Source: Voice of Germany Chinese website

U.S. and German officials said on Wednesday (June 7) that NATO will launch the largest Air Force exercises in the history of the alliance next week.The military exercise called "Air Defender 23" (Air Defender 23) will be held from 12th to 23rd at a time of 12 days. It aims to simulate how to react when the member states are attacked.

Views 1: The largest in the history of scale

The "Air Guard 23" exercise will be dominated by Germany. A total of about 25 countries, about 250 planes and 10,000 personnel participated, of which 100 aircraft and 2,000 people will come from the United States.Japan and Sweden, who want to join NATO, will also participate in the exercise.

Reuters reports that if the exercise will conflict with Russia, how the allies will quickly transport air reinforcements to Germany.The exercise will be concentrated in the German Air Force Base, but it also includes the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.

Germany is located in the central area of Europe. If Europe encounters conflicts, Germany will become the main logistics hub and gathering place of NATO.Even in peacetime, more than 35,000 U.S. military stationed in Germany.

Views 2: Sword refers to Russia

The German Air Force General Gehaz said that member states will show that "NATO's territory is our red line, and we are going to defend every centimeter of this territory."

Gehaz emphasized that the exercise aims to show NATO's "defense" situation to Russia, so participating in military planes will not fly to Kaliningrad.Therefore, he predicts that Russia should not increase military activities for the exercise.

Kalinrad is a Russian flying land located between the NATO member country Poland and Lithuania. It has not bordered it with Russia. It has set up tax -free and low tax rates to attract investment."Hong Kong", Russia also has nuclear bombs here.In June 2022, Lithuania had blocked Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and once blocked the goods that wanted to transport the Lithuania territory to Kalinrad to produce friction with Russia.

The US ambassador to Germany Gutman said the exercise will show the impressive force that impresses the world in the world, and the NATO Allied Army as the first respondent when the conflict occurs.She said, "If any world leader has not noticed, the military exercise represents the spirit and strength of NATO's alliance, and I will be very surprised." She also said that this also includes Russian President Putin.

Michael Loh, commander of the United States National Guard, said that the exercise was not just "deterrent", but to show the coordination and preparation of the troops of NATO and its external allies.

By the end of the draft, Russia has not responded to NATO's army next week.

Views 3: Civil flights will be slightly disturbed

Michaelo predicts that the exercise will only cause a "small degree" of civil aviation; Gehaz said that it will only have a slight impact on civilian flights.

Gehaz said that most of the 2,000 flights will be carried out in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, and they have taken all measures to reduce interference in civil air traffic.He said that he hoped that the flight would not be canceled, and it could be controlled within a few minutes if there were delays.

"If we want to prove that we are ready to defend this country and the alliance, we must accept this." Gehaz pointed out: "You can't get security guarantee at a price at no cost."

However, Mas, chairman of the German Air Navigation Services Union, holds different views.He told Dexin News Agency that the exercise "Of course, it will have a huge impact on civil aviation flow."He quoted data from the European Air Safety Organization that each mobility day would cause up to 50,000 minutes of civil aviation delays.