Source: United Daily News

The global epidemic has long been unsealed, and the sightseeing on both sides of the strait has not been loosened. The industry is shouting to the leader Cai Yingwen at the Taipei International Tourism Expo, hoping to dismiss the group for the group to go to land.However, President Tsai only said that the Ministry of Communications is discussing, hoping that the two sides of the strait will gradually restore healthy and sustainable exchanges after the epidemic. If there is a plan, it will report to you again. The Tourism Bureau also denies the timetable for opening in June, emphasizing that it should not be so fast.But how long will the Cai government have to keep the isolating state of cross -strait folk society?

On the eve of the "520" of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China and the Ministry of Cultural Tourism, it was announced that the residents of Taiwan residents went to the mainland to travel and travel freely.right.Zhang Xicong, director of tourism, said that a complete tourism market should be open in two -way, and emphasized that Taiwan ’s“ ban on groups ”in land in land will be unlocked when cross -strait negotiations are completed.In fact, as long as the Taiwanese groups can travel to the mainland, it is only a matter of time to return to Taiwan to travel to Taiwan.The Cai government would rather abduct the people's travel rights and the livelihood interests of the industry as a bargaining chip, and forced the mainland to negotiate with me.This is the government's insignificant, using the people as a purse.

However, this is just a foggy fog; the Cai government has never accepted the "1992 Consensus", and also knows that the other side cannot negotiate with me under the conditions of lack of political premise.It is required that the prospects of the entire two -strait tourism will be delayed backwards.Is the Tsai government's purpose to manipulate the hostility on both sides of the strait before the presidential election, screen or block unfavorable information, and continue to maintain a space to be closed on the mainland?

The crown disease in the previous three years has created an unprecedented insulator since the cross -strait was resumed in the 1990s.The Democratic Progressive Party does not have to make any announcements, and there is only one sentence "epidemic prevention", which can cut off the networks that have been built for decades in the past decades and cut off.The only thing left is the channel of trade. The cargo ship and the cargo aircraft are still recovering, and the number of business figures has advanced, but the contact of human contact is almost overnight before the Cold War.It is like the tragedy of the Shu Road.

The natural opportunity for the disease of the epidemic has made the DPP taste the sweetness.In a lack of a close -up society, the Cai government shaped the public enemy from the inside and implemented a semi -Microzerism. By arbitrarily accusing the specific individuals or groups of the mainland government, it was used as the mainland government to achieve the purpose of suppressing or even eliminating political opponents.During this period, the Tsai government closed Zhongtian TV, and drafted the digital intermediary law and the national mobilization law. It became the only legitimate ideology in the revenge.However, it also caused two warfares for the island of nearly wars due to cross -guardrails.

Although this smoky situation has awakened some people, it has consolidated firm supporters, and lets more of the situation in the Taiwan Strait's situation, and think that the voters who have surrendered to the surrender belong to their Majesty.This is the fine abacus of the DPP's unwillingness to open the portal.The Democratic Progressive Party does not want the people to know that the two sides of the strait can actually be far away from war. As long as the common political basis, cross -strait can use negotiation to cause various arrangements and well -being of economic and politics;The torment of the second "two is because in this state, voters can be called by their political order as hypnosis.

Restore on both sides of the strait is the most appropriate way to break this "island secret room". After people on both sides of the strait begin to recover direct contact, all information can be confirmed in person and will not become unspeakable rumors, but goodwill and goodwill and goodwill and goodwill and goodwill and goodwill and goodwill and goodwill.Warm can also be piled up.More importantly, it is an effective way to melt the war crisis.When the people on both sides of the strait are friendly and friendly interaction, whether it is the other side of the other side, or the frenzy of the hatred of the shore, it will gradually breathe and let the peace come again.

President Tsai served as a guest at the Taipei International Tourism Expo. After the meeting, he went to Japan, South Korea to interact with official tourist tourism and Taiwanese booths.However, the door of the Cai government closed on both sides of the strait, in fact, did not take the peace that was knocked out of the door.When the horn of the war sounded, the people lost not only the right to travel, but also the hope of living!