I have recently watched a place where there are TV series in mainland China.The play is described as the "field healing drama". It tells the manager of the Beijing five -star hotel lobby played by Liu Yifei. He is busy all year round and takes care of the hotel guests.She resigned to live in Xiaocun, Yunnan.

There is a scene in the play that three girls gathered together to discuss the difference between ideals and dreams.When asked what the dream was, the hostess replied, "Have money?"

My friend went on to ask: "What about the money?"

The female lead said, "Retire."

Friends remind: "Many young people will imagine their retirement or money. I do nothing. This is a pure fantasy.

She then talked about the level of Maslow's demand level: "When your life is rich, you will have mental needs, and then you hope to get honor, respect, and help others in society, and then realize self -worth."

These words highlight the contradictions of modern life.When the concepts such as lying flat and working outting are prevailing, many people choose to reduce their work input or simply leave the workplace.However, the "social animal" that has been filled with work for a long time has been overwhelmed after having a gasp.In the play, many urban people deliberately added the picture of the time when they went to the countryside, and they were still swiping their mobile phones to pass the time.

I recently called a car recently, and the driver also talked. He has carried a 38 -year -old boy. He obviously did the work of nine nights and six, but he always worked overtime. From 7 am, he was at 10 pm.In this way, "there is no girlfriend."After hearing, the driver couldn't help reminding him that life should not just work.

I believe that such people are not a few.The dedication and hard work and hard work are the spiritual character that is worthy of the promise. It is not wrong in itself, and I don't have to encourage everyone to "lie down".However, while we are busy, we must know why we are struggling.If busy is only out of inertia, in order to increase the salary and become rich, even if life is rich, it is empty.

In recent years, a wealth management movement has been called "Fire". The full name is Financial Independnce. Retire Early, it advocates that through active deposits and investment, financial freedom will be reached early to retire early.This movement was misunderstood. Some people thought it was to make money to make money when he was young.

In fact, Fire emphasizes that people must do consciously regardless of making money or spending money, and think about what to really bring happiness.There is no happiness model in the world. Everyone's source of happiness is different. They need to be carefully pondered, instead of pulling their heads as a donkey, but they are just turning in the same place, or they are trapped in the consumerism trap.Straight work to maintain the quality of life.

Taiwanese writer Long Yingtai met with readers in Singapore on June 3, mentioning that people with awakening, their chests have their own pills.

This sentence reminds me of Salzburg, Austria, and you can see the Alps.I thought at the time that people who grew up here had extraordinary eyes and minds, because they had to face a small fact of them every day.

However, when I returned to Salzburg last year, I found that although the mountains were in front of them, it was like this, and it was not necessary to see it.Therefore, as urban people, we do not need to envy the lives surrounded by mountains. It is important that we must live awake and understand why we live.

For dozens of years of life, some people are the country for the country, and some people only ask for one food and clothing. These two goals are equally high.The older you are, the more you understand that ordinaryness is the normal state of life, but ordinaryness is not equal to mediocre. People have to live a small life. It is a lifetime learning.