a happy life, in fact, is the KPI of officials and parliamentarians.