Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao Agency Review

China announced that the unemployment rate in April was 5.2%, a slight decrease of 0.1 percentage points from the previous month. However, the unemployment rate in the ages of 16 to 24 is as high as 20.4%, which is the highest since record.After the epidemic, the economic recovery has increased high, but the unemployment rate is still high, which is a reflection of uneven recovery. In addition, the transformation of economic structure has accelerated, and the problem of unemployment of young people has entered a long -term continuous trend. Although the government has various encouraging employment measures.However, the effect is very small. In addition to accelerating economic development and the government's new moves, young people also need new thinking in their career planning and selection majors.

New positions are not as good as graduates, and they are unemployed every five people.

The Prime Minister's Government Work Report announced in March that this year's expected goals were expected, and the economic growth rate was about 5%. The latest data showed that the start is good. International financial institutions increased the annual growth rate. However, the newly announced unemployment rate was disappointing.And puzzle.Last year, the economic growth rate was only 3%, but there were 12.06 million new jobs, more than the original goal of 11 million. This year's growth rate should exceed 5%. The expectations of 12 million new jobs should not be a problem. However,From the current data, the employment situation is not optimistic.

Various data show that the economy is recovering, and the data in April is also positive and positive, but the growth rate is slower than from January to March.The data proves, but from the perspective of employment data, it seems to "sing faint". Although the unemployment rate has maintained a large chance of less than 5.5%of the government's expectations throughout the year, from the perspective of the age group, the unemployment rate of young people continues to be high.Will be maintained.

The economy has increased, but the job is insufficient. On the surface, it does not conform to its always performance.After the epidemic, the economic recovery is uneven. From the perspective of the type of economy, the added value of state -owned enterprises in the first four months reached 6.6%, the added value of private enterprises was only 1.6%, and the investment growth was as low as 0.4%.The contribution rate, 80%of private enterprises, poor business in private enterprises, reducing the opportunities for the employer and even layoffs, and the improvement of unemployment rates.From an industrial perspective, the output of new energy vehicles increased by 85.4%. From the perspective of investment in fixed assets, high -tech industry investment increased by 14.7%.There are not many employment positions, and the scope is limited.

In the case of uneven recovery, positions or new employment positions benefited from employees who were originally laid off during the epidemic, and they were inclined to experience employees.severe.And this year's newly added employment population reached 16.62 million, of which 11.58 million university graduates have reached a record high. It has not been considered that the graduates have not found a job in previous years.Back to China to join the employment market, so the unemployment rate of 16 to 24 years has risen to 20.4%, which is expected.

The government also has a plan for planning. In the first quarter of this year, the employment subsidy funds had been expended by 26.5 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about 5.1 billion yuan), and promoted enterprises to increase employment positions.It is also necessary to cope with the problem of long -term unemployed youth, and first take care of zero employment families.And the creation of employment positions accounts for most private enterprises, and the operating environment is not ideal. Even if there is a government subsidy fund, it may not be opened.In this case, the number of applicants who apply for civil servants and state -owned enterprise positions have not been new to the peak. They are responsible for the "national employment" platform recruited by state -owned enterprise companies to recruit 700,000 positions. As of March, 8.4 million applications have been receivedEssence

The overall labor population has a significant decline in college students, but it is more difficult to find a job

The statistical unemployment rate is a survey based on the registration rate and other methods. HoweverHowever, employees who have been fired or dismissed do not fully reflect the students who graduate that are unemployed. The real unemployment rate is likely to be much higher than the official announced 20.4%.Despite this, the data does not reflect more and more freelancers who are hired by the number of employees who are hired by physical stores to follow, but those who are rewarded by projects, temporary employment or employment in some time, etc., cannot be examined.In the first 4 months of this year, online retail sales increased by 12.3%, which was much higher than the sales of physical stores. A large part of these practitioners were not employed by enterprises for a long time. They were listed as unemployed army, but they did not have no income and needed relief.This phenomenon reflects the situation of the recent and even future employment market.

The nation ’s laborer population, the highest peak in 2011 reached 925 million. Although the total population of 10 years has increased, the labor population has fallen to 880 million, and the number of labor population has been educated for nearly 11 years, while the average age isInstead of getting older, although the overall labor population has declined, the economic development model has transformed from the dense labor of labor to technology dense, and the situation of machine replacement will increase. According to data calculations, the situation of high unemployment rates in young people will remain severe.

Develop the scale of economy, make cakes bigger, benefit every industry and provide more jobs, it seems to be a good medicine to solve the problem of unemployment, but economic development will also lead to uneven employment position under transformation.There are imbalances in the industry and the technical content, and there are regional imbalances. Robotics and artificial intelligence will replace many people and positions. How much impact these of these graduates' employment markets have to do research and announce future change trends.And instruct the university in a timely manner to guide the university to open new disciplines and eliminate inconsistent disciplines. Students can also have a basis for their career planning. College graduates should also have new thinking when choosing a job., Development with social forms and time.