Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Zheng Zhen

According to the website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, on June 7, 2023, the Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng was invited to attend the welcome event held by the US -China Trade Council for the new welcome event and delivered a keynote speech.

It is worth noting that in the speech, Xie Feng said that the priority was to effectively control the biggest risk point of Taiwan.No one wants to solve the Taiwan problem peacefully than China, and is reluctant to see that the Taiwan Strait will be chaotic. It is not the Chinese side that it is not deduced by the soldiers. It is not the Chinese side that changes the status quo.Taiwan's official "leaning on the beauty of the beauty" and the beauty of the United States have no noise to "control the Taiwan" is the biggest threat to the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.Now the most fundamental thing is to adhere to a China principle without discounting. The most important thing is to adhere to the three joint communiqués of China and the United States with action. The most urgent thing is to oppose the adventure of "Taiwan independence" adventure.

No one wants to solve the Taiwan problem peacefully than China. This sentence is truth.However, he said in his expression that "it is not the Chinese side to be deduced by soldiers." This statement is worth pondering.

Haven't China been deduced by military chess in the situation of the Taiwan Strait?

The situation of the Taiwan Strait is fermented to this day, it is not difficult to imagine that any party has made countless considerations about the situation.China, which is committed to achieving a unified cause, has been thoughtfully thought about how the United States participates in the war and what will happen in Japan if the United States participates in the war.Regardless of whether it is with or martial arts, the plan has never been lacking, and it is ready.The only thing that needs to choose is the timing.This is the fact that this is a dedicated to the realization of China.

Taiwan's "leaning on the beauty of the beauty", some people in the United States have no noise to "control the Chinese", and jointly manufacture the Taiwan Strait crisis.Mainland China is not the party to create a crisis. These statements are standing.

But the soldiers have been deduced by the United States, Taiwan, Japan, and Mainland China, and even Russia, which is trying to use its support to the mainland in the situation of the Taiwan Strait.As the biggest risk point between China and the United States, the situation of the Taiwan Strait is concerned by any party who wants to gain and avoid harm, and it will deduce the situation.

China is not a secret for the deduction of military chess for unification.In recent years, China ’s military exercise has a unified preview.The U.S. military, including various types of think tanks, has carried out many troops in the Taiwan Strait.In April 2023, the US House of Representatives "Special Committee for Strategic Competition in the United States and the Mainland Government" and the Washington Think Tank New American Security Center carried out a joint military chess in Congress Mountain.In January and August 2022, the US Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) conducted soldiers.In April 2022, the U.S. military analyzed the four scenes that could appear in Taiwan.

The biggest difference between China and the United States deduction is that China ’s deduction is the requirements for the filing of a unified plan.Many of the United States' deductions are to render the situation in an urgent situation, in order to find sufficient reasons for Taiwan's military sales.The Taiwan issue is an available situation for the United States, and it is a card in your hands.

China does not have to rush to publicize "not the Chinese side", the key to the problem is not to be deduced in China.Even if China has been deduced, did China have not carried out military chess deductions, and promised to maintain the status quo to win the recognition of all parties?

You don't have to rush to clarify the status quo. The two sides of the strait have never been adhered to the status quo. Maintaining the status quo for a long time is equivalent to China's long -term incompatibility. This is a promise that China cannot do at all.Any country that wants to maintain the status quo of the Taiwan Strait is essentially to want to maintain cross -strait management. These are not practical requirements in China that have unified needs.


problem is still the problem of China and the United States. The heating of the Taiwan Strait is the product of the outbreak of structural contradictions between China and the United States.

How to manage Sino -US relations, answer the problems of this century will not have a simple answer.Will the Taiwan Strait be the key key to cooling Sino -US relations?Can China keep stabilizing the Taiwan Strait without military exercise?I am afraid that it is not necessarily.