Cooperate with Lianhe Zaobao Centennial News , the traditional annual book fair was promoted to the annual literature festival and the annual literature festival and the festival and the annual literature festival and the festival and the annual literature festival.City reading Festival.This change is not only the form and content of the activity, but also reflects the Morning Post as the core member of the local Chinese society, and recognizes its own cultural mission and responsibility.Li Huiling, president of the Chinese Media Group of the New Newspaper Media, said in a speech on May 26 for the opening of the festival that many high -net -worth individuals came to Singapore, but there should be more "cultural high -net -worth individuals" in the local area.The purpose of the reading festival also inspired the thinking about cultivating the importance of local cultural talents, especially the cultural ecosystem of thinking and creating Chinese thinking and creation.

The annual book fair event was a event in the local cultural industry, but the transformation of the times forced it to advance with the times.The first is the popularity of smartphones to change people's reading habits. Paper books are facing challenges due to the prevalence of "shallow reading" caused by social media.Second, the state of Chinese language as a social term has not improved. More Chinese families choose to communicate with their children in English at home. The scale of social population with a solid Chinese foundation has shrunk.Third, the cultural meaning conveyed by the Book Fair is passive after all, and it is better to actively encourage reading to be aggressive.Cooperate with the Centennial Daily to give birth to literature festivals and urban reading festivals, and reflect the consistent undertaking of the Morning Post to promote the local Chinese cultural undertakings.

Reading is necessary, not just to inherit the promotion of the Chinese culture, but in the era of artificial intelligence in human civilization, the importance of this habits will only become more prominent.The disruptability of artificial intelligence at the moment is manifested in the ability to answer the problem based on the rapid data of big data, so it replaces many jobs that are relatively simple and repetitive in the nature of work.The work with conditions that are not replaced by artificial intelligence are increasingly concentrated in two categories -they must communicate and coordinate with others, and can original new products (concepts or physical).The latter relies on the ability of independent thinking, and the degree of grasp of language determines the level of this ability -the richer the vocabulary, the more complex speculation can be engaged in.

Mastering language, there is no shortcut except for long -term deep reading to accumulate.Therefore, encouraging more people to develop reading habits through the literature festival and urban reading festival, which undoubtedly meets the needs of the new era.At the same time, the concept of "high -net -high net worth persons" also helps Chinese people to explore the direction of the future development of the country.Singapore -eunuchs must rely on international markets and foreign talents and investment.Recently, the discussion of Singapore's favor about high -net -worth individuals reflects the attractiveness of the international hub status.However, high -net -worth individuals are only one aspects, and the other intangible aspect is to attract foreign and cultivate local cultural high -net -worth individuals to enhance Singapore's future international competitiveness.

Officials have repeatedly emphasized that there are many conditions that have been used as citizens to absorb new immigrants, not just personal wealth.In the same way, people with high original culture high -net -worth individuals, such as literary masters, thinkers, academic masters, various music, dance, drama, film and television and other literary and artistic fields, may only use Singapore as a livable place, not necessarily possibleThe output reflects or represents the work of the local people's joy, sorrow and value concept.Only those who are nourished by this land are highly expected to be expected.New immigrants from the two ancient civilizations from Greater China and South Asia continue to provide Singapore with economic and cultural nutrients. Singapore's bilingual dual cultural education policies must be used well.

Singapore maintains international competitiveness in the new era of China and the West. In addition to continuing to strengthen the status of international hubs to attract high net worth people, it should also attract people with high net worth.If you choose wood to choose wood, to attract more excellent cultural elites, you must first work hard to operate to build a lively local cultural ecosystem.From the mindset of the Morning Post and even the Chinese News Agency, from elementary school to university education systems, naturally, we must strengthen Chinese mother tongue education so that more potential talents can stand out.The villagers, business, cultural, and even religious organizations must also participate in it, making Singapore an important node in the world's Chinese culture circle.

Lianhe Zaobao Centennial Celebration is only an annual event, but the Morning Post Literature Festival and Urban Reading Festival are a long -term career of the country's future.Singapore's Chinese cultural circles have shown internationally internationally in the 20 years of the 1980s.Perhaps it is not reality to restore the grand occasion of the year, but through the exploration of the concept of "high -net -worth individuals", it may be able to make different cultural results in this new era.I hope that this imagination can promote all sectors of society.