Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao Agency Review

The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) Hiroshima Summit has ended a few days ago. China is dissatisfied with the summit of the summit.The Seven Kingdoms Group is regarded as the "rich country club" to discuss economic issues. However, as the world pattern changes and the struggle of great powers is becoming sharp and sharp, the political attempts of the United States to use the G7 -pull gang to curb the Russian Russia are also more prominent.The Japanese government clearly chooses to stand on the side of the United States, and it is increasingly confrontable to China.At this summit, Japan, as the host, vigorously cooperates with the United States' step -by -step tuning in China. Regardless of the agenda or joint statement, a large number of political content is added to render the so -called "economic coercion".The joint statement that the wording of China is likely to be harder and explicit.Beijing is dissatisfied with the Japanese United States system, and Sino -Japanese relations may deteriorate.

The Sino -US struggle is fierce G7 % political platform

G7 was formed in the 1970s and was led by the United States. The oil crisis impacting the Western economy was its background.Early G7 meetings were mainly discussing economic affairs, and later gradually expanded to issues such as the international political situation.Once upon a time, the status of the dominance of the capitalist world of the seven major industrial countries, pointing to the global economy rivers and mountains, the name of the "rich country club" spread widened, and the third world can only go to their nose.The trend of globalization and economic strength have risen significantly; on the other hand, the European and American economy has been affected by financial tsunami, and its vitality has been greatly injured. The Twenty Group (G20) once became the most important consultation platform for the global economy. It has Western public opinion and even question the value of G7.In recent years, China and the United States have moved to fierce confrontation. Washington has made every effort to curb China, and the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War has erupted. For Washington, the old platform of G7 is a greater value in politics rather than economy.In the past two years, the G7 summit can reflect the change of this tone.

Last year, the G7 Summit was the main theme of anti -Russia. This time the Hiroshima Summit invited Ukraine President Zelezki, and the anti -Russian attitude was still clear. As for another spearr at the summit, it pointed to China.As early as the summit was held, officials in the United States and Japan were constantly blowing the "unity and response to China", emphasizing that the Seven State Leadership Declaration will mention issues such as the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, and the Chinese human rights, as well as the "cooperation between cooperation against export restrictions and other methods.Economic coercion.Although the final statement of the Seven Kingdoms leader stated that its eponis and wording, obviously carefully calculated, reduced some door -to -door, reflecting some political compromises between the Seven Kingdoms, but the United States and Japan attempted to bind other G7 member states to declare to China."The same front", the whole operation was about to come out, and Beijing could not move in the middle.

Looking at the joint statement, the relevant seven -country cooperation to respond to the "economic coercion" paragraph is basically "self -containing chapter".Excessive dependence on the supply of individual countries, the relevant chapter does not name China.However, when talking about the paragraphs of "regional affairs" later, the words "economic coercion" appear again.The statement of the statement is quite cautious. It has repeatedly expressed the "what we (G7) will do", emphasizing that it will strengthen economic toughness to cope with "economic coercion", confrontation with unreasonable technical transfer, etc., but there is no direct accusation of China, but the sand -containing ingredients in it, but the sand -containing ingredients in it, the component of the sand -filled shadow ingredients,How can you see Beijing?

Germany and France want to maintain diplomacy independence, advocate maintaining a different cooperative relationship with China, and unwilling to be led by the United States. German Chancellor Tsutz said at the summit that the G7 members did not intend to curb China's growth, and countries will beEnsure large -scale investment in China, supply chain and export to China will continue.The joint statement on the paragraphs of the relationship between China, first said it was ready to establish a "constructive and stable relationship" with China, and then emphasized that the G7 policy proposal "is not designed to damage China, nor is it seeking to obstruct China's economic progress and development.", "Unintentionally decoupled with China", etc., took care of the national venues such as Germany and France, but the British Prime Minister Sunak's conference said that "China constitutes the biggest challenge of global security and prosperity today", but it seems to be conveyed from Hua Fu.The focus is.

G7 jointly stated that it takes into account the positions of different member states. The situation is like half a cup of water. You ca n’t see half of the other half; some grand facade words cannot cover the maliciousness contained in the other parts.The US President Biden concluded yesterday, with "unintentional decourse" and other claims, packaged into Washington's "goodwill", saying "US -China relations believe it will start to thaw soon", listening to Beijing's ear, but it is a hard -handed diplomacy.Looking at the play, the United States has continuously increased the investment in US companies to invest in China and the manufacturing and supply of Chinese chips. It has fully displayed what Washington is doing. It is definitely not just that Biden said only to "reduce risks."In Beijing, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the Seven Kingdoms Group regardless of the China ’s serious concern, insisted on manipulating the issues related to China, discrediting China, and crude interference in China's internal affairs.In addition to the United States, Japan is also a planner of this political show.

Japan helps the United States planning politics to be hostile to China and more openly

From the trade war, financial war, scientific and technological warfare, and even chip war, although the United States is the leader of "economic coercion" China, the Huawei Meng Wanzhou incident is a political force, but Huafu is the cause of the cause of the result of the causeAfter provoking the incident, the countermeasures that China had to be "forced" was said to be "forced". According to the Japanese media reported early last month, the G7 talks about cooperation against "economic coercion", and Washington is the promoter behind.As the host of this summit, Japan played the main role in the agenda setting of the conference. The reality clearly shows that during the sponsor of the summit, Japan tried to cooperate with the United States Gang to create a "anti -China Front".

Japan's "selection station" in the Chinese and American struggles fell to Washington. It was not the matter today, but this summit will make the parties see more clearly.Japan wants to borrow the power of the United States. On the one hand, it will increase strategic chips to China, and on the other hand, the United States agrees that the United States agrees to release Japan in military affairs, so that Japan can step up the expansion and become a "normal country."The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Japan Ambassador to China and put forward a serious negotiation on the issue of the G7 hype, which explained the harm of the situation in China and Japan. Japan's hostility to China became more and more obvious.China curbs its provocations, formulates the strategy of Japan and conducts deployment to ensure China's national security.